2024 Election Lounge

Does the anti-voting crowd here also extend that sentiment to local politics? Things like DA elections, judges, sheriffs, etc? We've seen what having corrupt commie DAs can do to communities. Everyone should show up to vote, if only to throw out the bad DAs and judges.
Do you honestly think you are going to vote for some "based" local candidate and they will put a stop to what Trump/Biden/Blackrock and all the other satanic elites want?

You can reject it all you want. Your "based" GOP governors are giving them free rides all across the country to "own the libs".
Yeah... Because the governor of Texas hasn't had to go to court like 5x over border security and the Biden admin.

Glad you got your quip in... But they can't turn them away due to homeland security... Id rather they go to Chicago or New York than my neighborhood.

But keep fighting your fight keyboard commando.
Do you honestly think you are going to vote for some "based" local candidate and they will put a stop to what Trump/Biden/Blackrock and all the other satanic elites want?

Do you really think complaining on the internet because you don't get everything you want is a better strategy that will get results?

This blackpill spiral you've gone down has messed with your head bro. Give your head a shake. If you don't think district attorneys matter, go read the local news...
Yeah... Because the governor of Texas hasn't had to go to court like 5x over border security and the Biden admin.

Glad you got your quip in... But they can't turn them away due to homeland security... Id rather they go to Chicago or New York than my neighborhood.

But keep fighting your fight keyboard commando.
They will flood every conservative area with illegals, first and foremost, for very good reason. Your local officials, no matter what party, will be helpless to stop it. Your vote means nothing, on the local level or the federal level. Anyone with power is already bought and owned by the satanic elite. So, as I have said already, it is time to start getting serious. If I can work 7 days a week, everyone else can. The only peaceful chance we have is building our own system as this one crumbles, and I don't even know if that will work.
Do you really think complaining on the internet because you don't get everything you want is a better strategy that will get results?

This blackpill spiral you've gone down has messed with your head bro. Give your head a shake. If you don't think district attorneys matter, go read the local news...

I am not blackpilled, I am happy this sick system is crashing down. I pray every night and thank God that my enemies forced me to be a stronger and better man than I ever thought I could be. The opportunities that lay before us, if we turn of the TV and stop trusting in frauds, are amazing.

Yea, the Soros DA's are terrible, great point. But do you think Soros will lose that election and say "oh shoot, I give up". No, they will have many plans in place, and at worst, they just have to wait for the illegals to settle in and win the next go around election.
They will flood every conservative area with illegals, first and foremost, for very good reason. Your local officials, no matter what party, will be helpless to stop it. Your vote means nothing, on the local level or the federal level. Anyone with power is already bought and owned by the satanic elite. So, as I have said already, it is time to start getting serious. If I can work 7 days a week, everyone else can. The only peaceful chance we have is building our own system as this one crumbles, and I don't even know if that will work.

Why don't you have more to show for it if you're so serious?

When telling others how to live, it's important to have a life others want to emulate.

I have seen ZERO evidence you have anything anyone here wants...

You do possess a grand sense of self importance to presume to be able to wake up others...but the message you're selling is not being bought...nor will it.
Why don't you have more to show for it if you're so serious?

When telling others how to live, it's important to have a life others want to emulate.

I have seen ZERO evidence you have anything anyone here wants...

You do possess a grand sense of self importance to presume to be able to wake up others...but the message you're selling is not being bought...nor will it.
I might be the most successful on this forum when it comes to finances. I have done well for myself, and I have been blessed to be at the right place at the right time, many times in my life.

The problem for you guys is, when you get to what you think will be "enough", it isn't. Our system will crush you, there is no such thing as "fuck you money" which was another lie about Trump. If I could just pack up and move to a country that I thought offered a future for the next generation, I would do so. Now that Hungry and Poland are selling out, it looks like there is nowhere to run. And that is a good thing, we have always ran. We ran from Europe due to the banker situation of the 1800's. We ran from the cities to the suburbs in the 1960's. We are now running from blue state to red state. Soon to the woods and hills. But they will chase you down.

So, that is what it appears I am stuck with. I will work 7 days a week until this thing crashes and it might be enough to allow me to survive afterwards and it might not, but at least I will know I tried. The reaction I get from people who find out I have worked 7 days a week for this long tells me both how little most have tried and how much trouble they will be in.

Chasing women, eating only tasty good, having kids and saying "they will figure it out" are all sins in my book. I am like that, and it has brought a lot of peace and reality to my life, and I am trying my best to share it while I can.
I am not blackpilled, I am happy this sick system is crashing down. I pray every night and thank God that my enemies forced me to be a stronger and better man than I ever thought I could be. The opportunities that lay before us, if we turn of the TV and stop trusting in frauds, are amazing.

Yea, the Soros DA's are terrible, great point. But do you think Soros will lose that election and say "oh shoot, I give up". No, they will have many plans in place, and at worst, they just have to wait for the illegals to settle in and win the next go around election.
Believe me when I say that "checking out" is not the great own that you think it is. We're all here whether we like it or not. We can talk about collapse this and collapse that, but when you get down to brass tacks it's little more than mental masturbation.

Doing what you can to take small victories where you can is preferable to doing nothing. Not everything is out of reach, not everything is beyond saving.
I might be the most successful on this forum when it comes to finances. I have done well for myself, and I have been blessed to be at the right place at the right time, many times in my life.

The problem for you guys is, when you get to what you think will be "enough", it isn't. Our system will crush you, there is no such thing as "**** you money" which was another lie about Trump. If I could just pack up and move to a country that I thought offered a future for the next generation, I would do so. Now that Hungry and Poland are selling out, it looks like there is nowhere to run. And that is a good thing, we have always ran. We ran from Europe due to the banker situation of the 1800's. We ran from the cities to the suburbs in the 1960's. We are now running from blue state to red state. Soon to the woods and hills. But they will chase you down.

So, that is what it appears I am stuck with. I will work 7 days a week until this thing crashes and it might be enough to allow me to survive afterwards and it might not, but at least I will know I tried. The reaction I get from people who find out I have worked 7 days a week for this long tells me both how little most have tried and how much trouble they will be in.

Chasing women, eating only tasty good, having kids and saying "they will figure it out" are all sins in my book. I am like that, and it has brought a lot of peace and reality to my life, and I am trying my best to share it while I can

There it is... It's YOUR projection coming out. YOU are worried it will never be enough. I am not.

The rest of us with tangible life skills are not. I can live off my property, I can bond with my community, and I have self reliance and life experiences to do all these things.

And even so... If it is all not enough and I shall be dashed on the rocks due to the current of the storm... I am not afraid.

I'm happy for your financial success. That doesn't mean it's a life others are wanting to emulate. You completely missed my point.

A vast majority of Men here by and large want wives, children, and independence over the fear of the collapse.

You cannot get the things you want if you don't prioritize them and act accordingly. Go back and look at all your posts. Your negativity and projection is a mind virus and it's attempt to infect all of us whom are not aligned with your vision.

With all that... What are you living your life for?
Just to see it all go down and be proven right?
I might be the most successful on this forum when it comes to finances. I have done well for myself, and I have been blessed to be at the right place at the right time, many times in my life.

The problem for you guys is, when you get to what you think will be "enough", it isn't. Our system will crush you, there is no such thing as "**** you money" which was another lie about Trump. If I could just pack up and move to a country that I thought offered a future for the next generation, I would do so. Now that Hungry and Poland are selling out, it looks like there is nowhere to run. And that is a good thing, we have always ran. We ran from Europe due to the banker situation of the 1800's. We ran from the cities to the suburbs in the 1960's. We are now running from blue state to red state. Soon to the woods and hills. But they will chase you down.

So, that is what it appears I am stuck with. I will work 7 days a week until this thing crashes and it might be enough to allow me to survive afterwards and it might not, but at least I will know I tried. The reaction I get from people who find out I have worked 7 days a week for this long tells me both how little most have tried and how much trouble they will be in.

Chasing women, eating only tasty good, having kids and saying "they will figure it out" are all sins in my book. I am like that, and it has brought a lot of peace and reality to my life, and I am trying my best to share it while I can.

I promise you're not anywhere close to the most successful person on this forum, kinda silly you just said that.

But wait a minute, we had a long drawn out discussion on the other forum with you lamenting about how much you have to work, how it shouldn't be that way and how terrible your life is because of it with me trying to convince you that's it's okay to work hard to be successful with you refusing to see that.

But now you're proud of it?!
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I promise you're not anywhere close to the most successful person on this forum, kinda silly you just said that.

But wait a minute, we had a long drawn out discussion on the other forum with you lamenting about how much you have to work, how it shouldn't be that way and how terrible your life is because of it with me trying to convince you that's it's okay to work hard to be successful with you refusing to see that.

But now you're proud of it?!
I too remember that quiet quitting thread and am very perplexed at the change of tune.. contradictory statements... But hey it's the Internet so we can change our tune anytime and no one knows.
Trump definitely missed opportunities and I don’t even support him anymore, but you have a misunderstanding of the American political system. Putin is a dictator by all means so that’s not a good comparison. In the US we have checks and balances with lots of red tape and procedures to follow. The president is not a dictator by design and his power is limited.

The way forward is institutional change which the left mastered years ago. It’s only through changes to the gigantic entity that is the system that long term change is possible. One man president or not, isn’t going to save the country.

It's not a misunderstanding! What you're pointing out is true, but it's a result mainly of race differences (genetics) and has nothing at all to do with political doctrine. We (Europeans) also have the same dynamic of following a strong leader, but to a lesser extent, and also to the extent that the US is still a white-European nation?

But power has more to do with biological factors again, and law and regulations are downstream from that. (If you have real power you can change the laws etc.) Covid was one of a million examples of how easily "rights" can be taken away, also within the framework of a western political system, because they where an illusion in the first place. Trump did not have much real power for whatever reason, and that's not gonna change in part 2.
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Believe me when I say that "checking out" is not the great own that you think it is. We're all here whether we like it or not. We can talk about collapse this and collapse that, but when you get down to brass tacks it's little more than mental masturbation.

Doing what you can to take small victories where you can is preferable to doing nothing. Not everything is out of reach, not everything is beyond saving.
I didn't say one thing about checking out. In fact, if I were to use the term "checking out" it would be describe the average Trump voter. Someone who still watches TV, but doesn't like Hollywood. Someone still eating processed poison junk food. Someone still saying "if they push me far enough, we got the 2A". And deep down giving up on themselves, on living a great life, and hoping a phony obese pervert like Trump will save them and their family.

I am talking about putting the peddle to the metal. Working every second you are awake to beat this satanic monster. Whether that is putting the right food in your body, praying to God for strength and forgiveness, working out, putting in long hours to make extra money to build something separate from this system. Yea, it is hard to get started and hard to keep going, but once you get going and start to see the fruits of this labor, it is well worth it. And if all men in the west, who are Trump/right wing politically did this, rather than living for pleasure, we could beat this satanic beast in a few short years.
There it is... It's YOUR projection coming out. YOU are worried it will never be enough. I am not.

The rest of us with tangible life skills are not. I can live off my property, I can bond with my community, and I have self reliance and life experiences to do all these things.

And even so... If it is all not enough and I shall be dashed on the rocks due to the current of the storm... I am not afraid.

I'm happy for your financial success. That doesn't mean it's a life others are wanting to emulate. You completely missed my point.

A vast majority of Men here by and large want wives, children, and independence over the fear of the collapse.

You cannot get the things you want if you don't prioritize them and act accordingly. Go back and look at all your posts. Your negativity and projection is a mind virus and it's attempt to infect all of us whom are not aligned with your vision.

With all that... What are you living your life for?
Just to see it all go down and be proven right?
I'm not worried "it will never be enough", I am on the mountain top, looking down, and telling you "it isn't enough". They have a million ways in this rigged system to beat you, even when you make your goals. Whether it is capital gains taxes, income taxes, property taxes, flooding the country with violent men and putting them down the street and in schools with your children. If you are not putting in full effort, everyday, they will continue to expand their power. If you put your faith in a shameless man like Trump, they continue to expand their power. It is time to really get serious about the situation we face, and if not that, that your children face.

It isn't about "not being afraid" it is about not sitting on your duff saying "well I did my part" while taking time off to live for pleasure and gluttony, while things are obviously getting worse at a quickening pace. It is about doing what God wanted us to do, which is take it right to the satanic evil in any way that we can.

I already know I am right, I am way past that stage. What am I living for? To do my part in beating the satanic elites, which yes, includes Donald Trump. I am smart, I am tough, I will continue to do it all legally by working 7 days a week and building up a separate community and getting other men to face up to the realities of the situation. A situation you cannot and will not be allowed to vote your way out of.
I promise you're not anywhere close to the most successful person on this forum, kinda silly you just said that.

But wait a minute, we had a long drawn out discussion on the other forum with you lamenting about how much you have to work, how it shouldn't be that way and how terrible your life is because of it with me trying to convince you that's it's okay to work hard to be successful with you refusing to see that.

But now you're proud of it?!
You promise that? I'm glad to see how unserious you are.

Yes, my point in that conversation is that I have to work that hard, you all have to work that hard. If you are not, you are just putting more filth, more degeneracy, and more hell on to your own children.

I am certainly proud of what I have built and my work ethic, but it is going to take all men to push themselves just as hard. The first step is turning off the TV, and so many "conservative" men fail to do this.
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