2024 Election Lounge


Has anybody seen @KamalaHQ's logo design on their Twitter page?



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All kidding aside, this is a very serious time for America. Unprecedented type actions in the past 24 hrs alone. That said, some stray electrons on a Monday morning:

First, Biden inner circle began yesterday on T.V. saying , “Biden not withdrawing”. 90 mins later, a letter is released he obviously didn't write withdrawing from the race in an incredibly humiliating manner.

Some takeaways:
  1. HRC no way allows Harris to get nomination, despite endorsing her (something is in the works).
  2. Obama is puppet master (just not a very good one).
  3. The Obama associated cabal is very powerful to be able to make Biden go out on “their terms” ... and I’m not confident Biden even knows he dropped out.
  4. Harris will likely be a filler for next few weeks.
  5. The DEM Establishment is not at all concerned with FEC laws, and knows she's highly conflicted and a loser (less than 3 percent in the DEM primary).
  6. The globalist cabal is very powerful and will do whatever is required to stay in power (Trump’s security needs to be on high alert).
  7. For Trump’s campaign team, focus on how dishonest these people and their DNC processes are and laser focus on how damaging their issues and policies have been to regular Americans and how you will improve the safety and security of ALL AMERICANS.
  8. Finally, whoever emerges as the “DEM” nominee, Obama will only support that nominee if they enable him to serve for a 4th term.
At the moment, the polls show Mr. Trump beating the odious Kamala Harris by a similar margin as with Mr. Biden. However, we can now expect the activation of the full-spectrum Democracy propaganda campaign for Kamala Harris. This propaganda campaign crucially failed to materialize for Mr. Biden and even turned against him, but now that they have Kamala Harris, they will instantly turn their fire on Trump like never before, and even have the "first black woman" slogan added into the mix.
Option 3:
Trump wins. Having learned his lesson during the first term, Trump is armed with knowledge and understanding on how to defeat the enemy. Awoken with a newfound fear of God after being inches away from death, Trump harnesses the full power of the presidency to dismantle the authoritarian leftist, globalist regime. The bureaucracy is completely reshuffled, with entrenched deep state actors removed and true conservatives replacing them. The border is sealed, the wokery stops, a man is a man and a woman is a woman, Ukraine funds dry up, the economy once again is strong and dynamic. Trump calls out the enemy, the leftists, the neocons, the Zio-... Well maybe not that part. But one can always hope.

Yeah, there is even option 4 on my dream list:

Biden realizes that spending eternity in hell is not such a good deal as promised, repents from all sins, and under his lead, all leftists become devout Christians, committing their lives to serve God and living in harmony with conservatives. The rest of the world follows eagerly.
If a week is a long time in politics, six months is a long time to place explosives at the tri-hull weld points and reverse the flow of the bilge pump. It's going to be interesting seeing how the powers that be deal with it.
Woman only achieve leadership positions if they slept around or their husband is influent. And even then they are just a puppet. If a woman achieves a position of power it means that position has lost its power (or it will immediately evaporate) and she is just a figurehead Éric Zemmour. With exceptions.
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Juanita Broderick claiming Netanyahu has canceled a planned meeting with Biden and is requesting a meeting with Trump.

Netanyahu scheduled to address congress clapping seals in 3 days.

Rumor is that when Biden was in Las Vegas last week, he had a medical emergency - supposedly a mini-stroke. If true, that would explain the COVID excuse and why his staff disappeared him into hiding

Holy Shit.

According to Charlie Kirk and his sources, when Biden was in Vegas last week - he suffered a medical emergency.

USSS personnel informed LV Metro to shut down roads to move POTUS to University Medical Hospital.

Then there was a stand down order mysteriously given to local PD, and that they were going to “medivac” POTUS across the country to John Hopkins in Baltimore.
