2024 Election Lounge

I had all along thought Trump would win. I am now having doubts. If Trump doesn't change his campaign in a major way, things like this will cause him to be decimated. I hope Trump makes the right decision, and time is running out to win people back.

Also, $25,000 for new home buyers and talk of $6,000 for new parents and price controls on groceries.

"But IIMT that will not work economically and will cause bigger issues".

The average voter doesn't know this and doesn't care, they just know they can't afford to see a doctor and put food on the table and only one candidate is addressing this while the other is talking about Israel, tax cuts for billionaires, and trickle down economics.
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Gianfranco is a friend of Kamala Harris aka "The Border Czar". 🤷‍♂️

BREAKING: ICE Buffalo arrested a Peruvian gang leader yesterday who is wanted for 23 murders in Peru & was caught and released at the U.S. border in May. Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, leader of “Los Killers”, was arrested by ICE in Endicott, NY, about 145 miles northwest of NYC.

ICE tells FOX Torres-Navarro was caught by Border Patrol on May 16th near Roma, TX in the Rio Grande Valley, but was released into the U.S. with a Notice to Appear.

It took almost two months before federal authorities learned he was wanted in Peru for nearly two dozen murders. After being informed, Buffalo based ICE deportation officers found and arrested him yesterday. He is now in ICE detention.

Photo of Torres-Navarro below is provided via law enforcement source.

ICE statement to FOX:

“Gianfranco Torres-Navarro poses a significant threat to our communities, and we won’t allow New York to be a safe haven for dangerous noncitizens,” said ICE Buffalo Field Office Director Thomas P. Brophy. “Well done by our ICE Buffalo officers who brought this individual into custody.”
Want to know what the Democrats' policies agenda are? Well, one would have to vote for elect them in order to find out.

Vote Harris-Walz if you support open borders.

Illegal Migrants Are Taking Over Apartment Complexes and ROBBING GUN STORES

“They have robbed 10 gun shops in Denver in the past month”

Colorado Resident who never talks about politics speaks out about their Democrat Governor & Illegal Migrants

“Governor Jared Polis in Colorado, he is not doing anything about the apartment complexes that has been taken over by Venezuelan gang members that have come over illegally. They have robbed 10 gun shops in Denver in the past month. They are strapping up and this is just the first step. They're seeing what they can get away with. And so far, they've been in this apartment complex for almost a month. The police can't do anything about it, we haven't brought in reinforcements, and they're just living in this apartment complex they overtook and no one's doing anything. What do you think they're gonna do next They’re going to start overtaking more apartment complexes, more buildings, more facilities.”

— “What did our country think was gonna happen when their time was up in the hotels we provided to them? I had a feeling they were gonna start overtaking things, and that's what's starting to happen. Takes a lot to scare me. I've been to third world countries, never really been freaked out or nervous. Never thought that I would have to buy a gun to feel safe. And even when I get my gun in a couple days, I don't even know if I'll still feel safe, but at least I'll have a weapon”

— “If you don't live in a sanctuary city, I really, really encourage you to do some research and see what's happening to our country. I understand if you're a Democrat and you have your reasons, right. Abortion, you're pro-abortion and same-sex marriage. I'm fine with that. I understand we all have our own opinions and our beliefs and that's important to a lot of you. But I hope you understand that although those are important topics when it comes to voting, if Trump or someone else is not in office other than Kamala we will not have a country like we have now or have had.

So it's not gonna matter if abortion is legal or not. It's not gonna matter if same sex marriage is legal or not because we're not gonna have America anymore. It's not going to be the land of the free. It's not going to be what we have known our whole lives. We're living in a very scary time right now and a lot of you just don't realize it. Mainly because you're not in a sanctuary city”

— “You see the people on the streets tweaking out from drugs. That stuff doesn't freak me out. What freaks me out is these Venezuelan gang members that are overtaking the city of Denver.”

— “I mean it's getting to the point where the people in Denver are going to all leave and then it's going to be these Venezuelan people, these immigrants running these cities and then eventually states.”
Edit. Note the podium is facing the cameras.


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Vote Harris-Walz if you support open borders.

Any bets on how long until decent folks finally just get fed up with these types of situations and take matters into their own hands?
With 'taking justice into your own hands' and anti-heros being pushed so hard in TV shows and movies, I'm honestly surprised we don't hear about vigilantism very often in social media or the news.

If a group of competent men with the appropriate skillset and experience decided to "deal with" the problem and then kept their mouths shut, I highly doubt there would be too much digging asked by local L.E. No one is gonna be too sad if a group of foreign military aged males that are behaving in a hostile manner are 'disappeared'...
Any bets on how long until decent folks finally just get fed up with these types of situations and take matters into their own hands?
With 'taking justice into your own hands' and anti-heros being pushed so hard in TV shows and movies, I'm honestly surprised we don't hear about vigilantism very often in social media or the news.

If a group of competent men with the appropriate skillset and experience decided to "deal with" the problem and then kept their mouths shut, I highly doubt there would be too much digging asked by local L.E. No one is gonna be too sad if a group of foreign military aged males that are behaving in a hostile manner are 'disappeared'...

Wrong, if Democrats win those men will be hunted down with extreme prejudice. If Trump wins then Federal Agents won't be sic'ed on them to the same degree.

Remember, Trump actually stood up for "Unite the Right" protestors, whereas Democrats wanted to imprison them all.

I dunno, it makes sense Tim is your typical culinarily out of touch boomer. I have boomer parents and their cooking was never seasoned, that only came later after the Food channel and HGTV promoted chefs. I've noted this among other millennials and Gen Xers. I think for a while boomer cuisine and American fare was bland outside of a few regions, like the South.
Behind the Curtain: The Harris Cabinet
What we're hearing: The options listed below are preliminary. But they show how Harris and her team will start mapping her prospective administration:

White House chief of staff: Harris, who has already made lots of history herself, might well make history with the first chief of staff who is Black — perhaps former Attorney General Eric Holder, who led the vetting of her veep options. Or the first chief of staff who's a woman — perhaps Lorraine Voles, her vice-presidential chief of staff, or Jen O'Malley Dillon, the campaign chair. Either could also be rewarded with the plum West Wing jobs of counselor or senior adviser.

Secretary of State: Sen. Chris Coons (Del.), who's on the Foreign Relations Committee, would love to run Foggy Bottom. For confirmation reasons, Harris could be expected to lean into senators and former senators if Republicans take the Senate. CIA director Bill Burns and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan also would be on the list.

Treasury: Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is popular with business and would be considered for Treasury. Wally Adeyemo, now deputy Treasury secretary, is one of the Biden officials most likely to get promoted in a Harris administration. Blair Effron, an investment banking partner who's very active in D.C. and New York, is another name to watch.

Defense: Another place to make history — perhaps with Michèle Flournoy, who was undersecretary of Defense for policy under President Obama, as the first woman to lead the Pentagon.

Attorney General: Former Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama, a former U.S. attorney, could be confirmed to head Justice, even if Republicans win control of the Senate.

Commerce: Ray McGuire, president of the investment bank Lazard, Charles Phillips (a tech executive on the Defense Innovation Board), and other Black business leaders would be on the list.

U.S. ambassador to the UN: Pete Buttigieg, 42, the Transportation Secretary and a finalist for Harris' running mate, still has ambitions to be president one day. So a role where he gets international experience would be attractive to him. We're told he and Harris have gotten friendlier since they were rivals for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

U.S. trade representative: Tom Nides — U.S. ambassador to Israel under Biden, and deputy secretary of state under Obama, now with the private equity and real estate giant Blackstone — would be strong for USTR, UN ambassador, or other top international roles.

White House counsel (or Justice): Tony West is a top Harris campaign adviser who's chief legal officer at Uber, a former U.S. associate attorney general, and is married to Harris' sister, Maya. But bringing a family member into the White House is complicated. So West could remain an outside adviser. Brian Nelson, a close California ally who just left the Treasury to join her campaign, could land in a top role, either as White House counsel or at Justice.

National security adviser: Phil Gordon, Harris' national security adviser in the V.P.'s office, looks headed for this role. Others to watch include Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser, and Rahm Emanuel, now U.S. ambassador to Japan.

White House press secretary: Brian Fallon, the Harris campaign's senior adviser for communications, would be a top contender for the podium. Fallon is an alumnus of Sen. Chuck Schumer's tough office, plus the Justice Department and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Ian Sams, who has done well in podium outings as White House spokesperson for oversight and investigations, worked on Harris' 2019 presidential campaign.

Communications director: Lily Adams, assistant Treasury secretary for public affairs, was communications director in Harris' Senate office and on her 2019 campaign.

Watch for: Ambassador Emanuel to be a key player in the transition if Harris wins. Emanuel is a former House member, Chicago mayor and White House chief of staff for Obama.

Emanuel would be interested in a Cabinet job with an international dimension.

Harris sources mentioned several current officials who would have a good chance at a variety of Cabinet roles:
  • At the top of this list is Sen. Laphonza Butler, 45, a longtime labor leader from Harris' home state of California. She was appointed to fill out the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Butler isn't seeking a full term, so she leaves office in January.
  • Sen. Alex Padilla — California's senior senator and the son of parents who emigrated from Mexico — was appointed to fill Harris' term after she was elected vice president, making him the first Latino to represent the Golden State in the Senate.
  • If Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were to take a job in a Harris administration, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II would become the Wolverine State's first Black governor.
All three of those officials would be considered confirmable, even by a Republican Senate.

Between the lines: Harris has had a stair-step progression to the pinnacle of American power — from elected D.A. of San Francisco, to state attorney general, to U.S. senator, to vice president, to party nominee. So look for her to reward officials who similarly have worked their way up and are super-prepared — even over-prepared — for the jobs she gives them.

Her roster of options is likely to include state attorneys general she served with from 2011 until she went to Capitol Hill in 2017. Plus also-rans from the V.P. search that ended yesterday with Walz as winner.

Warning: Language.

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I dunno, it makes sense Tim is your typical culinarily out of touch boomer. I have boomer parents and their cooking was never seasoned, that only came later after the Food channel and HGTV promoted chefs. I've noted this among other millennials and Gen Xers. I think for a while boomer cuisine and American fare was bland outside of a few regions, like the South.
I had all along thought Trump would win. I am now having doubts. If Trump doesn't change his campaign in a major way, things like this will cause him to be decimated. I hope Trump makes the right decision, and time is running out to win people back.

Also, $25,000 for new home buyers and talk of $6,000 for new parents and price controls on groceries.

"But IIMT that will not work economically and will cause bigger issues".

The average voter doesn't know this and doesn't care, they just know they can't afford to see a doctor and put food on the table and only one candidate is addressing this while the other is talking about Israel, tax cuts for billionaires, and trickle down economics.

The only thing both parties care about is Israel and tax cuts for billionaires. So it comes down to which one is better at lying and promising stuff that they will never deliver.
Blackpill nonsense
We dont see things differently, we analyze things differently. I see exactly what you see, but the difference between us is that you think Trump can help you, and I do not. There is no measurable long-term difference between Kamala and Trump, they are two sides of the same JQ coin. Regardless of who is "elected" (i.e. chosen), you/I will get more foreign wars, more immigration (both legal and illegal), and more kiss the ring Israel first policies (just on a slightly different timeline).

The only thing that can stop this long game JQ commie train wreck that has been in motion for 70+ years is organized physical violence. But heritage Americans have been asleep at the wheel of their real estate holdings and 401K's for too long now to to be effective on that front. It would take the better part of a decade to train normies up in guerilla warfare and to convince them to pick up arms against "our" JQ owned and operated government. By then it'll be too late because within a decade every household in America will have a tatted up atheistic-marxist-tranny teenager in their midst who has no respect for elder-authority. JQ mission accomplished. Enjoy the decline.
We dont see things differently, we analyze things differently. I see exactly what you see, but the difference between us is that you think Trump can help you, and I do not. There is no measurable long-term difference between Kamala and Trump, they are two sides of the same JQ coin. Regardless of who is "elected" (i.e. chosen), you/I will get more foreign wars, more immigration (both legal and illegal), and more kiss the ring Israel first policies (just on a slightly different timeline).

The only thing that can stop this long game JQ commie train wreck that has been in motion for 70+ years is organized physical violence. But heritage Americans have been asleep at the wheel of their real estate holdings and 401K's for too long now to to be effective on that front. It would take the better part of a decade to train normies up in guerilla warfare and to convince them to pick up arms against "our" JQ owned and operated government. By then it'll be too late because within a decade every household in America will have a tatted up atheistic-marxist-tranny teenager in their midst who has no respect for elder-authority. JQ mission accomplished. Enjoy the decline.

So no matter what, we're doomed, right? Your lack of faith in God has earned you a small warning.

Regardless, your facts are totally wrong - there were no new wars under Trump. The fact that you are unable to acknowledge basic reality means you have a dark cloud in your soul that simply hates the world and sees no point in trying. I'm not saying this criticize you, but to help you, as one sinner who has been in your place before.

When you cannot even fairly state something like, "There were no new wars in the first Trump admin," then you know you're under some kind of demonic thrall that is making you depressed and despairing at the world.

Fear not - God is with us, and he prevented his chosen warrior from having his head blasted off, Donald Trump. It may be baffling that God is using Trump, but it is not ours to question God's judgement. Just roll with it and learn from God.
Wrong, if Democrats win those men will be hunted down with extreme prejudice. If Trump wins then Federal Agents won't be sic'ed on them to the same degree.

Remember, Trump actually stood up for "Unite the Right" protestors, whereas Democrats wanted to imprison them all.
For sure, the .gov is opposed to having folks cut in on their monopoly on violence, regardless of which side of the aisle but at the same time will tend to look the other way for those that are aligned to their point view and help with optics.

My point was more on how bad does it have to get before situations like this will be cleaned up on the down low so as to avoid prying fed ears and eyes? Plenty of stories like that from the frontier and old West days...