2024 Election Lounge

Trump will pick his running mate soon. Any predictions?

I'd prefer Tulsi Gabbard, but I think he'll choose JD Vance.
Whoever it is, I hope it is someone far more right-wing than Trump. That would not only appeal to those sick of Trump's unrepentant Zio-cucking and War(p) S(p)eed treason, but also gives him a shield against a§§a§§ination attempts.
I’d forgotten the theory of “black people built America” was still out there and being repeated. That’s pretty funny.

I still disagree with the hypothesis that the rapefugees are brought in to replace black voters. 80% + black voters will still vote for democrats no matter what.

The rapefugees are brought in to the USA to turn red states purple and purple states blue.

But I can’t even force myself to get energized/upset / care about that. Your average republicans are so badly cucked they are basically just the exact same agenda as democrats from 10-15 years ago .

At some point the money train or gravy train that pays for all of this will dry up and if the free housing and whatnot is no longer available then the rapefugees will stop coming
Even with a massive amount of election fraud, I doubt Biden can get reelected. States like Virginia are a dead heat right now, and even blue strongholds like New Jersey are in play.

Also the deep state donors have been saying the last 2 weeks they are focusing on Congress races and want Biden to drop out. So who exactly is going to run the fraud machine this time around?

You cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube, Biden has been found out for being too old
Even with a massive amount of election fraud, I doubt Biden can get reelected. States like Virginia are a dead heat right now, and even blue strongholds like New Jersey are in play.

Also the deep state donors have been saying the last 2 weeks they are focusing on Congress races and want Biden to drop out. So who exactly is going to run the fraud machine this time around?

You cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube, Biden has been found out for being too old
Wouldn't be so sure. There's always a way. The fraudulent ballots are big, but even they have their limits. The SAVE bill just got shot down by the demonrats in the Senate. Now they're laying the groundwork for another Russian collusion hoax. I can see it being an even more blatant steal than last time.
Wouldn't be so sure. There's always a way. The fraudulent ballots are big, but even they have their limits. The SAVE bill just got shot down by the demonrats in the Senate. Now they're laying the groundwork for another Russian collusion hoax. I can see it being an even more blatant steal than last time.

It’s too early to say with certainty , Just looking at the race right now: Biden would need a consistent public showing of how well spoken, lucid and electable he is by doing a series of town halls, interviews and other public appearances where he is high functioning and shows zero signs of mental decline

If he can do this, either with a body double or drugs or some anti aging miracle then he can turn this around.

However I’ve seen my grandparents age in their 80s and 90s. It’s more a question of good days and bad days and yes sun-downing is real. In Biden’s current condition it’s far more likely that he gets much worse in the next 2-3 months than gets better . You’d be surprised how much an old person can decline in 1-2 months
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Wouldn't be so sure. There's always a way. The fraudulent ballots are big, but even they have their limits. The SAVE bill just got shot down by the demonrats in the Senate. Now they're laying the groundwork for another Russian collusion hoax. I can see it being an even more blatant steal than last time.

It's very dangerous to cheat someone as bad as Biden into office. There is a high chance it will blow up in their faces, popular outrage to be high, and for the judiciary to actually hear ballot fraud cases.

It's not impossible to rig Biden in, it's just that rigging an election to add more than 20% of a vote by fraud will result in a lot of people asking questions, far more than was in 2020. Instead of 10 million votes we'll be looking at 25+ million votes changed or manipulated to get Biden across the finish line. There is a serious risk with something so blatant.

Much safer to replace Biden with someone like Newsome, and then rig Gavin across the finish line so the steal has an ounce of credibility to it.
It's very dangerous to cheat someone as bad as Biden into office. There is a high chance it will blow up in their faces, popular outrage to be high, and for the judiciary to actually hear ballot fraud cases.

It's not impossible to rig Biden in, it's just that rigging an election to add more than 20% of a vote by fraud will result in a lot of people asking questions, far more than was in 2020. Instead of 10 million votes we'll be looking at 25+ million votes changed or manipulated to get Biden across the finish line. There is a serious risk with something so blatant.

Much safer to replace Biden with someone like Newsome, and then rig Gavin across the finish line so the steal has an ounce of credibility to it.
I agree. But ultimately, if they feel they can get away with it, they'll do it. If you were in their shoes, do you think you could get away with it? Do you think the people would rise up and force you to stop?
... I can see it being an even more blatant steal than last time...
Yes, but as stated previously the steal will not be for Biden, but for French Laundry Noose-om, Camel Toe Harris, Clittory Cliton, or Michael O'Bama (Roll Tide)...
I'm sticking with this post from March 6th:
I won't be surprised if the next president is neither Trump or Biden.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that it will be neither... Called it... IIMT called Trump presidency... Fallacy... NWO in play... Civil US Strife Ahead... Get. Out. Now... Go rogue, off grid, completely unplug from Matrix. Don't half-ass this with one-foot-in, and one-foot-out of JQ financial instruments (crypto, cash, stocks, bonds, gold, 401K, etc.)... Fuck the jews and their usury models, you don't need money to fight the NWO but TOOLS (land, houses, out buildings, trucks, backhoes, generators, tractors, propane storage, diesel storage, guns, explosives, seed stock, boats, planes, cows, chickens, horses, etc., etc., etc.)... Invest in real world 3-D objects and not pie-in-the-sky computer games and fake "money in the bank." Cash out now and buy 100's and 1000's of acres of land with forests of timber and swift flowing creeks (for fresh water and hydro-electric). In these times of debaucherous uncertainty, land is the last thing that the JQ controlled US government can take from you.
This election is going to be a mass win for Trump. This is already decided and Trump is going to follow the plan like a good boy.

Just like in 2016, he didn't surprise Clinton, he didn't catched them by surprise, this is all rationalization after the fact. He is brought in to do job by Comey which he failed. He got replaced by Biden and is now re molded into another fake maverick candidate.

The judicial affairs? Typical Soviet theater, trust me I grow up in Soviet Union I recognize theater when I see. It is to reestablish him as the outsider force (perception) to take on the system. He lost to much credit in 2020.

Trump isn't going to jail, never will. He will be president in January 2025 and then next stage will commence.

I am interested in all cognitive dissonance that is coming. 'Trump defeated the riggers, Trump destroyed the Deep State, Trump against all odds pulled it over finish line'.

No, he will win by design my friends. They are going to war with China.
This election is going to be a mass win for Trump. This is already decided and Trump is going to follow the plan like a good boy.

Just like in 2016, he didn't surprise Clinton, he didn't catched them by surprise, this is all rationalization after the fact. He is brought in to do job by Comey which he failed. He got replaced by Biden and is now re molded into another fake maverick candidate.

The judicial affairs? Typical Soviet theater, trust me I grow up in Soviet Union I recognize theater when I see. It is to reestablish him as the outsider force (perception) to take on the system. He lost to much credit in 2020.

Trump isn't going to jail, never will. He will be president in January 2025 and then next stage will commence.

I am interested in all cognitive dissonance that is coming. 'Trump defeated the riggers, Trump destroyed the Deep State, Trump against all odds pulled it over finish line'.

No, he will win by design my friends. They are going to war with China.


Hillary knew. They wanted Trump-then they didn't want Trump now they want Trump again. Muh CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!
Trump defeated the riggers