2024 Election Lounge

They would have taken those jobs from you regardless of who you voted for, but instead of a slow boil they were forced to turn up the heat to near maximum which woke up the White man. You are a huge ingrate, you should be thanking Trump for saving your precious White race because no one has red-pilled Whites as much as Trump has. No one else even comes close.

"Sitting and waiting" is something only losers would do, no one needs to wait and look forward towards war. That's a hateful dark mentality. I look at war the same way you look at a getting a cancer tumor removed. A terrible experience, but if you do not you will die. The war will come on it's own accord, or God is just going to let us die because he has bigger plans and he wants us in Heaven instead. No one is waiting, but we are all relatively powerless, because it is always in God's hands and it always will be.

Again, the only thing that will create any sort of lasting success is if men return to the Church, support their Neighbors, support their local towns and cities (and this means local politics), so that God will have mercy on us and grant us freedom, just like he did to the Jews who were slaves under the Egyptians.

Nothing happens without the will of God... therefore the most powerful thing to do is pray and worship Him. He will take the rest if we do our part and follow Christ.
You act like Trump was the one who was responsible for men waking up to our plight. Yet, it was discussed years ahead of his 2016 run. I don't know why you call it "previous White race", all races are of God and the destruction of any of them is anti-Christian. Trump did wake some men up, many more are more asleep than ever before, as evidence of the replies on this forum.

We are not powerless, God gave us the strength we need to fight and the fight begins by getting serious and doing the opposite of what Cucker Carlson recommends.
You're breaking the rules again. Either post replies with reasons or do not post at all. Posting constantly insisting you are right is the opposite of the humble Christian attitude this forum seeks to foster. You've been doing it a lot in this thread, a lot of tirades, but you've at least included some actual rebuttals for people to respond to, so it's not all bad. But the post above is 100% against the rules, and your post involves taking a dig against users on this forum who write you thoughtful replies.

You still haven't responded to the fact that working hard in a communist system (such as ours) is totally worthless, for example. You keep saying you have power yet do not state what the power is or how to use it. Whereas I have offered solutions, the only solution:

You're breaking the rules again. Either post replies with reasons or do not post at all. Posting constantly insisting you are right is the opposite of the humble Christian attitude this forum seeks to foster. You've been doing it a lot in this thread, a lot of tirades, but you've at least included some actual rebuttals for people to respond to, so it's not all bad. But the post above is 100% against the rules, and your post involves taking a dig against users on this forum who write you thoughtful replies.

You still haven't responded to the fact that working hard in a communist system (such as ours) is totally worthless, for example. You keep saying you have power yet do not state what the power is or how to use it. Whereas I have offered solutions, the only solution:

I did respond, but since I was attacked by 3 or 4 at once, I didn't go into much detail.

1) We don't live in a communist system, we live in late stages capitalism, which means there are still opportunities to make money and seperate yourself.
2) If all the awake men work towards this goal, we can do like what Andrew Torba has and build our own parallel economy.
3) If all hell does break loose, owning guns, plenty of ammo and land, or in a group with those who do will be utmost important. None of that is cheap at all. So that is a huge goal to be working on and one that is very much in reach if you keep your nose to the grindstone.

I read your post and to me, your post is the true black pill. It isn't over, it has only begun, but we have to have the fight in us to not give up.
I did respond, but since I was attacked by 3 or 4 at once, I didn't go into much detail.

1) We don't live in a communist system, we live in late stages capitalism, which means there are still opportunities to make money and seperate yourself.
2) If all the awake men work towards this goal, we can do like what Andrew Torba has and build our own parallel economy.
3) If all hell does break loose, owning guns, plenty of ammo and land, or in a group with those who do will be utmost important. None of that is cheap at all. So that is a huge goal to be working on and one that is very much in reach if you keep your nose to the grindstone.

I read your post and to me, your post is the true black pill. It isn't over, it has only begun, but we have to have the fight in us to not give up.

I feel like I ought to point out that the best way to unite men towards these admirable ends is through churches, I don't think dismissing them as unChristian social clubs is synergistic with the aims you outline here.
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I'm against banning It_Will_Never_Be_My_Time but I think the best course would be to confine him to the troll lounge. There he can still write whatever he wishes to write and if people for whatever reason want to read his posts they go there and for the people who don't find his posts edifying; they won't have to worry about him going from thread to thread getting other users riled up.
I'm against banning It_Will_Never_Be_My_Time but I think the best course would be to confine him to the troll lounge. There he can still write whatever he wishes to write and if people for whatever reason want to read his posts they go there and for the people who don't find his posts edifying; they won't have to worry about him going from thread to thread getting other users riled up.

I blocked him some months ago, the way he’s communicating and thinking isn’t healthy . I had blocked him on rvf sone years ago and figured maybe he’d act different here. Apparently he melted down again?

That’s unfortunate but he basically talks in circles and even if there were things I agreed with him on , I’ve now forgotten what they were as he just went about posting in such an unhealthy way. I had to block. Of course let the mods decide what they want , if someone , anyone breaks rules then maybe restrict them and if they keep breaking the same rules then yeah you ban
Though @It_Is_My_Time offers aggressive arguments, I am thankful @Samseau, et al have not dropped the ban hammer and instead responded in a brotherly fashion. May it be well received.

@It_Is_My_Time, you have a surprising (to me) approach from a Protestant. Frankly, it is foreign to my former Protestant self. It must be difficult for you to share such thoughts in certain circles. My former Protestant ears are surprised by you. Please take no offense, brother. (Only love for my Protestant brothers here, I was long one also, though I do respectfully encourage you to consider EO).

A competitive MMA guy (former D1 wrestler, 4-time State HS champ type) once told me: "it's just a fight, it ain't personal." He was a shady guy that was always looking for leverage - a way to exploit me. Kindness was interpreted as weakness. We no longer do business, but it was just a fight. It wasn't personal. May it be so here.

So what? In @It_Is_My_Time defense, the fight is indeed far from over. There are opportunities ahead, and some of them may be extremely beneficial. Have we not seen some light that has come from the collapse of Soviet darkness? The "communist system" that we appear to live under still offers certain and very real paths to freedom and capital profit - we aren't pinko commies yet. Did not worthy men even arise from the hated Soviet Union? What leader of the world inspires more regard in this forum than Putin, given his observable flaws?
I feel like I ought to point out that the best way to unite men towards these admirable ends is through churches, I don't think dismissing them as unChristian social clubs is synergistic with the aims you outline here.
The generic term "Churches" is incorrect. The Churches were infiltrated starting over 100 years ago. So, now most Churches don't even discuss, even allow discussion, on the most important foundational concepts of Christianity. They have turned into liberal open borders cesspools.

I agree, a real Christianity Church, teaching the 7 deadly sins, the real views of Jesus on love (which isn't just sit there and let your enemy beat you down), the purpose of nations and not recreating Babel with immigration, women have a place and it isn't in the business world and politics, would be the best place for men to unite. Unfortunately, I don't know if any such church exists in the west. I think you can get most of these at more traditional churches, but not all of them, and all these points are needed to save the west.
Though @It_Is_My_Time offers aggressive arguments, I am thankful @Samseau, et al have not dropped the ban hammer and instead responded in a brotherly fashion. May it be well received.

@It_Is_My_Time, you have a surprising (to me) approach from a Protestant. Frankly, it is foreign to my former Protestant self. It must be difficult for you to share such thoughts in certain circles. My former Protestant ears are surprised by you. Please take no offense, brother. (Only love for my Protestant brothers here, I was long one also, though I do respectfully encourage you to consider EO).

A competitive MMA guy (former D1 wrestler, 4-time State HS champ type) once told me: "it's just a fight, it ain't personal." He was a shady guy that was always looking for leverage - a way to exploit me. Kindness was interpreted as weakness. We no longer do business, but it was just a fight. It wasn't personal. May it be so here.

So what? In @It_Is_My_Time defense, the fight is indeed far from over. There are opportunities ahead, and some of them may be extremely beneficial. Have we not seen some light that has come from the collapse of Soviet darkness? The "communist system" that we appear to live under still offers certain and very real paths to freedom and capital profit - we aren't pinko commies yet. Did not worthy men even arise from the hated Soviet Union? What leader of the world inspires more regard in this forum than Putin, given his observable flaws?
Great post. Yes, I didn't come to these realizations through a Protestant Church or people. I came to them from Father Ripperger's great sermons on the 7 deadly sins, which you can find on Youtube, and other more traditional Christian podcasts and then also more modern era podcasts. I found the true power of Christianity, it is the answer to all our problems, but it is mostly hidden from us, on purpose.

And you are right the fight is far from over. Even if we end up in a civil war, we can be better prepared for it. But the fight will not be fought for us by anyone in the GOP, and that incudes the fake "non-RINOs". The fight will be fought by us, by working harder, by learning more, by talking with other men, by using technology to our advantage to spread the message. We have amazing opportunities ahead of us, I have never felt as White Pilled as I have right now. I just want to share the message. And I get it, after the end of a long day you don't want to hear "you can do more", but it is something that I have to work on myself.

I see how extremely brave the Hamas fighters are, fighting with homemade weapons against the most advanced military in the world, and winning. It tells me that God works through all of us, to do great things, things way greater than we ever believed for ourselves. And right now, God has given us a great opportunity, if we take it, to do some of the most amazing things in human history.
The generic term "Churches" is incorrect. The Churches were infiltrated starting over 100 years ago. So, now most Churches don't even discuss, even allow discussion, on the most important foundational concepts of Christianity. They have turned into liberal open borders cesspools.

I agree, a real Christianity Church, teaching the 7 deadly sins, the real views of Jesus on love (which isn't just sit there and let your enemy beat you down), the purpose of nations and not recreating Babel with immigration, women have a place and it isn't in the business world and politics, would be the best place for men to unite. Unfortunately, I don't know if any such church exists in the west. I think you can get most of these at more traditional churches, but not all of them, and all these points are needed to save the west.

Well I attend one such church weekly, so they're definitely out there. I hope you can find one. It really is a blessing. I definitely agree that the generic term churches is incorrect, I was trying to be diplomatic, there's only one Church in my view ;)
You've had some good advice given to you @It_Is_My_Time . Pump the breaks.

I've always been cool with you, but the others are correct that you are beyond black pill. I say beyond because last night when I first thought about this, I have never seen you post in a thread - any thread - with something somewhat hopeful or constructive. I don't think I've even seen much neutral stuff from you, but admittedly I don't follow you around or look at every last post. It's your volume that makes this so apparent.

This generation sucks, but it also has some good things to it. We aren't starving yet, we can do some global things. Nothing is easy. I complain a lot too, but we have to have a plan, and at least TRY it. So let's do that. And be somewhat hopeful, even if we think it's a fait accompli.
You've had some good advice given to you @It_Is_My_Time . Pump the breaks.

I've always been cool with you, but the others are correct that you are beyond black pill. I say beyond because last night when I first thought about this, I have never seen you post in a thread - any thread - with something somewhat hopeful or constructive. I don't think I've even seen much neutral stuff from you, but admittedly I don't follow you around or look at every last post. It's your volume that makes this so apparent.

This generation sucks, but it also has some good things to it. We aren't starving yet, we can do some global things. Nothing is easy. I complain a lot too, but we have to have a plan, and at least TRY it. So let's do that. And be somewhat hopeful, even if we think it's a fait accompli.
I am only "black pilled" if you are blue pilled and projecting on to me. Me saying we can't vote our way out of this, isn't black pilling to me. It makes me free and feel great. To truly look this right in the face and accept it is the greatest experience. I want it for the other men as well. If you think this is a "black pilling" statement, then you are not accepting it yet.

I'm not complaining about anything, I am accepting it and excited about it. No more struggle in this system, shrug my shoulders and move on without it.