2024 Election Lounge

I wondered whether a Trump victory would allow negotiations to take place between Ukraine & Russia, while providing an “out” for the deep-state to extricate themselves and save face by blaming the capitulation to Russia on Trump and the republicans. Any chance of this? Or just wishful thinking?
I wondered whether a Trump victory would allow negotiations to take place between Ukraine & Russia, while providing an “out” for the deep-state to extricate themselves and save face by blaming the capitulation to Russia on Trump and the republicans. Any chance of this? Or just wishful thinking?

You forget that European nations are major players here. They have more skin in the game than the US in this conflict, and they're completely rabid about getting power in Ukraine. (NATO/EU membership etc.) They'll cut Trump and the US out of the loop in a heartbeat if necessary.
You forget that European nations are major players here. They have more skin in the game than the US in this conflict, and they're completely rabid about getting power in Ukraine. (NATO/EU membership etc.) They'll cut Trump and the US out of the loop in a heartbeat if necessary.

If the US promotes peace and threatens to cut NATO budget.

EU will follow.
You forget that European nations are major players here. They have more skin in the game than the US in this conflict, and they're completely rabid about getting power in Ukraine. (NATO/EU membership etc.) They'll cut Trump and the US out of the loop in a heartbeat if necessary.

I can definitely see this happening. From the EU's perspective, it's only paying for Ukraine for 4 years until the next Pres comes in and picks up the tab. From Trump's perspective, he can say, "See, I got the EU bums to pay their fair share!"
I wondered whether a Trump victory would allow negotiations to take place between Ukraine & Russia, while providing an “out” for the deep-state to extricate themselves and save face by blaming the capitulation to Russia on Trump and the republicans. Any chance of this?

I'd say it's a very likely possibility.
Trump will be the "fall guy" for making "peace" with Putin.
In the end it's a win for everyone because a larger war will be avoided.

All that remains is to carve up Ukrainian territory like a Christmas turkey among the neighbouring countries.
Poland, Hungary and Romania are wide open to Putin offering them western Ukrainian lands in exchange for moving away from globohomo.
Heck....Hungary will do that even without being offered any extra territory.
I'd say it's a very likely possibility.
Trump will be the "fall guy" for making "peace" with Putin.
In the end it's a win for everyone because a larger war will be avoided.

All that remains is to carve up Ukrainian territory like a Christmas turkey among the neighbouring countries.
Poland, Hungary and Romania are wide open to Putin offering them western Ukrainian lands in exchange for moving away from globohomo.
Heck....Hungary will do that even without being offered any extra territory.

I think you're underestimating the resolve of western European leaders in this matter. From what I can gather they won't be content until Ukraine is a 100 percent part of the EU/NATO with all that entails. They'll never yield to any Russian land grab via negotiations. (has to be by brute force)
I love that word interfere. Pretty soon, they'll be saying that "Republicans plan to interfere in the Election by voting against the President." What about the lobbyists who interfere by buying all the politicians? What about AIPAC interfering by buying both the Republicans and the Democrats? Or the illegal aliens who interfere? Or the democrats who interfere with fraudulent ballots?