2024 Election Lounge

After the first trimester should be a hard ban. In some states you can get an abortion up to the 9th month.

I don’t like abortions or killing babies but I’d suggest trying to go after battles we can actually win. We would need a pro life president and a majority of pro lifers in both the house and senate to pass that bill into law.

Not saying we can’t get a super majority especially if the dems run a weak candidate for president but even if we got all of that, I’d start with something achievable

End the fed
Putting a stop to the control from the military arms industrial complex, the prison industry complex, getting a handle on the economy and hyperinflation.

Also abortions are currently up to the states .

I’d start by making a ban in all. 50 states against abortions past the first trimester to stop the insanity from the lunatic left states
I don’t like abortions or killing babies but I’d suggest trying to go after battles we can actually win. We would need a pro life president and a majority of pro lifers in both the house and senate to pass that bill into law.
You do not need a majority to win a war. You only need to put pressure in the right places. A loud minority is more effective than a silent majority. The left does not give up certain battles and focus only on the ones that they can win because they recognize that this is a war of attrition. They just keep pushing and pushing. The right needs to adopt the same mentality. Abortion is not the be all end all issue for me, but I do think it serves as a good microcosm of how the game is being played at large.
Edward Dutton is good. The other folks no idea. But Richard Spencer is a dolt.
Richard Spencer is really well studied and read, he just finally realizes you can't convince the normies, you have to wait for things to get bad enough and he stepped aside to wait on that.

Keith Woods is excellent. He is probably the best third rail/fascist philosophers in the younger generations.

Biden out.

No presidential seal on this letter, and a copy/pasted signature.
Some are positing that this didn't come from Biden.
But, like the Yes Men effect, if anyone ever saw that documentary, once the proclamation is made, it is far easier to just run with it (Yes Men was a really cool documentation of these guys who basically forced government and companies into doing the right thing by faking announcements that they were doing the right thing, and the response was so positive that it would have been very costly to reveal that it was faked and trying to walk it back).

So someone Issued a fake resignation and a couple of days later, Biden has no choice but to accept it since he already "stepped down" and it would be far more of a problem to try to say it was sent by someone else (and would reveal what most, but not all know, that the twitter accounts / proclamations / speeches, of our presidents are not run by the presidents, but by a group of Jewish handlers.

Very suspicious that the President issues a formal message without the Presidential seal, and unlike every other president in modern history, did not step down in a live televised speech, but gave a weak pre-recorded tv speech days later.

As Roosh said, the best thing about the Biden administration is that it revealed that our government is not run by a single presidential leader, but a team of deep state Jews, and this is a huge reason that elections simply don't matter.

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