2024 Election Lounge

Keep in mind that this is currently Kamala's peak in popularity, with the entire media machine and Democrat party running cover for her in highly coordinated fashion. It's only going to go downhill for her from here. They can't change the fact that she's a fundamentally terrible candidate, unlikeable, unintelligent and simply way out of her depth. There's a reason she got blown out of the water in the 2020 Dem primary before winning even a single delegate. She is simply a very unappealing candidate. Trump would be utterly foolish to not debate her. The Dems best strategy is to treat her just like they did Biden - keep her from talking in front of the camera as much as possible and just sell the idea of her, because the more people see of Kamala, the less they like her.

Trump doesn't want to debate her too soon while Dems can still change their minds. Trump wants them to be stuck with Kamala, and then force them to carry the albatross into election day. If Trump destroys her now they will just switch again.
The GOP had 2022 in the bag as well, then the Supreme Court, for no reason at all, decided to make a decision on Roe v. Wade and it turned the tide majorly in a non-presidential election. That is a huge momentum shift against the GOP. Abortion might be the biggest driver of voter turnout of all the issues on the ballot. Women are passionate about it to a level that is beyond understanding.

Just tonight I heard two women loudly exclaim abortion rights were on the line and how important it was to vote blue. This is a place where you don't hear politics all that often. And these women are past the child rearing age. But the sisterhood bond drives them to protect other women as well.

Kamala is going to be tough to beat. Simply because it is a popularity contests and 54% of the voters are women.
Thank God the SCOTUS ruled in a Godly way on Roe v Wade. May God forgive anyone who opposed it.

Any lashback by the baby killers is enemy action. We certainly shouldn't wish we had cowered before the enemy in hopes they would have had mercy on us.

May God bring them to a knowledge of the truth.
Thank God the SCOTUS ruled in a Godly way on Roe v Wade. May God forgive anyone who opposed it.

Any lashback by the baby killers is enemy action. We certainly shouldn't wish we had cowered before the enemy in hopes they would have had mercy on us.

May God bring them to a knowledge of the truth.
That is good and fine, if you are ready to go fight. Otherwise, you will just continue to lose elections and lose to the left for eternity. I agree with you and I hope more God fearing men are ready to fight, but until we do, we will just lose election after election, whether lose the results or lose by the GOP moving further and further to the left.
That’s odd, sort of, that Kamala’s vp office is hard to work for. Kamala has had nothing or next to nothing on her calendar the past 4 years

. Yes I get she has a prickly personality but for a do nothing job? For the Oval Office? I don’t really want to think about what made her staff quit
As of 2024, Harris' Office of Vice President (OVP) has about a 92% staff turnover ratio.

Below article is from 2021...

A former Kamala Harris staffer says aides have to endure 'a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism': report​

A person who worked for Kamala Harris before she assumed the vice presidency told The Washington Post over the weekend that aides in her office had to endure a "constant amount of soul-destroying criticism."

With last week's announcement that Symone Sanders, Harris' chief spokesperson, would soon depart, and with the expected exits of Peter Velz, the director of press operations, and Vince Evans, the deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, the turnover in the vice president's office has some Democrats concerned about her potential as a presidential nominee.
Some said Harris would refuse to analyze briefing materials set forth by employees but then scold them if she appeared unprepared.

"It's clear that you're not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work," one former staffer told the newspaper. "With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you're constantly sort of propping up a bully and it's not really clear why."

Gil Duran, who worked in Harris' office in 2013, when she was California's attorney general, told The Post that the turnover in the vice president's office pointed back to her.
In a recent column, Duran, now the editorial-page editor for The San Francisco Examiner, wrote that it was "sad to see her repeat the same old destructive patterns."

Now three years later...

VP Kamala Harris Had 92-Percent Staff Turnover During Her First Three Years​

Jul 22, 2024
Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff. And Harris tried to hide it by claiming that her office is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

“People really, really do not want to work for Kamala Harris,” wrote former staffer Dan McLaughlin, January 2022.


Under Kamala Harris, the Office of the Vice President has been called a “revolving door,” a “staff exodus” of key aides “heading for the exits.”

That’s not hyperbole from the national media.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate. We used U.S. Senate disclosures to conduct our investigation and those databases can be downloaded below.

Elected in November 2020, Harris took the oath of office in January 2021.

As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President.

Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees.
Key background—Kamala Harris Tried To Hide Everything

The Kamala Harris, Office of Vice President, is committed to the opacity of its payrolls and all other office information.

In our 2021 reporting at Forbes, “VP Kamala Harris Is The Least Transparent Elected Official In The Nation,” we outlined the OVP’s refusal to provide any information to the public and taxpayers. Her office denied our FOIA request and claimed that they were immune.

We had filed a FOIA request with the OVP for its staff payroll in September 2021. A spokesman replied:

“Thank you for your inquiry. The Office of the Vice President is not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. See 5 U.S.C. 552; 44 U.S.C. 2207.”

We even tried to coax the information out of the OVP:

“I understand the OVP isn't subject to FOIA — is there any information you can provide me at all about the office staff? Whether it's total staff employees (without names or any other employee-specific info) or total payroll for 2020 or current numbers for 2021?”

However, the spokesman replied:

“Thank you for the inquiry. OVP does not have any information to share at this time.”
Kamala is going to be tough to beat. Simply because it is a popularity contests and 54% of the voters are women.



Every presidential election year, each candidate gets a short term boost in the polls after their party's convention. In this case, it's happening for Kameltoe. However, they have a historically lousy candidate. The Dems have to psych themselves up under the circumstances.

This wave is not a permanent thing that will carry through to the elections. The Dems are going to have buyer's remorse in the worse way before the election.
Thank God the SCOTUS ruled in a Godly way on Roe v Wade. May God forgive anyone who opposed it.

Any lashback by the baby killers is enemy action. We certainly shouldn't wish we had cowered before the enemy in hopes they would have had mercy on us.

May God bring them to a knowledge of the truth.
While it needed to be overturned, there's no doubt in my mind that them overturning it when they did was a strategic move to stop the red wave. As far as it's actual effect on abortion, things have only gotten worse since then. Abortion needs to be legislated against at the federal level, death penalty.

"Leave it up to the states" is a candy ass answer but it's the most you're gonna get from the GOP. Which is fine, if they would stop gatekeeping the actual pro-life movements.
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I miss Hunter already.

Why? She isn’t a drug addict trying to sell secrets to China and Ukraine?

That’s a commercial put out by the Harris campaign? Honestly they would do better to have her husband and stepdaughter talk instead of Kamala. Edit, that’s not Kamala’s daughter

Can't understand those who want to ban abortion at the federal level, it would trigger a massive backlash that would result permanent abortive access nationwide.
We've already had nigh-permanent abortion access nationwide. Time to legislate some morality. Now if only we had the politicians who had the guts to pull it off. It's not that they're dumb, they're very smart at screwing you over and gaming the system. They just don't have the guts.
Why? She isn’t a drug addict trying to sell secrets to China and Ukraine?

That’s a commercial put out by the Harris campaign? Honestly they would do better to have her husband and stepdaughter talk instead of Kamala. Edit, that’s not Kamala’s daughter

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Hunter, filthy degenerate that he is, is at least memeable in a fun way. Kamala's step daughter isn't.
We've already had nigh-permanent abortion access nationwide. Time to legislate some morality. Now if only we had the politicians who had the guts to pull it off. It's not that they're dumb, they're very smart at screwing you over and gaming the system. They just don't have the guts.
And how legalising morality has worked out so far ?
Not being ironic. I'm genuinely curious - abortion used to be banned all across the western world, but now there's only a handful of countries left, that restrict it. So I don't think that a ban alone would work, not in a godless society. You bring back God first, and then the laws will follow.
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No one listens to Richard Spencer with any credibility.

What has be been right about of magnitude?
I learned more about life in general, including politics, religion, behavior patterns, etc, etc, from his old podcast with Edward Dutton and Keith Woods.

Basically, everything taking place now they predicted 6 years ago.
And how legalising morality has worked out so far ?
Not being ironic. I'm genuinely curious - abortion used to be banned all across the western world, but now there's only a handful of countries left, that restrict it. So I don't think that a ban alone would work, not in a godless society. You bring back God first, and then the laws will follow.
All legislation is based on morality. The only question is which morality. If the government is not willing to enforce the law, then whatever is illegal on paper already becomes legal in practice. So bans are nothing without enforcement. On any number of issues, you can already see this being played out.

On paper, illegal immigration breaks the law de jure. But the corrupt government is not willing to enforce the law, so illegal immigration remains the de facto law of the land.

Abortion can be banned on paper, but if the government is not willing to enforce the law, then people will keep getting them unabated.

The difference between the right and the left is that the left is willing to enforce their own laws. They will not only make "counter-semitic" speech illegal on paper, they will follow through and actually enforce that law.

Whenever the right actually dares to enforce the law, World Wars get started over it.

The abortion issue is not just for Christians to virtue signal, it's a perfect example of why the right will keep losing to the left. Politically, it is in your best interest to not give up that fight.
Overturning Roe was the first step. Now that abortion isn't a legal right in all 50 states the battle will be to change hearts and minds in blue states.

I wouldn't be against a federal ban imposed by Congress but I don't know how it would work with almost half the country opposed to it.

(While they are at it, they should ban pornography too.)
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Abortion can be banned on paper, but if the government is not willing to enforce the law, then people will keep getting them unabated.

But haven't we been there already ? I'm thinking Ireland - they had an abortion ban and they were enforcing it, but with the society abandoning God and becoming secular, anti-life movements began to grow and once co-opted by the mainstream (media, political parties, culture, etc.) they were able to overthrow the ban. Without seciety returning to God, we're just going to replay the Irish scenario.
Mostly old news, still an excellent video about the state of things

Tulsi warns us at 19 minutes 10 seconds of what a Kamala presidency would be
I wouldn't be against a federal ban imposed by Congress but I don't know how it would work with almost half the country opposed to it.
Everything that is necessary to ban abortion at the federal level is already baked into the Constitution. If the Supreme Court were an impartial judiciary, rather than a political activist group, abortion never would've gotten off the ground. The left can never be persuaded to vote against their own sinful desires, so a just government is necessary to suppress the left. Right now, that's already happening, but the shoe is on the other foot. You will never be persuaded to give up your freedom of religion, speech, right to carry, but the left is already enforcing their own morality on you, so that you cannot do those things.

But haven't we been there already ? I'm thinking Ireland - they had an abortion ban and they were enforcing it, but with the society abandoning God and becoming secular, anti-life movements began to grow and once co-opted by the mainstream (media, political parties, culture, etc.) they were able to overthrow the ban. Without seciety returning to God, we're just going to replay the Irish scenario.
The right is always intimidated into giving an inch to the left, but when you give them an inch, they take a mile. Which is why I do not advocate in ceding any ground to the left. If you are not willing to enforce your law on them, they will enforce their law on you.

John Adams once said that the Constitution was written for a moral and Christian people, unfit for any other. It only gets truer by the day. Freedom is only fit for people who are willing to use their freedom for good. When the people have become corrupted to use their freedom for evil, then that freedom is not a freedom worth keeping.