2024 Election Lounge

That's the first explanation I've heard for the 2024 election that makes any sense. Biden running... no sense. All the R neocons everyone hates? Makes no sense. RFK Jr throwing away any reasonable chance for success by running independent? No sense.

But putting Nimrata in as VP, and then getting Trump out of the picture, that's a very good gameplan for ZOG. If she fakes sympathy for Trump and gets all the supporters riled up and on her side, even more so. Maybe they can somehow blame some other country for it, like send Trump abroad and have something happen, that way they don't even have to take the blame for locking him up in an American jail.

Blame it on a country libtards hate, like Russia, and even they will be onboard with war.

Biden is going to lose no matter what (the 11 point drop after supporting Israelis genocide is game over for him), so a Trump/Haley ticket would likely win.

( A less extreme case would be just put up with Trump for another term and either elect Haley in 4 years or maybe old age would take care of Trump and she could step in. The elites play the long game, they can easily wait 4 years for their evil schemes.)
That's the first explanation I've heard for the 2024 election that makes any sense. Biden running... no sense. All the R neocons everyone hates? Makes no sense. RFK Jr throwing away any reasonable chance for success by running independent? No sense.

But putting Nimrata in as VP, and then getting Trump out of the picture, that's a very good gameplan for ZOG. If she fakes sympathy for Trump and gets all the supporters riled up and on her side, even more so. Maybe they can somehow blame some other country for it, like send Trump abroad and have something happen, that way they don't even have to take the blame for locking him up in an American jail.

Blame it on a country libtards hate, like Russia, and even they will be onboard with war.

Biden is going to lose no matter what (the 11 point drop after supporting Israelis genocide is game over for him), so a Trump/Haley ticket would likely win.
Vivek has had some cryptic comments lately. Sounds like he's anticipating the next ZOG move also.
Zero reason to believe he'll put in bird brain for VP.

All his circle is against it. At this rate... It's just as likely that Tucker is his VP as Haley.
I think they hoped they could move on past Trump, but they can't, so instead they will use him this time to get people to believe in this dead country again. You are correct, they probably need a Republican to win to make it look "a fair election" and Trump is the only one in the GOP with a legit following and of use to the elites.

I've said this before, even though I know it's an unpopular sentiment with many here, but we're better off with 4 more years of Biden & Co. If you just look at the net results, and ignore intentions and mechanisms within politics etc, with Biden we have;

-More free speech than in a very long time.
-Covid restrictions are over in the western world. (It took some time yes, but still)
-The Fed has raised rates, which is more responsible than to let inflation run rampant. (many said this would never happen)
-Biden hates Netanyahu and stands up to him to some extent. (more measured support for Israel)

I'm not gonna exaggerate, everything else is bad/horrible. But at least the situation is stabile. With Trump we will get massive chaos, civil unrest and eventually some form of major incident akin to covid. Not right away, but it will build up during his reign. The argument that many made for Trump (also Roosh) was that he would buy us some time...give us a break from the decline. Instead the exact opposite happened. It brought on a major acceleration of the decline and no rest at all. The same will happen again if he's put in, and it might even be worse this time.
I've said this before, even though I know it's an unpopular sentiment with many here, but we're better off with 4 more years of Biden & Co. If you just look at the net results, and ignore intentions and mechanisms within politics etc, with Biden we have;

-More free speech than in a very long time.
-Covid restrictions are over in the western world. (It took some time yes, but still)
-The Fed has raised rates, which is more responsible than to let inflation run rampant. (many said this would never happen)
-Biden hates Netanyahu and stands up to him to some extent. (more measured support for Israel)

I'm not gonna exaggerate, everything else is bad/horrible. But at least the situation is stabile. With Trump we will get massive chaos, civil unrest and eventually some form of major incident akin to covid. Not right away, but it will build up during his reign. The argument that many made for Trump (also Roosh) was that he would buy us some time...give us a break from the decline. Instead the exact opposite happened. It brought on a major acceleration of the decline and no rest at all. The same will happen again if he's put in, and it might even be worse this time.
I actually agree with a lot of your points. Things are really bad under Biden, there are a lot of unprofessional and low IQ people in positions of power in his cabinet and on his staff. But the results are good.

Trump was a complete dumpster fire and watching the GOP debates, no one else will do any better. Biden is a dumpster fire, but under Biden more and more people are waking up. And once they wake up, you can't make them go back to sleep, so it is really a bad situation for the eltes.

With Trump, we would likely already be in a full scale war in the Middle East, since he proudly stated himself he was the most "pro-Israel president in the history of the country". His Abraham Accords, pushed by his satanic son in law, and moving the embassy to Jerusalem are a major cause for why we are, where we are today. Under Biden, the fear of our military getting hit and the disdain for Netanyahu has kept war at bay for the time being.

When Trump says he wants to hand Blacks and Hispanics, the hard-earned money of Whites and Asians, the goofballs clap like trained seals. When Trump gaslights the goofballs and says he "wants more legal immigration that ever before" and they hang their head in shame, it is a HUGE psychological hit to the nature of these good people. When Trump uses the Bible as a prop, while BLM burn down entire city blocks and kill police, his goofballs say "well, shoot, just can't do anything until after the election". When Trump hands Blackrock Financial $5 trillion of our kid's futures, so they can buy up residential neighborhoods and pull scams in the stock market, the goofballs are silent.

But when Biden or any other DNC member tries this, the anger is righteous. Trust me my friend, I see no more accurate representation of what the anti-Christ should be than Donald Trump himself. And no one else in the GOP has anything better to offer. I likely will support the DNC candidate for this very reason. I wish more adults were awake and aware of the real evils we face, but they are not, so they need more time to wake up and the DNC will offer that.

Keep the DNC in power, keep our military a woke dieverse obese "fighting" unit who can't protect the profits of Wall Street and keep the satanic influence away from the good people in Russia, China and Iran. If we can't win this fight, at least it can be sabotaged so that the good people in the East don't have to deal with it.
-More free speech than in a very long time.

There are over 1000 men rotting in jail for being ushered into the Capital on Jan 6th by police officers, then declared insurrectionists. Nothing of the sort happened under Trump. You are posting on a forum hosted in foreign countries to help avoid people here being doxed and destroyed. Freedom of speech has completely disappeared under Biden, no idea what you're talking about here.

-Covid restrictions are over in the western world. (It took some time yes, but still)

Those lasted years beyond what they would have been had Trump won in 2020. Trump was ready to scrap it all, and pledged it on the campaign trial. Biden extended the lockdowns by over a year and a half, complete with vaccine mandates, perhaps poisoning most of the developed world.

In fact, Biden may go down as one of the worst mass murderers of all time.

-The Fed has raised rates, which is more responsible than to let inflation run rampant. (many said this would never happen)

They started to raise under Trump, and would have continued no matter who was elected, but if Trump had won in 2020 then the lockdowns would have been shorter and there would have been less pandemic funny money flooding the system to prop up the economy, and therefore less inflation. So both rates would have been high and inflation would have been lower with Trump.

-Biden hates Netanyahu and stands up to him to some extent. (more measured support for Israel)

There were 0 wars under Trump. Biden has had wars erupt all over the world, including the Middle East. Every single war Biden could have avoided, including the existing war in Israel.

Pretty much every point you made is the opposite of the truth.
There were 0 wars under Trump. Biden has had wars erupt all over the world, including the Middle East. Every single war Biden could have avoided, including the existing war in Israel.
There most likely would not have been a war in Ukraine had Trump not been cheated out of his 2020 win. Russia, and Ukraine in particular, are basically composed of mafia, street thug type power structures that take verbal insults very seriously (it's a strange culture of sensitivity and unforgiving brutality). After years of exchanging verbal insults and "street beefs," both sides were chomping at the bit to "have at it." Knowing that this was going to be a bloody, intractable war, a responsible, intelligent US President would have done everything in his power to have never allowed these two capable, determined adversaries to engage on the battlefield.

Biden can't even walk without tripping or speak without slurring his words (or losing his train of thought), much less has he gotten us into or out of any wars. There has never been a more obvious sign to the American people that The President is not in charge, nor is he running the country, and yet The People are not in the streets demanding to know who is getting us into these wars (hint: it's the usual suspects). Instead, they're in the streets cheerleading for chews and muzzies, both of whom are America's enemies. Peak clown world. Enjoy the decline.
There are over 1000 men rotting in jail for being ushered into the Capital on Jan 6th by police officers, then declared insurrectionists. Nothing of the sort happened under Trump. You are posting on a forum hosted in foreign countries to help avoid people here being doxed and destroyed. Freedom of speech has completely disappeared under Biden, no idea what you're talking about here.

Those lasted years beyond what they would have been had Trump won in 2020. Trump was ready to scrap it all, and pledged it on the campaign trial. Biden extended the lockdowns by over a year and a half, complete with vaccine mandates, perhaps poisoning most of the developed world.

In fact, Biden may go down as one of the worst mass murderers of all time.

They started to raise under Trump, and would have continued no matter who was elected, but if Trump had won in 2020 then the lockdowns would have been shorter and there would have been less pandemic funny money flooding the system to prop up the economy, and therefore less inflation. So both rates would have been high and inflation would have been lower with Trump.

There were 0 wars under Trump. Biden has had wars erupt all over the world, including the Middle East. Every single war Biden could have avoided, including the existing war in Israel.

Pretty much every point you made is the opposite of the truth.

-You can sell revisionist books on the Holocaust now and you can say pretty much what you will about vaccines/covid on X. Make points about race without being immediately censored. That's more that we've had for a long time. Remember how it used to be just a few years back! Including during Trump years.

-The second is a matter of opinion of course. I think that we would still have been under some form of restrictions with Trump. Whether he meant well or not...I tried to highlight this in my reply. I dont know his intentions, but I only see the results. It's incredibly unrealistic to think that it would have all of a sudden ended, when it did in fact develop with Trump in office, and showed no sign of calming down etc. In fact he was losing control of the situation completely.

-Again, a matter of opinion. I feel incredibly confident that Trump would have done all he could to keep rates low to prop up a fake economy. He did exactly that during all of his first reign. I also think he will try to lower rates if he can, should he be re-elected.

-This is a fair point. But is it by chance, and does it mean that he will be able to end the Ukraine war with just a few years left in office? (see my reply in Trump thread as to why I don't think this is the case)
I've said this before, even though I know it's an unpopular sentiment with many here, but we're better off with 4 more years of Biden & Co.
Sure, okay...

If you just look at the net results, and ignore intentions and mechanisms within politics etc, with Biden we have;

-More free speech than in a very long time.
-Covid restrictions are over in the western world. (It took some time yes, but still)
-The Fed has raised rates, which is more responsible than to let inflation run rampant. (many said this would never happen)
-Biden hates Netanyahu and stands up to him to some extent. (more measured support for Israel)
Go read a book on the history of Bolshevikism.

I'm not gonna exaggerate, everything else is bad/horrible. But at least the situation is stabile.
What "situation is stable"? What are you talking about?

With Trump we will get massive chaos, civil unrest and eventually some form of major incident akin to covid.
With Biden:
  • more new wars will be started in other countries;
  • crimes will continue to get out of control;
  • stores will continue to close due to widespread looting thanks to Soros D.A.s;
  • illegal mass migration will continue to grow;
  • male trannies will continue to participate in and dominate female sports, women's bathrooms/locker rooms, etc.;
  • anti-White rhetoric and black-on-white crimes will continue to spark Race War;
  • Christian persecution and anti-Christian agenda will continue under Biden;
  • Biden Administration will continue to weaponize the Alphabet Agencies;
  • Biden's goons desperately want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment;
  • radical Leftists will continue to brainwash young children into transgenderism and sex education to turn them into good little Bolshevik Soldiers;
The list goes on and on...

Not right away, but it will build up during his reign.
What does this even mean? You make it sound like you prefer Biden's Lawless Society over a Trump's Law-and-Order Society.

The argument that many made for Trump (also Roosh) was that he would buy us some time...give us a break from the decline.
Is that a bad thing?

Instead the exact opposite happened. It brought on a major acceleration of the decline and no rest at all. The same will happen again if he's put in, and it might even be worse this time.
Who brought on the "major acceleration of the decline" since January 2021 and continues to this day?
Sure, okay...

Go read a book on the history of Bolshevikism.

What "situation is stable"? What are you talking about?

With Biden:
  • more new wars will be started in other countries;
  • crimes will continue to get out of control;
  • stores will continue to close due to widespread looting thanks to Soros D.A.s;
  • illegal mass migration will continue to grow;
  • male trannies will continue to participate in and dominate female sports, women's bathrooms/locker rooms, etc.;
  • anti-White rhetoric and black-on-white crimes will continue to spark Race War;
  • Christian persecution and anti-Christian agenda will continue under Biden;
  • Biden Administration will continue to weaponize the Alphabet Agencies;
  • Biden's goons desperately want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment;
  • radical Leftists will continue to brainwash young children into transgenderism and sex education to turn them into good little Bolshevik Soldiers;
The list goes on and on...

What does this even mean? You make it sound like you prefer Biden's Lawless Society over a Trump's Law-and-Order Society.

Is that a bad thing?

Who brought on the "major acceleration of the decline" since January 2021 and continues to this day?

That's a lot to unpack, see my reply to Samseau. I think you're missing the big picture though. The situation is better at the moment than during Trump. Nobody likes Biden, but that's just the plain reality. Also, there's a tendency to excuse everything that failed with Trump and blame it on everyone else. Covid, Fauci, (NIH research/Wuhan/covid) Giuliani, Pence, Kushner. It's always someone else's fault. Trump was just a victim of circumstances right. It's never his fault that people he chose to associate with, or picked for positions and/or could have fired turned out bad. It appears delusional in many ways.
That's a lot to unpack, see my reply to Samseau. I think you're missing the big picture though. The situation is better at the moment than during Trump. Nobody likes Biden, but that's just the plain reality. Also, there's a tendency to excuse everything that failed with Trump and blame it on everyone else. Covid, Fauci, (NIH research/Wuhan/covid) Giuliani, Pence, Kushner. It's always someone else's fault. Trump was just a victim of circumstances right. It's never his fault that people he chose to associate with, or picked for positions and/or could have fired turned out bad. It appears delusional in many ways.
Things are much better under Biden, right? Who is delusional here?



DOJ threatens lawsuit if Texas enforces new border security law​

The Department of Justice is warning Gov. Greg Abbott that it will sue if Texas moves forward with legislation empowering state officials to remove people from the U.S. who they suspect of being in the country illegally.

The new legislation, which Abbott signed into law earlier this month, is unconstitutional and will disrupt the federal government’s immigration enforcement operations, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton wrote in a letter to the governor obtained by Hearst Newspapers.

El Paso County and two immigrant rights groups earlier this month sued to stop what they called the “patently illegal” legislation. The American Civil Liberties Union is representing them in the case.

The Mexican government, which would have to accept immigrants ordered removed by state officials, has also said it will not go along with the law and has threatened to take action to stop it, as well.

Abbott, a former Texas attorney general, has said he believes the law was crafted in a way that “can and should be upheld in the courts on its own.” He has said the law is necessary to stem the record number of border crossings under the Biden administration and has accused President Joe Biden of failing to secure the border.
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That's a lot to unpack, see my reply to Samseau. I think you're missing the big picture though. The situation is better at the moment than during Trump. Nobody likes Biden, but that's just the plain reality. Also, there's a tendency to excuse everything that failed with Trump and blame it on everyone else. Covid, Fauci, (NIH research/Wuhan/covid) Giuliani, Pence, Kushner. It's always someone else's fault. Trump was just a victim of circumstances right. It's never his fault that people he chose to associate with, or picked for positions and/or could have fired turned out bad. It appears delusional in many ways.
You don't live in the US... So you don't actually realize the reality of how shitty it is here with Biden.

I've said this many many time specifically to you.

Pretending it's anything other than a clusterfuck is denial.

I'm specifically talking about the migration issue.

Were probably close to doubling the 20 million illegals here over the last several years...

And zero signs of anything slowing down.

We've had generational damage done by Bidens regime
Things are much better under Biden, right? Who is delusional here?

The damage was done before Biden. Trump spent 4 years, pushing for more "legal" (as if it matters where 80 IQ welfare cheats come here and have 5 80 IQ kids legally or not) immigration and not kicking out millions of illegal already here. Then he pardoned people who were convicted of hiring and transporting illegals into our country, which must have been extreme to be convicted of it.

But the good thing is, at least people are talking about it and starting to look to take action, instead of watching TV and thinking Chump will handle it for them.
You don't live in the US... So you don't actually realize the reality of how shitty it is here with Biden.

I've said this many many time specifically to you.

Pretending it's anything other than a clusterfuck is denial.

I'm specifically talking about the migration issue.

Were probably close to doubling the 20 million illegals here over the last several years...

And zero signs of anything slowing down.

We've had generational damage done by Bidens regime

Well that doesn't stop anyone here (from the US mostly) from speaking on the Ukraine situation. I've also said many times that Trump didn't really do that much with the situation, he'll be less effective this time with less goodwill etc, and he only has 4 years...half of which will be spent on the golf course. They both can and will reverse anything he does afterwards and now they'll have massive leverage after 4 years of "anti-Trump" propaganda in the media.
Things are much better under Biden, right? Who is delusional here?



DOJ threatens lawsuit if Texas enforces new border security law​

See my reply to get2choppa, and again, only 4 short years, half of it playing golf, probably minimal goodwill in Washington this time, and worst of all...when he's done they have all the leverage in the world to go ahead with radical policies. It will be a big price to pay for what is essentially a TV-show.
Go back (or stay in) to Europa and fight for it! Stop being a fag and fight for your people.

It's all in Roosh' writings when he found God.
Well that doesn't stop anyone here (from the US mostly) from speaking on the Ukraine situation. I've also said many times that Trump didn't really do that much with the situation, he'll be less effective this time with less goodwill etc, and he only has 4 years...half of which will be spent on the golf course. They both can and will reverse anything he does afterwards and now they'll have massive leverage after 4 years of "anti-Trump" propaganda in the media.
None of that is a defense of your statement that things are better.

They are objectively worse on every front from Pre-Covid Trump regime.

Also... Our US taxpayer dollars are going to the US and we are setting the policy. It's quite different from some European trying to suggest that things are better under Biden for the average American than they would be under Trump.

It's disconnected from reality and clueless at best...
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None of that is a defense of your statement that things are better.

They are objectively worse on every front from Pre-Covid Trump regime.

Also... Our US taxpayer dollars are going to the US and we are setting the policy. It's quite different from some European trying to suggest that things are better under Biden for the average American than they would be under Trump.

It's disconnected from reality and clueless at best...

I don't see your point regarding tax-money. Our (European) tax money certainly go to Ukraine and whatever else local they might be up to. And there's a price to pay in accommodating refugees also. I haven't said that you can't have an opinion on whatever happens in Europe though, you introduced that concept vice-versa.

What's disconnected from reality is to not realize that Trump had a relation to covid and the response. For whatever reason he was not on top of it. The end result is what matters after all. The played him like a fiddle, and they'll do the same again. Then there's the absolving Trump of everything issue, including all the people who failed that he brought in himself. Also, as I keep pointing out, Trump's reign if it comes will be very short. I haven't seen anyone respond to this. What do they imagine will follow after? I have made a clear prediction here, massive chaos and turmoil towards the end of the period.