2024 Election Lounge

Few days ago, he could not even get in and sit down inside a car, now all of a sudden he can climb 30 steps up to an airplane without stopping ??
Doesn't pass the smell test unless it's a body double.

He's old and decrepit but he also has the greatest health care on the planet. He took a turn but now he's a little better, doesn't have to be more than that.....they gave out the minimum exposure to show he's still kicking.
It's going to be hilarious watching over the next few months as Democrats slowly realize that Kamala Harris is an even more unappealing candidate than a demented and semi-coherent Joe Biden.

While this would seem likely, they are already pushing out polls to show Kamala in the lead:

They aren't going to go down without a fight and some serious ballot printing. Still very possible for Trump to lose.
While this would seem likely, they are already pushing out polls to show Kamala in the lead:

They aren't going to go down without a fight and some serious ballot printing. Still very possible for Trump to lose.
Fake poll to give Kameltoe and Dems some hope.
Two questions here, is Biden incapacitated (pretty likely), and if so, has he been incapacitated or did it just happen naturally?

Usually with very old people, you have somewhat sharp people who are struggling with health issues (cardiovascular, cancer etc), or you have fairly healthy people who have a neurological ailment/dementia, but it's not often that you have both issues going with the same elderly person...
They just rolled him out for a video only photo op. No talking. No questions. No problem.

I can remember back in the mid 90's when they successfully cloned Dolly the sheep. That was the last anyone really heard about the process...

Until a couple of years ago. I was in the dentist's office and flipped through a magazine. Came across an article about Barbara Streisand, her husband James Brolin, and their cloned dogs. I had to check a few minutes ago, it seems she's cloned her dead dog TWICE.

I think it's entirely plausible that there's at least a few Biden clones stomping around just for appearances. And it wouldn't surprise me if there are more, and they get worse as they try to clone each clone.

Ever see "Multiplicity" ? Michael Keaton clones himself twice, then those clones make a clone.

It's like watching the first three Biden clones meeting the fourth.
You mean they cloned him just for instances like now?
Maybe not for "right now", but I don't find it the idea out of the realm of possibility.

I remember it being a big deal that scientists were cloning this, that, and a bunch of other stuff leading up to Dolly the Sheep. Once they did that, it's like the interest in the whole cloning process just 'stopped'. It didn't go any farther, there wasn't a "now what do we want to try and clone" conversation. No "now that we've done this, we can do this and this and this".

A quick search says it costs $50K to clone a small dog. Sounds like only the rich could afford to clone themselves.
Maybe not for "right now", but I don't find it the idea out of the realm of possibility.

I remember it being a big deal that scientists were cloning this, that, and a bunch of other stuff leading up to Dolly the Sheep. Once they did that, it's like the interest in the whole cloning process just 'stopped'. It didn't go any farther, there wasn't a "now what do we want to try and clone" conversation. No "now that we've done this, we can do this and this and this".

A quick search says it costs $50K to clone a small dog. Sounds like only the rich could afford to clone themselves.

Can't believe I'm actually indulging this but wouldn't they have to wait 80 years for his clone to age? Also they copied and transferred Biden's brain cells into these clones?

I think you've seen too many movies brother!

