2024 Election Lounge

It isn't, this is about stocking up to survive, like Hamas has done, where they took everything they could get their hands on and used it to make themselves more anti-frafile.

False, Hamas did not accumulate money to win. Quite the contrary they are poor as dirt. However, what they did achieve was political autonomy, which allowed them to keep what they earn. They built a large underground fortress with their time, and now no one can take it away from them.

Compare Hamas to the PLA on the West Bank. In the West Bank, they have more money than your average Gazan, but they have zero political autonomy. This means Isreal can take whatever they want from Palestinians in the West Bank whenever they feel like it. A Palestinian in the West Bank might believe he owns his home, but then one day Mr. Chew knocks on his door and takes it from him just like that. America is NO different.

This is why making money is totally worthless, a garbage strategy that only those who are completely ignorant to the real world or what history has taught us. Those with money just get robbed by those with power.

Political power comes first, then comes money.

EDIT: And political power cannot come unless there is something to unite the people with, which has only ever been God-fearing leadership or greedy leadership who promise riches to those whom follow them.
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False, Hamas did not accumulate money to win. Quite the contrary they are poor as dirt. However, what they did achieve was political autonomy, which allowed them to keep what they earn. They built a large underground fortress with their time, and now no one can take it away from them.

Compare Hamas to the PLA on the West Bank. In the West Bank, they have more money than your average Gazan, but they have zero political autonomy. This means Isreal can take whatever they want from Palestinians in the West Bank whenever they feel like it. A Palestinian in the West Bank might believe he owns his home, but then one day Mr. Chew knocks on his door and takes it from him just like that. America is NO different.

This is why making money is totally worthless, a garbage strategy that only those who are completely ignorant to the real world or what history has taught us. Those with money just get robbed by those with power.

Political power comes first, then comes money.

EDIT: And political power cannot come unless there is something to unite the people with, which has only ever been God-fearing leadership or greedy leadership who promise riches to those whom follow them.
Hamas isn't dirt poor. They got supplies and weapons, they hand make them with materials they were able to sneak in. They didn't appear out of no where. Hamas is poor, but they have funding.

Political power can only come when you have the resources to separate from the system. The GOP isn't going to let you infiltrate it, many men have already tried to do so. You are going to have to create your own political movement, which will take resources. Money for gas, money to buy meeting space, money to organize. It will not take trillions, but it will take work and effort and financial support.

I was going to ask what your solution is, and it sounds like it is through the political means. That movement can very much happen, but it is going to take a lot of work and resource to even get it off the ground.
I was going to ask what your solution is

The solution is, One Church At Time (OCAT). As the people believe then the country will naturally reflect it, or a political movement will grow out of it, just as Christians took over Rome (Constantine found a population that was ready to believe, he didn't make them Christian).

So start there, at your Church. If you can't save your little church you have no chance at saving the rest of the country.

Once you have a large believing population, the money issues will also be solved. God always provides for His faithful, it's also a bit of a curse as the prosperity He gives us also leads us away from Him.
The solution is, One Church At Time (OCAT). As the people believe then the country will naturally reflect it, or a political movement will grow out of it, just as Christians took over Rome (Constantine found a population that was ready to believe, he didn't make them Christian).

So start there, at your Church. If you can't save your little church you have no chance at saving the rest of the country.

Once you have a large believing population, the money issues will also be solved. God always provides for His faithful, it's also a bit of a curse as the prosperity He gives us also leads us away from Him.
I don't agree this is the right process, but I appreciate your response. It is refreshing to see men realize what we are up against and are putting their brains and bodies to work to fight it. That, in the end, is my biggest concern, men realizing we are up against it and to take this very seriously.

Thank you.
1. Wrong, we live in a communist system and the state can and will take anything away from you whenever they need to. See lockdowns. Hard work only means you concentrate all of your resources in one pool to be robbed at a future point. You have no idea how long you will get to keep whatever you make in this system, it's totally arbitrary and based on the whims of chews.

Especially if there is a collapse, it will be certain that the state confiscates whatever they need to stay solvent.

2. Torba is just one lawsuit away from destruction, I guarantee you he's not the model you want to emulate.

3. Nah, all that land becomes is an albatross around your neck. Good luck defending it from thieves and the government (which, at this point is a distinction without a difference).

I'm not blackpilled. I'm just not putting my faith in money, unlike you. Money is not going to save you. Only God will save you.
To add to this... it is much much easier to defend property when you have 6 kids you've shown how to shoot, farm, ECT and a wife who knows how to cook. If we are are proper fooked then it's irrelevant.... But it's more likely either way that some sense of bartering and trade within communities will occur.
Dems in Maine and Colorado blocking Trump from the ballot.

Republicans talking about blocking Biden from the ballot.

Supreme Court today scheduled a hearing for Feb. 8 on the Colorado ballot issue.

This Supreme Court has been fairly "State's Rights" leaning... We're seeing some action/reaction/desired result lining up. There's a lot of State's Rights, electoral college/process type issues in play.

If Trump is indeed removed from ballot, it is entirely possible that some solid red states remove Biden. Then, nobody knows.
Dems in Maine and Colorado blocking Trump from the ballot.

Republicans talking about blocking Biden from the ballot.

Supreme Court today scheduled a hearing for Feb. 8 on the Colorado ballot issue.

This Supreme Court has been fairly "State's Rights" leaning... We're seeing some action/reaction/desired result lining up. There's a lot of State's Rights, electoral college/process type issues in play.

If Trump is indeed removed from ballot, it is entirely possible that some solid red states remove Biden. Then, nobody knows.
I love the chaos.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong... aren't there there are more Republican legislatures than democrat at this time?

I mean if all you need is an accusation then why not?

Sadly I doubt GOP will go back to Newt Gingrich style of politics and use the same tactics against the Dems as they straddle us with..

Remember one of Saul Alinsky's (((Jew who dedicated his book to Satan))) Rules for Radicals was hold the enemy up to their own rules/standards.

Full text
This might be the most insightful and terrifying interview I’ve ever done. Iranian national who crossed illegally into Jacumba, California, warns me and America of what’s coming. You must watch the whole thing! Listen to what he says about Trump versus Biden, it truly is incredible. Please share and help wake up the sleeping masses. Biden and the Democrats are National security threats! I would trade this guy for any of the Democrats in power right now.
What divide? People who rabidly hate the USA, hate Whites, hate Christianity v. those who actually want a decent and safe future for our kids.

They don't need Vivek to create that divide or make it wider.

"Hate Christianity", this from a guy who won't go to Church because they're a bunch of phonies or some such... "safe future for our kids" from a man who has none. There you go like usual, attacking conservatives or those right of center from the right with the typical purity spirals that are never good enough for the sensibilities of you or guys like you. You attack Tucker calling him "cucker" and now Vivek? Claiming Vivek created a divide or is making it wider when he's articulately stated who is really creating the divide. The leftist media and culture has and is creating the divide and you attack those who are standing up against it.

I've said this years back before I snoozed you on Roosh's site: I believe you are a plant from a subversive group if not a straight out FED. Or, you are in need of serious psychological intervention. You were more subdued on the old site at the end because you were at the end of your rope. Now you've taken the occasion of the new site to push your nonsensical caricature of what a leftist thinks conservatives want to hear. You are not fooling men here. Feel free to respond, I've now snoozed you on this site like the last.
The chameleon effect of women is why this forum's predecessor called them lizards. This is the approach she has taken and will take with every change of venue, and it won't change a single woman's vote against her. Not many/none around here are buying it, but she's in the RINO/crossover Dem sweet spot.

I dont get it: why would democrats, or conservatives for that matter want to go out and cast a ballot for Nikki Haley?

I believe her when she says she wants to go to war for Israel and increase our efforts to give money to Ukraine and Israel.

Outside of shareholders for Raytheon, Boeing, or whatnot, who would want any part of her?

I’m reading now, even rags like The NY Times are saying while she’s getting donors she’s not getting traction from voters at this point. Her war chest will keep her in the race and I suppose in the news. But who is the average Nikki Haley supporter? Most IRTs will go for Vivek, I would guess

She's controlled by the .mil contractors, Jews, foreign lobbyists, and con inc.

Trump Jr has been on MULTIPLE news/radio outlets since the rumor of Trump choosing Nimrod had come out.... He said zero chance.

"Hate Christianity", this from a guy who won't go to Church because they're a bunch of phonies or some such... "safe future for our kids" from a man who has none. There you go like usual, attacking conservatives or those right of center from the right with the typical purity spirals that are never good enough for the sensibilities of you or guys like you. You attack Tucker calling him "cucker" and now Vivek? Claiming Vivek created a divide or is making it wider when he's articulately stated who is really creating the divide. The leftist media and culture has and is creating the divide and you attack those who are standing up against it.

I've said this years back before I snoozed you on Roosh's site: I believe you are a plant from a subversive group if not a straight out FED. Or, you are in need of serious psychological intervention. You were more subdued on the old site at the end because you were at the end of your rope. Now you've taken the occasion of the new site to push your nonsensical caricature of what a leftist thinks conservatives want to hear. You are not fooling men here. Feel free to respond, I've now snoozed you on this site like the last.
I can't speak to the particulars of this conversation.... But I am very much in agreement. Your assessment is a person whose attacking the right from the further right... The speaking highly of the left speaks like a plant or a fed.

We are getting to the point here where no commonality is being met with multiple long time heirloom/heritage members on subjects and conversations are going into negative cycles. This is absolutely not an inviting situation for NEW blood.
"Hate Christianity", this from a guy who won't go to Church because they're a bunch of phonies or some such... "safe future for our kids" from a man who has none. There you go like usual, attacking conservatives or those right of center from the right with the typical purity spirals that are never good enough for the sensibilities of you or guys like you. You attack Tucker calling him "cucker" and now Vivek? Claiming Vivek created a divide or is making it wider when he's articulately stated who is really creating the divide. The leftist media and culture has and is creating the divide and you attack those who are standing up against it.

I've said this years back before I snoozed you on Roosh's site: I believe you are a plant from a subversive group if not a straight out FED. Or, you are in need of serious psychological intervention. You were more subdued on the old site at the end because you were at the end of your rope. Now you've taken the occasion of the new site to push your nonsensical caricature of what a leftist thinks conservatives want to hear. You are not fooling men here. Feel free to respond, I've now snoozed you on this site like the last.
A lot of churches are full of phonies, that is how we got into this mess to start with. Changing Christianity in the modern "neo-Christianity". I think we can all be honest and admit this. I am sure the churches you guys pick out are not one of these churches, but many of them are and I don't wish to be around them.

I'm not a typical "at least I got mine conservative". Whether I have children or not, I still am concerned about the future the children in the west have, which is dire to say the least.

I don't know what "right of center" even means these days. Basically, it would be to the left of 1996 Bill Clinton, who was more conservative in his campaign than anyone in the GOP is today. Yes, Tucker is a cuck. He is "free" of Fox News and still has the same bland, toothless material. He should have just stayed on Fox and toed the company line.

"Conservatives" think anyone who actually realizes we can't vote our way out of this mess is a "Fed". Right now, about 35% of the USA would be "Feds" by this criteria and that % grows by the day. Here is a hint, a "fed" is someone who will try to lead you to do something that ends up being illegal. Like telling a group to meet me at the Capitol, where we will "fight like hell" then leaves for the White House while the federal agents stir up trouble.

None of this has to do with the thread. If you wish, you can PM me so it doesn't derail the thread.
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A lot of churches are full of phonies, that is how we got into this mess to start with. Changing Christianity in the modern "neo-Christianity". I think we can all be honest and admit this.

Yes, some Protestant churches I’ve seen have pride flags in them. Remember that it’s all about the leadership since it is top down. The Catholic Church may go this way too with the current decree from the Pope about blessing gay unions. If this stuff is allowed, then it will occur. There are also weaker milquetoast Ned Flanders type Christians who use the God’s will excuse to never take any action. They annoy me a lot as well.

I am sure the churches you guys pick out are not one of these churches, but many of them are and I don't wish to be around them.

I personally don’t think we can save ourselves without the church, but finding one with people who take their faith seriously can be challenge. It’s a challenge worth taking.

I'm not a typical "at least I got mine conservative". Whether I have children or not, I still am concerned about the future the children in the west have, which is dire to say the least.

I don't know what "right of center" even means these days. Basically, it would be to the left of 1996 Bill Clinton, who was more conservative in his campaign than anyone in the GOP is today. Yes, Tucker is a cuck. He is "free" of Fox News and still has the same bland, toothless material. He should have just stayed on Fox and toed the company line.

"Conservatives" think anyone who actually realizes we can't vote our way out of this mess is a "Fed". Right now, about 35% of the USA would be "Feds" by this criteria and that % grows by the day. Here is a hint, a "fed" is someone who will try to lead you to do something that ends up being illegal. Like telling a group to meet me at the Capitol, where we will "fight like hell" then leaves for the White House while the federal agents stir up trouble.

None of this has to do with the thread. If you wish, you can PM me so it doesn't derail the thread.
A lot of churches are full of phonies, that is how we got into this mess to start with. Changing Christianity in the modern "neo-Christianity". I think we can all be honest and admit this. I am sure the churches you guys pick out are not one of these churches, but many of them are and I don't wish to be around them.

Those churches will die. The good ones will survive. Find a church true to the Lord and you will be part of the strong ones that survive. Or be by yourself and get crushed by insurmountable challenges.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits" = Those who preach the word faithfully will be fruitful, multiply, and survive, whereas those who do not will be the opposite.