2024 Election Lounge

Steve King endorsed Vivek.

A Washington Post (WaPo) reporter asked Vivek a "white supremacy" question. He looks visibly annoyed by her silly Woke question. When the dissatisfied WaPo reporter didn't like Vivek's answer, she blurted out "You didn't say that you condemn white supremacy...". Vivek went off on her and refused to play along her silly "gotcha" game.

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After Steve King announced he was endorsing me, predictably a lame reporter from @WaPo tried to get me to play the game of “denouncing white supremacy,” while she refused to actually define “white supremacy” which in recent years encompasses concepts like “punctuality” & “the written word.” I refused to play along with her game.

Trump being a media personality said dumb things and gave them enough sound bites to rile up the masses and cause riots.
Most of the media's heckling of Trump was amplified ungenerous interpretations of innocuous statements, so it wouldn't have mattered what he said.
Make better hires and flush out the leakers. Don’t deport the illegals with any violence or camera crews, treat them like gentleman, unless they are hardcore cartel criminals. Make it impossible for them to work, and give incentives to businesses to hire Americans instead. It can all be done. They just have act and follow procedures in a non public way.
Good ideas. I'd also go after the organizations facilitating the movement of desperate people. It wouldn't surprise me if this also reduced the incidence of riots.
Steve King endorsed Vivek.

A Washington Post (WaPo) reporter asked Vivek a "white supremacy" question. He looks visibly annoyed by her silly Woke question. When the dissatisfied WaPo reporter didn't like Vivek's answer, she blurted out "You didn't say that you condemn white supremacy...". Vivek went off on her and refused to play along her silly "gotcha" game.

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All of this looks like a controlled burn. However it is nice to see someone, anyone, call out double standards and sneak speak.

Also Vivek used his own mother to doctor medical tests to get them approved. Almost like the Therotos lady a few years back. So it's pretty easy to see he is bought and paid for and is allowed to say what he says to divide even more.

All of this looks like a controlled burn. However it is nice to see someone, anyone, call out double standards and sneak speak.

Also Vivek used his own mother to doctor medical tests to get them approved. Almost like the Therotos lady a few years back. So it's pretty easy to see he is bought and paid for and is allowed to say what he says to divide even more.

What divide? People who rabidly hate the USA, hate Whites, hate Christianity v. those who actually want a decent and safe future for our kids.

They don't need Vivek to create that divide or make it wider.
He is going way beyond where I thought he'd go. Say what you like, he's creeping up on Trump as far as saying things that might get one "vanished". If that's the case, to be totally negative about him is just not seeing things clearly.
He has gone beyond Trump, even Trump of 2016. I am surprised he hasn't had some scandal come out about him yet to put him away. Many will say "that is proof he is an insider", okay, then what are they gaining out of him shutting down anti-White talking points?
Is TPUSA America First or Israel First? Not surprised by Kirk's action to remove a girl who has strong Christian belief.

@LaurenWitzkeDE: Why is TPUSA removing vocal Christians from their organizations for discussing the Gospel?
Charlie Kirk has been just as critical of Israel as Morgan has, so why hasn’t she received the same deferred treatment for her position?


Is TPUSA America First or Israel First? Not surprised by Kirk's action to remove a girl who has strong Christian belief.

@LaurenWitzkeDE: Why is TPUSA removing vocal Christians from their organizations for discussing the Gospel?
Charlie Kirk has been just as critical of Israel as Morgan has, so why hasn’t she received the same deferred treatment for her position?


For a whole Charlie was getting a lot of money from Kochs...back when he wanted to staple a green card to every foreigners college diploma like a retard.

Me thinks that influence isn't completely gone from the organization ;)
What divide? People who rabidly hate the USA, hate Whites, hate Christianity v. those who actually want a decent and safe future for our kids.

They don't need Vivek to create that divide or make it wider.

Vivek is literally pulling Trump from 2016. So if the same person (Trump) is running and you have an Indian clone saying don't speak about white people like that how can you not see that could cause a rift in Trump voters.

Also who is the say Trump won't be convicted of anything which would allow states to removed him from their ballots? It will only take a small thing to make this happen. He has not even been concivted of anything and still Colorado and Maine removed him from their ballots.

But does any of that matter when big gov will just use mail in ballot boxes again to inflate votes?
Vivek is literally pulling Trump from 2016. So if the same person (Trump) is running and you have an Indian clone saying don't speak about white people like that how can you not see that could cause a rift in Trump voters.

Also who is the say Trump won't be convicted of anything which would allow states to removed him from their ballots? It will only take a small thing to make this happen. He has not even been concivted of anything and still Colorado and Maine removed him from their ballots.

But does any of that matter when big gov will just use mail in ballot boxes again to inflate votes?
What do you mean a "rift in Trump voters"? You mean Vivek will sound more based and might cause Trump voters to move over to him, hurting Trump?
What do you mean a "rift in Trump voters"? You mean Vivek will sound more based and might cause Trump voters to move over to him, hurting Trump?
I just realized who I was talking to here so you will nit pick every phrase so let me do my due diligence for you.

Yes, his verbiage is reminicent of Trump 2016 with a bit more spice.

in my opinion this will cause some, not all, of his supports to realized he did little during his presidency and possibly vote differently in the primary.

I also believe Trump has not gone to a debate for Vivek would do what Trump did in 2016 to Jeb and the other bozos that ran against him. Which means it will turn into a high school bathroom argument and name calling.

If any of the above happens, it will hurt Trump and Vivek and let super Bozo Niki Halley drive more a wedge into the Republican voters.

Again, this is irrelevant in the grand scheme of this election business since the real issue is voting integrity. Which Trump used as a honeypot for J6.
I just realized who I was talking to here so you will nit pick every phrase so let me do my due diligence for you.

Yes, his verbiage is reminicent of Trump 2016 with a bit more spice.

in my opinion this will cause some, not all, of his supports to realized he did little during his presidency and possibly vote differently in the primary.

I also believe Trump has not gone to a debate for Vivek would do what Trump did in 2016 to Jeb and the other bozos that ran against him. Which means it will turn into a high school bathroom argument and name calling.

If any of the above happens, it will hurt Trump and Vivek and let super Bozo Niki Halley drive more a wedge into the Republican voters.

Again, this is irrelevant in the grand scheme of this election business since the real issue is voting integrity. Which Trump used as a honeypot for J6.
Just curious. I suppose the older GOP voters, who just care about taxes, will be turned off by Vivek and Trump also as a result. That is a good point, and a possibility I never thought of.
I did respond, but since I was attacked by 3 or 4 at once, I didn't go into much detail.

1) We don't live in a communist system, we live in late stages capitalism, which means there are still opportunities to make money and seperate yourself.
2) If all the awake men work towards this goal, we can do like what Andrew Torba has and build our own parallel economy.
3) If all hell does break loose, owning guns, plenty of ammo and land, or in a group with those who do will be utmost important. None of that is cheap at all. So that is a huge goal to be working on and one that is very much in reach if you keep your nose to the grindstone.

I read your post and to me, your post is the true black pill. It isn't over, it has only begun, but we have to have the fight in us to not give up.

1. Wrong, we live in a communist system and the state can and will take anything away from you whenever they need to. See lockdowns. Hard work only means you concentrate all of your resources in one pool to be robbed at a future point. You have no idea how long you will get to keep whatever you make in this system, it's totally arbitrary and based on the whims of chews.

Especially if there is a collapse, it will be certain that the state confiscates whatever they need to stay solvent.

2. Torba is just one lawsuit away from destruction, I guarantee you he's not the model you want to emulate.

3. Nah, all that land becomes an albatross around your neck. Good luck defending it from thieves and the government (which, at this point is a distinction without a difference).

I'm not blackpilled. I'm just not putting my faith in money, unlike you. Money is not going to save you. Only God will save you.
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1. Wrong, we live in a communist system and the state can and will take anything away from you whenever they need to. See lockdowns. Hard work only means you concentrate all of your resources in one pool to be robbed at a future point. You have no idea how long you will get to keep whatever you make in this system, it's totally arbitrary and based on the whims of chews.

Especially if there is a collapse, it will be certain that the state confiscates whatever they need to stay solvent.

2. Torba is just one lawsuit away from destruction, I guarantee you he's not the model you want to emulate.

3. Nah, all that land becomes is an albatross around your neck. Good luck defending it from thieves and the government (which, at this point is a distinction without a difference).

I'm not blackpilled. I'm just not putting my faith in money, unlike you. Money is not going to save you. Only God will save you.
1) Yes, you break the laws, they can take your stuff. That is why I recommend legal actions, like working as much as possible, living as cheaply as possible and investing in anything you can find that is worthwhile.

2) Correct, but he is brave and keeps fighting.

3) Not necessarily.

All I am telling the men here is they have more in them than they think they do and we have a chance but it isn't through Trump. Your post honestly is blackpilled, that it is over and we can't do anything. You know what, you might be 100% correct, but I refuse to give up at this point in time. That might change though, I'm not saying you are wrong in the least.

God will save your soul, he isn't going to come down here and fight your battles for you, nor will he be proud if you roll over and just let evil do as it pleases.
God will save your soul, he isn't going to come down here and fight your battles for you, nor will he be proud if you roll over and just let evil do as it pleases.

Our God is the God of the living, not the dead, he is active every single day and protects all who put their faith and trust in Him. You have no faith in God, so you believe money will save you. Yet you've worked your whole life and have nothing to show for it - how can you keep believing in a false prophet of money? Stop believing in money. Start believing in God.

Nothing else will work at this point. Your opponents have a trillion times as much money as you, btw. You couldn't work enough in 10,000 lifetimes to stop that kind of money from steamrolling you. Only God's divine will can save us, and it involves doing our best, loving our Neighbors, and being prepared for political opportunities.
Our God is the God of the living, not the dead, he is active every single day and protects all who put their faith and trust in Him. You have no faith in God, so you believe money will save you. Yet you've worked your whole life and have nothing to show for it - how can you keep believing in a false prophet of money? Stop believing in money. Start believing in God.

Nothing else will work at this point. Your opponents have a trillion times as much money as you, btw. You couldn't work enough in 10,000 lifetimes to stop that kind of money from steamrolling you. Only God's divine will can save us, and it involves doing our best, loving our Neighbors, and being prepared for political opportunities.
Money translates to goods, such as land, ammo, food, supplies, spreading the word for more men to join you, etc. Money is simply a means of survival. You are talking about money as if I see it like a get rich scheme. It isn't, this is about stocking up to survive, like Hamas has done, where they took everything they could get their hands on and used it to make themselves more anti-frafile.

God works through and gives you strength. God isn't going to watch you sit there and say "they will take it all anyway" then come swooping in and save you. It just doesn't work like that.

My "enemies" have castles built on sand, they know it and we know it, that is why they are trying to get out. Their trillions mean nothing if they can't buy their way into China or India as their next super power.