2024 Election Lounge

Meaning of Nimrata: Name Nimrata in the Sikh origin, means The large river.. Name Nimrata is of Sikh origin and is a Girl name. People with name Nimrata are usually Judaism by religion.


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August, 1946: The citizens of Athens, Tennessee stage an armed revolt against their corrupt local government.

People had long been outraged by the local Democratic machine, headed by Boss E.H. Crump, which maintained power through graft and electoral fraud, and used the local sheriff's department as a tool of oppression and brutality.

The machine also kept tight control over the region's newspapers and its grasp extended to every part of local government: said one veteran returning from WWII, "You couldn't even get hired as a schoolteacher without their okay, or any other job."

The sheriff's department routinely rousted returning G.I.s and hit them with trumped up fees and fines to steal as much of their pay as possible. Receiving no help from the federal government - The Department of Justice had investigated election fraud in 1940, 1942, and 1944, but had failed to take any effective action - tensions grew until the August 1946 election, when a group of G.I.s put forward their own slate of candidates in an attempt to overthrow the Crump machine once and for all.

They were met on Election day by false arrests, vote fraud, and voter intimidation. Things finally came to a head when an elderly black farmer was turned away from the polls, and subsequently beaten by a policeman with brass knuckles when he and the veteran assigned as a poll watcher objected. The farmer tried to escape, but was shot in the back and killed. The people had had enough.

A group of veterans and other citizens gathered together and, still desperate for a government solution, telegraphed the Governor of Tennessee and the US Attorney General pleading for help. But when no response came, and they learned that the sheriff had sent armed deputies to the polling places, the citizens decided that a show of force was necessary. A small group of men broke into the National Guard Armory and stole 60 rifles and a couple of tommyguns, armed the crowd, and went on the march. By then, word had spread that the sheriff's deputies had seized the ballot boxes and taken them to the local jail.

Using the military tactics that they had learned in WWII, the vets quickly developed a battle plan and laid siege to the jail. They knew that they had to take control of the ballots before the Crump machine could arrange for reinforcements, and before they could complete any plans for vote manipulation.

Several hundred armed citizens surrounded the jail and traded gunfire with the sheriff and his deputies. The fighting continued through the night, with small arms fire and even dynamite, but by 3:30 AM the deputies were beaten and finally surrendered. With their surrender, the ballot boxes were recovered; the G.I. candidates had defeated the Crump machine candidates by a 3:1 margin.
More detailed history can be found here:
I want to preface this post by saying I'm not a gambler and I do not condone gambling, but sometimes I like to check out sportsbook betting odds on various sporting events that I'm interested in, just to see who the favorite is. Oddsmakers don't care about personal biases, or any of that other stuff that we individuals have to contend with. It's all about cold hard cash to those people, and if they get it wrong, they stand to lose money, so the motivation is always there for them to make an accurate prediction. That got me thinking about the election, and who oddsmakers were predicting to win.

Apparently it is illegal for US based oddmakers to offer odds on the matter, however some European based oddmakers offer predictions. I took a gander out of curiosity:


A couple interesting things aside from Trump being the overall betting favorite here, Biden is still in 2nd place despite his age, obvious decline in cognitive abilities, rumors of him being "replaced", etc... and DeSantis has tanked big time when at one point people were thinking he was going to be a real challenger for the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley, despite the obvious "manufactured support" for her campaign, has much better odds than Vivek or DeSantis. Gavin Newsom is suddenly in contention even though he hasn't even said that he's running. Kamala Harris is nowhere to be found.
I want to preface this post by saying I'm not a gambler and I do not condone gambling, but sometimes I like to check out sportsbook betting odds on various sporting events that I'm interested in, just to see who the favorite is. Oddsmakers don't care about personal biases, or any of that other stuff that we individuals have to contend with. It's all about cold hard cash to those people, and if they get it wrong, they stand to lose money, so the motivation is always there for them to make an accurate prediction. That got me thinking about the election, and who oddsmakers were predicting to win.

Apparently it is illegal for US based oddmakers to offer odds on the matter, however some European based oddmakers offer predictions. I took a gander out of curiosity:

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A couple interesting things aside from Trump being the overall betting favorite here, Biden is still in 2nd place despite his age, obvious decline in cognitive abilities, rumors of him being "replaced", etc... and DeSantis has tanked big time when at one point people were thinking he was going to be a real challenger for the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley, despite the obvious "manufactured support" for her campaign, has much better odds than Vivek or DeSantis. Gavin Newsom is suddenly in contention even though he hasn't even said that he's running. Kamala Harris is nowhere to be found.

Keep in mind betting odds also factor in what bookmakers believe the betting public will bet on as much as who they believe will win. The hype or which side the money is on matters just as much as who they believe will win.
Keep in mind betting odds also factor in what bookmakers believe the betting public will bet on as much as who they believe will win. The hype or which side the money is on matters just as much as who they believe will win.

The only people out of those 8 who have any chance at all and are currently in the race are Trump, Biden, and DeSantis. Newsom and Big Mike would also have a shot if they jump in, but can't do so unless Biden withdraws.

As of right now Biden is probably the likeliest candidate to win the general election, unfortunately. Trump is in the driver's seat for the GOP primary (although I don't buy that he's 40 points ahead) but his toxicity makes him very unlikely to win the general especially if Biden gets replaced, DeSantis would absolutely steamroll anyone the Dems could put up but still has a steep uphill climb in the GOP primary (although again, he isn't actually behind by 40 points, that's a psyop).
The only people out of those 8 who have any chance at all and are currently in the race are Trump, Biden, and DeSantis. Newsom and Big Mike would also have a shot if they jump in, but can't do so unless Biden withdraws.

As of right now Biden is probably the likeliest candidate to win the general election, unfortunately. Trump is in the driver's seat for the GOP primary (although I don't buy that he's 40 points ahead) but his toxicity makes him very unlikely to win the general especially if Biden gets replaced, DeSantis would absolutely steamroll anyone the Dems could put up but still has a steep uphill climb in the GOP primary (although again, he isn't actually behind by 40 points, that's a psyop).
Dude... Respectfully... DeSantis didn't even beat Newsome in a debate. Though the poop photo was hilarious!

It's a likeability factor...and he doesn't have it... Even though he's a good governor.

What happens when Trump wins Iowa? Where's Ron's next play?

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From friends on the inside of major right wing media companies

I know many of the most influential voices & corporations were taken off guard by how large the anti-zionist faction had grown in the right wing

Fastest growing segment of the right wing at this time - alarming to many in the establishment

People took real audience & credibility hits w/ younger viewers they did not expect to lose - fully reliant on boomers and Gen X now

Getting ratioed on their posts. Some people don’t even tweet as much as they used to or stopped talking about it cause their own audience was mogging them in the comments

They still have their support from older generations. But the sheer strength and size of the dissident right clearly was far beyond what they thought at the time. Many have had to tone things down or touch on other subjects to maintain face

They are not happy about it, I can tell you that. A lot of bitterness brewing and even more Gate keeping.

It’s also scaring off many of the big tent populism token figureheads

The atheist intellectuals w/ subpar ideas. Total nerds

“LOOK! A gay black guy that votes like you”

Cause the new generation doesn’t want that stuff. They see how phony it is

They want globalism to die

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In my recent experience with all of this since the jew genocide started I have found that the only people left who still support israel are the old brainwashed 90's clinton democrats, who in reality are conservatives but don't know it since the needle has moved so far over they're just too stubborn and brainwashed to come to terms with it. I have been shocked at how many people have woken up to the con, young and old. Also not just in regards to israel but regards to the jews who control things here. I'm talking about actual real life people from all walks of life, not internet people.
Dude... Respectfully... DeSantis didn't even beat Newsome in a debate. Though the poop photo was hilarious!

It's a likeability factor...and he doesn't have it... Even though he's a good governor.

What happens when Trump wins Iowa? Where's Ron's next play?

That's a unique take on that debate....most observers other than committed leftists agreed DeSantis crushed him.

Like I said in the other thread if he doesn't win Iowa he's pretty much done, but I think he's going to and that changes the game for the other 49 states entirely.

My point here though was that Haley and Vivek have no shot at all.
An honest question here, although I may have missed a post or a thread about this (if so please point me to it).

If Trump and his team are in total and unconditional support of Zionists and Israel, how come the majority of forum members support him as a vital candidate for this year’s election? How is it possible to believe anything good will come out of his presidency if we know who he bends backwards for?

This question is only about Trump, let’s leave Biden and his semi or totally failed administration aside.

Please help me understand, maybe I’m missing something?
Dems in Maine and Colorado blocking Trump from the ballot.

Republicans talking about blocking Biden from the ballot.

Supreme Court today scheduled a hearing for Feb. 8 on the Colorado ballot issue.

This Supreme Court has been fairly "State's Rights" leaning... We're seeing some action/reaction/desired result lining up. There's a lot of State's Rights, electoral college/process type issues in play.

If Trump is indeed removed from ballot, it is entirely possible that some solid red states remove Biden. Then, nobody knows.
I hope it plays out this way. This will encourage more Americans to move to where they feel represented.
An honest question here, although I may have missed a post or a thread about this (if so please point me to it).

If Trump and his team are in total and unconditional support of Zionists and Israel, how come the majority of forum members support him as a vital candidate for this year’s election? How is it possible to believe anything good will come out of his presidency if we know who he bends backwards for?

This question is only about Trump, let’s leave Biden and his semi or totally failed administration aside.

Please help me understand, maybe I’m missing something?

Because there are not viable alternatives.
