2024 Election Lounge

Yes, it is a real headline. Also, note the article is written by five different people. :rolleyes: 🤡 🌏

Me too! I don't believe Jill's tweet either!

Full thread from Jill pretending to be a "journalist". *gasps*
At some point I'll write longer on this, but I think part of the reason the Biden-must-go story has been so huge is that a lot of commentators / voters / even members of the press feel angry and betrayed. Many of us largely trusted Biden's team when they insisted he was fine. The debate made very clear that he's not fine. Initially, I think many of us felt some combo of pity for Biden and fear for the future. Now, I think there's rising resentment at being had.
To be clear, the Biden team could fully Weekend at Bernies him or send three toddlers in a trench coat to the next debate and I would still vote Biden over Donald Trump, and will encourage everyone else to do the same. But like... not ideal.
And journalists have very much looked into the question of how Biden's age is impacting his abilities, and reported on how voters are worried about it. They've also been accused of making up a non-issue, of being ableist, of facilitating a Trump win, and on and on.
And in the meantime, Biden's team has made him available for fewer interviews than any president since Reagan. I do think some journalists learned the lessons of the "but her emails" disaster and have tried to moderate on the age question, looking more deeply at the existential threat Trump poses. But now the age issue is fully out in the open and undeniable.



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Me too! I don't believe Jill's tweet either!

Full thread from Jill pretending to be a "journalist". *gasps*

She knew and she lied to us anyway. Even us non-TV folk in flyover country knew he was a mess - for years. She just got caught covering for it.

All this faux surprise - blaming disposable white house contacts - spare us. None of them would've let a doddering Trump get away with half as many flubs. They were talking Article 25 before he left office 4 years ago.
Moved homo talk to homo thread - please stay on topic, just because this thread gets a lot of traffic doesn't make it a place for anyone to sound off on their views of the universe.

I'm going to start handing out warnings to people who post off-topic from here on out on this thread, this is getting very annoying.
Expanding one something I brought up in an earlier post. Identity politics is so absolute in the Democrat party that even money can't break it. Look at the Maryland Senate race. Despite having spent $64 million on his Senate primary campaign, David Trone (white male and sitting U.S. Congressman) lost his bid to Angela Alsobrooks who had under $8 million in her campaign war chest at the time the article I linked to was published. This is unheard of. Gee I Wonder how she pulled it off...
Trump's open mic comments on China's president Xi are interesting and a bit worrying....but somehow not surprising.

Xi is a smash mouth mofo. Trump recognizes it. I look at it like it's a good thing that our CiC knows his counterparties are on point and not to be underestimated.

Note his use of the word "fierce." Fierce in Mandarin is a compliment. 厉害 in Mandarin literally means fierce, but it's used more like "amazing", "sharp," or "incredible." In other words, if your Chinese friends notice you getting better at speaking Chinese, they might say "好厉害". Not trying to insinuate that Trump's a fan of Xi Jinping. Just that "fierce" has a much more respectful tone to it than "look, he's dictator, that's what he is."
The Biden Administration came out with a press statement opposing the SAVE Act, which is a bill to ensure that illegal aliens can't vote. This means they - Biden Administration and Democrats - are going to try to steal the election again this November.

This is how the democrats have been stealing elections for decades. The only thing that's changed is that they now have all the institutional power so they don't need illegal aliens like they used to. But the illegals are still useful in that they give a cover for the voting shenanigans.