2024 Election Lounge

You promise that? I'm glad to see how unserious you are.

Yes, my point in that conversation is that I have to work that hard, you all have to work that hard. If you are not, you are just putting more filth, more degeneracy, and more hell on to your own children.

I am certainly proud of what I have built and my work ethic, but it is going to take all men to push themselves just as hard. The first step is turning off the TV, and so many "conservative" men fail to do this.

Yes I absolutely do promise that.

So that's your point now because that certainly was not your point then and hasn't been here either. We had pages and pages worth of thread where you were talking about how much you hate that you have to work so much and you didn't have kids because of it and blah blah blah and there is no hope for young people and they should just give up. Now you're here saying that we all need to do that and be like you....then talking about TV.

In fact your entire schtick has been hopelessness and now that it's been pointed out to you you're saying that we can fix things if we push for it. Well that's good, at least we're now at that point instead of just giving up.
Yes I absolutely do promise that.

So that's your point now because that certainly was not your point then and hasn't been here either. We had pages and pages worth of thread where you were talking about how much you hate that you have to work so much and you didn't have kids because of it and blah blah blah and there is no hope for young people and they should just give up. Now you're here saying that we all need to do that and be like you....then talking about TV.

In fact your entire schtick has been hopelessness and now that it's been pointed out to you you're saying that we can fix things if we push for it. Well that's good, at least we're now at that point instead of just giving up.
You should be better with your words. You wish it to be true. You hope it to be true. But it isn't true. I have done very well for myself, when compared to the middle class.

I do hate I have to work so much. No one should have to work so much and we wouldn't have to if we didn't recreate Babel with legal and illegal immigration. I hate that everyone has to work so much. And if they are only working a 40/50 hour week, they are pushing the responsibilities on to their kids and living irresponsible. The economy is never going to recover and we are not going to vote our way out of this, so with that knowledge, you either fight hard for your kids or you push all that hell on to them.

"Hopelessness" to you and other "conservatives" is you can work 40 hours a week, show up once every two years to vote for the most "based GOP" member and magically things will turn out okay. That isn't reality and it is time we face up to it.
Does the anti-voting crowd here also extend that sentiment to local politics? Things like DA elections, judges, sheriffs, etc? We've seen what having corrupt commie DAs can do to communities. Everyone should show up to vote, if only to throw out the bad DAs and judges.

Voting costs literally nothing. A few minutes of your time once a year, that's it.

Vote, just don't allow it to make you complacent and don't put all your eggs in the basket of voting.
You should be better with your words. You wish it to be true. You hope it to be true. But it isn't true. I have done very well for myself, when compared to the middle class.

I do hate I have to work so much. No one should have to work so much and we wouldn't have to if we didn't recreate Babel with legal and illegal immigration. I hate that everyone has to work so much. And if they are only working a 40/50 hour week, they are pushing the responsibilities on to their kids and living irresponsible. The economy is never going to recover and we are not going to vote our way out of this, so with that knowledge, you either fight hard for your kids or you push all that hell on to them.

"Hopelessness" to you and other "conservatives" is you can work 40 hours a week, show up once every two years to vote for the most "based GOP" member and magically things will turn out okay. That isn't reality and it is time we face up to it.

I own 3 non passive income businesses at the moment, you don't need to lecture me on hard work. I wish this guy was around during the quiet quitting thread where you were advocating for young people to just give up...
I own 3 non passive income businesses at the moment, you don't need to lecture me on hard work. I wish this guy was around during the quiet quitting thread where you were advocating for young people to just give up...
Young people should give up, or at least, not buy into this recreation of Babel. Work, but build not for a middle-class life or a family, but to be ready to fight the ultimate evil, satanic open borders globalism.

There is no future if you think you are going to live a nice upper middle-class life, that is all long gone, and voting for "muh based Trump" isn't going to change one single thing.
Young people should give up, or at least, not buy into this recreation of Babel. Work, but build not for a middle-class life or a family, but to be ready to fight the ultimate evil, satanic open borders globalism.

There is no future if you think you are going to live a nice upper middle-class life, that is all long gone, and voting for "muh based Trump" isn't going to change one single thing.
Your advice is not conducive to young men being successful. It's poison.

Nothing you've shared here is a course of action for a young man with or with out a family.

This constant black pilling is both negative for the soul and also the sort of thing that presents itself as despair...it's detracting to the discourse.

I understand this is in line with what you want as an energy vampire... But I'm very skeptical of your claims given the sheer volume of posting you're doing here.

Most super well of folks I know don't have time to banter back and forth on the Internet... especially if they're working 7 days a week.

People are seeing through your claims dude.
Your advice is not conducive to young men being successful. It's poison.

Nothing you've shared here is a course of action for a young man with or with out a family.

This constant black pilling is both negative for the soul and also the sort of thing that presents itself as despair...it's detracting to the discourse.

I understand this is in line with what you want as an energy vampire... But I'm very skeptical of your claims given the sheer volume of posting you're doing here.

Most super well of folks I know don't have time to banter back and forth on the Internet... especially if they're working 7 days a week.

People are seeing through your claims dude.
"Being successful" requires a system/country that gives you a path to success. That is disappearing overnight. Success will no longer be measured in the traditional western ways of a house in the burbs with 2.5 kids and new vehicles. To have this level of quality of life first requires a system in place to protect and provide it. That is gone. Success will be measured in survival and escape from the new system of evil.

It is only "black pilling" if you still think you can vote your way out of this mess, or things will magically work out okay. Neither are true, but both knowing and acknowledging these two facts does not make me black pilled. It makes me red pilled. If you still think you are going to vote your way out of this, or things will magically work out okay, then I suppose it is black pilling to hear the red pill truth. But it is better to hear it and act upon it than to wait until it is too late.
"Being successful" requires a system/country that gives you a path to success. That is disappearing overnight. Success will no longer be measured in the traditional western ways of a house in the burbs with 2.5 kids and new vehicles. To have this level of quality of life first requires a system in place to protect and provide it. That is gone. Success will be measured in survival and escape from the new system of evil.

It is only "black pilling" if you still think you can vote your way out of this mess, or things will magically work out okay. Neither are true, but both knowing and acknowledging these two facts does not make me black pilled. It makes me red pilled. If you still think you are going to vote your way out of this, or things will magically work out okay, then I suppose it is black pilling to hear the red pill truth. But it is better to hear it and act upon it than to wait until it is too late.
Then why are you still working 7 days a week and all the stuff you say you're doing.

Let's accept your premise. What have you done to escape... We've talked in other threads about rural living, for every post you make, there's always a reason why a positive solution isn't acceptable.

I think you've gone down a big rabbit hole at this point and need some mental health help. You're peddling nihilism. Again it's not conducive to our salvation.

We render into Caesar what is Caesars, participate in the society, and serve God through our actions.

Your statements are actually quite materialistically concerned... Which is the opposite of what you should be focused on.
Then why are you still working 7 days a week and all the stuff you say you're doing.

Let's accept your premise. What have you done to escape... We've talked in other threads about rural living, for every post you make, there's always a reason why a positive solution isn't acceptable.

I think you've gone down a big rabbit hole at this point and need some mental health help. You're peddling nihilism. Again it's not conducive to our salvation.

We render into Caesar what is Caesars, participate in the society, and serve God through our actions.

Your statements are actually quite materialistically concerned... Which is the opposite of what you should be focused on.
Because our biggest weapon we have right now is to take as much as we can out of this system and build a parallel system, much like Andrew Torba is doing.

What have I done to escape? I saw this unfolding over 20 years ago and started working 7 days a week, living cheaply as possible and investing. It has built up enough that I no longer have to work, other than knowing we are in the early stages of the greatest battle of mankind. And you have no chance in this battle if you are not preparing. If you are living the average middle class life, thinking you will vote for even 5 more minutes, you are in their trap, right where they want you.
Your statements are actually quite materialistically concerned... Which is the opposite of what you should be focused on.

Bang on. Becoming obsessed with prepping and the collapse can only mean that you think the material state of your life and the lives of others is more important than the spiritual state. Because the Christian reality is that things WILL magically work out okay... as long as you are repentant and focused on being right with God. Whether that be in your individual death and judgment or in the ultimate apocalypse and final judgment. That is no excuse not to do the best we can for innocents and the generations to come of course, no excuse not to fight for Good and Truth, but it's a fact that raising one child with the fear of God is a greater accomplishment than the most elaborate material prepping you could possibly lay out.
Because our biggest weapon we have right now is to take as much as we can out of this system and build a parallel system, much like Andrew Torba is doing.

What have I done to escape? I saw this unfolding over 20 years ago and started working 7 days a week, living cheaply as possible and investing. It has built up enough that I no longer have to work, other than knowing we are in the early stages of the greatest battle of mankind. And you have no chance in this battle if you are not preparing. If you are living the average middle class life, thinking you will vote for even 5 more minutes, you are in their trap, right where they want you.
Ok. Then go post a thread about parallel economies.

And let those of us stuck in the democracy trap enjoy our discussions... Since it doesn't matter... as you say...
You should be better with your words. You wish it to be true. You hope it to be true. But it isn't true. I have done very well for myself, when compared to the middle class.

I do hate I have to work so much. No one should have to work so much and we wouldn't have to if we didn't recreate Babel with legal and illegal immigration. I hate that everyone has to work so much. And if they are only working a 40/50 hour week, they are pushing the responsibilities on to their kids and living irresponsible. The economy is never going to recover and we are not going to vote our way out of this, so with that knowledge, you either fight hard for your kids or you push all that hell on to them.

"Hopelessness" to you and other "conservatives" is you can work 40 hours a week, show up once every two years to vote for the most "based GOP" member and magically things will turn out okay. That isn't reality and it is time we face up to it.
I think it is worth noting that our forefathers, men of great virtue and resolve, founded this country and the strongest institutions the world has ever known, in the face of high levels of adversity.

The English empire, at the time, was much stronger and globally connected than our current NWO overlords. Yet George Washington, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and the likes didn’t take a black pill and “give up.” Instead, they dedicated their lives toward building something great, the fruition of which many of them never saw. These great men of our lineage refused to quit, despite the might English empire, the hostile terrain surrounding them, and great levels of poverty and death in the new world. And we should all thank the day they made the resolution to themselves to create the America we have benefited from so greatly.

Today, people of the black pill type do exactly what @It_Is_My_Time has mentioned: they work minimal hours, ask themselves “why has nobody stepped up to save me,” and lament the state of things.
That is not to trivialize what is happening, and things DO look bleak for western white men. Yet, never in the history of the world have things been easy. Now is no different. And our forefathers overcame bleak odds similar to those we face today. We are of these men’s great lineage, we are all fully capable of righting the ship.

In many ways, we have more tools available to us to overcome the empire of our age than those men in 1775. We ought to resolve to work harder then our secular counterparts, organize more effectively, craft better arguments that support our worldviews, involve ourselves in our community in valuable ways, and prepare our countrymen for the hard times that lie ahead. If we all followed this, our grandchildren would indeed be well off…

Jesus never promised us Prosperity or Freedom. He never promised us based leaders. Instead He told us that the devil rules the world (for now) seeking those whom he may devour. Despite this, we have been charged with the great commission.

We must draw on the legacy of our forefathers, our faith, and our great traditions to overcome the obstacles of the NWO. There is great hope friends!
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I wish the governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgrum, would have gotten more attention. I had never even heard of him until recently, but he's done good things for North Dakota and seems legitimately conservative. Or at least much better than most Replicucks.

Going against abortion, trannies and critical race theory is good to see.
Burgrum is a globalist scumbag, deep ties to Gates. He's allowing big corporations to come into the Dakotas and buy up big farms which is against state law but his Attorney General turns a blind eye to it. He only supports those things to keep himself in office since most everyone here votes R regardless of actual position and policies of the candidate. He'd lose the Catholic vote real quick if he didn't but I think people are picking up quickly how much of a dirtbag he is. To put it in perspective though we narrowly escaped legalizing marijuana here so it's still a battle to keep North Dakota not gay. Fargo is pushing the gay agenda just like every other big city. No escape from the homos.
Burgrum is a globalist scumbag, deep ties to Gates. He's allowing big corporations to come into the Dakotas and buy up big farms which is against state law but his Attorney General turns a blind eye to it. He only supports those things to keep himself in office since most everyone here votes R regardless of actual position and policies of the candidate. He'd lose the Catholic vote real quick if he didn't but I think people are picking up quickly how much of a dirtbag he is. To put it in perspective though we narrowly escaped legalizing marijuana here so it's still a battle to keep North Dakota not gay. Fargo is pushing the gay agenda just like every other big city. No escape from the homos.
Also, North Dakota is being overrun by immigrants, and a blind eye is being turned to their crimes. North Dakota, under this loser's "leadership" is quickly on its way to becoming the next Minnesota.
You should be better with your words. You wish it to be true. You hope it to be true. But it isn't true. I have done very well for myself, when compared to the middle class.

I do hate I have to work so much. No one should have to work so much and we wouldn't have to if we didn't recreate Babel with legal and illegal immigration. I hate that everyone has to work so much. And if they are only working a 40/50 hour week, they are pushing the responsibilities on to their kids and living irresponsible. The economy is never going to recover and we are not going to vote our way out of this, so with that knowledge, you either fight hard for your kids or you push all that hell on to them.

"Hopelessness" to you and other "conservatives" is you can work 40 hours a week, show up once every two years to vote for the most "based GOP" member and magically things will turn out okay. That isn't reality and it is time we face up to it.

Your arguments are incomprehensible. If we cannot vote our way out of this then it is also impossible to work your way out of this. Anything you or I build will just be taken away by our commie overlords. We live in a totalitarian dictatorship that is only beginning to flex it's muscles. You avoid the real issue. Fundamentally, this nation cannot survive unless the bad parts are cut out through civil war or revolution. That's the reality. No amount of work or voting will change this.

The only way for either revolution or civil war to occur is if there are powerful interests whose interests also align with the population's interests. There needs to be leadership. This ONLY occurred under Trump, not Biden, because Trump polarized the country and created battle lines. 250K showed up to defend him on J6 which is proof of Trump's power to create a civil war, more so than any other leader right now.

A civil war or revolution is also the only way to stop American imperialism. A fight at home guarantees peace for the rest of the world (at least in the short run). Obviously, no one wants a Civil War, but the reality is that unless the bad parts separate from the good parts then the nation will just turn into a corrupt, dying, bankrupt country with nothing but slaves for citizens. We see this process reflected in our collapsing birthrates.

Trump was the shot of dopamine to wake up the White man out of his slumber, and it worked better than anyone could have hoped for. He was so accelerationist the chews had to pull out the fake pandemic and election rigging card, which was an enormous flex on their power to reveal to EVERYONE just how much of a slave they are. Our government can literally lock us down and prevent us from working (so much for working your way out, lol), imagine what else they could do if they wanted. Trump red pilled the entire world.

I think it is worth noting that our forefathers, men of great virtue and resolve, founded this country and the strongest institutions the world has ever known, in the face of high levels of adversity.

The English empire, at the time, was much stronger and globally connected than our current NWO overlords. Yet George Washington, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and the likes didn’t take a black pill and “give up.” Instead, they dedicated their lives toward building something great, the fruition of which many of them never saw. These great men of our lineage refused to quit, despite the might English empire, the hostile terrain surrounding them, and great levels of poverty and death in the new world. And we should all thank the day they made the resolution to themselves to create the America we have benefited from so greatly.

Today, people of the black pill type do exactly what @It_Is_My_Time has mentioned: they work minimal hours, ask themselves “why has nobody stepped up to save me,” and lament the state of things.
That is not to trivialize what is happening, and things DO look bleak for western white men. Yet, never in the history of the world have things been easy. Now is no different. And our forefathers overcame bleak odds similar to those we face today. We are of these men’s great lineage, we are all fully capable of righting the ship.

In many ways, we have more tools available to us to overcome the empire of our age than those men in 1775. We ought to resolve to work harder then our secular counterparts, organize more effectively, craft better arguments that support our worldviews, involve ourselves in our community in valuable ways, and prepare our countrymen for the hard times that lie ahead. If we all followed this, our grandchildren would indeed be well off…

Jesus never promised us Prosperity or Freedom. He never promised us based leaders. Instead He told us that the devil rules the world (for now) seeking those whom he may devour. Despite this, we have been charged with the great commission.

We must draw on the legacy of our forefathers, our faith, and our great traditions to overcome the obstacles of the NWO. There is great hope friends!

This reperesents the "normie" view of the America revolution, and I am sorry, but it is complete fantasy and utterly detached from reality. It couldn't be so far from the truth if it tried. But sadly, this is passed as common wisdom.

The truth: The founding fathers of America were among it's wealthiest, most powerful, influential elites in America. George Washington being a famous war hero who was promoted to general during the French and Indian War, having been trained by the British themselves, should give us the idea of the kind of defection that the America revolution was at the time.

The common man of America back then was far poorer today than we are, in terms of "material" things, yet because land and labor was untaxed, pretty much everyone had wives and families. When a tiny tea tax was introduced it caused a revolt. Men back then had far less and were far more willing to die for it. Today's men have far more and yet paradoxically appreciate it less. Men today are faithless cowards, shameful stains on Christian history, sadly.

England was far weaker than our NWO overlords are today. Far weaker, far less effective weapons and surveillance. The fact that all the founding fathers had to do was meet in a tavern to discuss revolutionary activities is all you need to know. Try that today and you'll be thrown in jail posthaste. The FBI gets it's hands into every right wing organization and there are trolls on here who definitely reek of FBI/Mossad/MI6, and we're just a tiny forum hosted in a foreign country. That's how insane the police state is. Posters who post on here nonstop on single subjects are highly suspect.

For example, It Is My Time definitely reeks of being a fed, who supposedly works 7 days a week, however, I have known him as a poster since 2014 and so I am hesitant to label him as a fed. But it appears his job of working 7 days a week is posting here on this forum, which is something only an Fed employee could consider "work". So my best guess is that ISMT is someone who suffers from severe spiritual and mental issues, which is why he has a lot of despair yet no real solutions.

Anyhow, the bottom line is that it doesn't matter much what the quality of the poor men are, although it does matter, because if there is no leadership then nothing the little people want matters. It has always been that way, there has never been any revolution or civil war without powerful rich leadership guiding it. Not one. Therefore we are in a 1000x more difficult situation than the men in 1776 were, because our leadership situation is bottom of the barrel, which is why Trump gets elected since no one trusts anyone in the political class.

Finally, as an aside, who knows what God's plan for America is? He could easily be ready to let this place die. He's let many Christian countries be devoured whole by Islam, for example, because God's plans are bigger than any one spot of the Earth. As Christians suffered in the Middle East, the faith was spreading like wildfire across Europe and then America, for example. God design is incomprehensible to us, so it doesn't matter what the outcome of America is.

All we need to do is do our small part, pray to the Lord, glorify and worship Him, Love our Neighbors, and God will take care of the rest. If the Lord wants to grant us freedom he will unite many of our Leaders under a common cause and then it will be our duty to support our Leaders for our posterities sake. That is all we can do.

The major difference between men in 1776 and men today is their faith. Back then, the men had unbreakable faith in God. They were far weaker than we are, had nothing, but they had leaders who wanted to fight and they had their faith in God. Today we have the opposite on both grounds, which is why it is far more difficult now than it was during 1776.
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Your arguments are incomprehensible. If we cannot vote our way out of this then it is also impossible to work your way out of this. Anything you or I build will just be taken away by our commie overlords. We live in a totalitarian dictatorship that is only beginning to flex it's muscles. You avoid the real issue. Fundamentally, this nation cannot survive unless the bad parts are cut out through civil war or revolution. That's the reality. No amount of work or voting will change this.

The only way for either revolution or civil war to occur is if there are powerful interests whose interests also align with the population's interests. There needs to be leadership. This ONLY occurred under Trump, not Biden, because Trump polarized the country and created battle lines. 250K showed up to defend him on J6 which is proof of Trump's power to create a civil war, more so than any other leader right now.

A civil war or revolution is also the only way to stop American imperialism. A fight at home guarantees peace for the rest of the world (at least in the short run). Obviously, no one wants a Civil War, but the reality is that unless the bad parts separate from the good parts then the nation will just turn into a corrupt bankrupt country with nothing but slaves for citizens. We see this process reflected in our collapsing birthrates.

Trump was the shot of dopamine to wake up the White man out of his slumber, and it worked better than anyone could have hoped for. He was so accelerationist the chews had to pull out the fake pandemic and election rigging card, which was an enormous flex on their power to reveal to EVERYONE just how much of a slave they are. Our government can literally lock us down and prevent us from working (so much for working your way out, lol), imagine what else they could do if they wanted. Trump red pilled the entire world.

We don't "work out way out of it" we work to take capital from it and transform it into a parallel system. That is the only peaceful course left and I doubt it is available much longer.

You mentioned civil war, yes, it will likely come down to that. But I want peaceful and legal steps to take first. In the meantime, sitting and waiting for this war will only ensure we lose. We have to build and be prepared for all possible situations.

Yes, and the locked us down and destroyed our jobs while Trump was president. Which means that voting is no good at all.
We don't "work out way out of it" we work to take capital from it and transform it into a parallel system. That is the only peaceful course left and I doubt it is available much longer.

You mentioned civil war, yes, it will likely come down to that. But I want peaceful and legal steps to take first. In the meantime, sitting and waiting for this war will only ensure we lose. We have to build and be prepared for all possible situations.

Yes, and the locked us down and destroyed our jobs while Trump was president. Which means that voting is no good at all.

They would have taken those jobs from you regardless of who you voted for, but instead of a slow boil they were forced to turn up the heat to near maximum which woke up the White man. You are a huge ingrate, you should be thanking Trump for saving your precious White race because no one has red-pilled Whites as much as Trump has. No one else even comes close.

"Sitting and waiting" is something only losers would do, no one needs to wait and look forward towards war. That's a hateful dark mentality. I look at war the same way you look at a getting a cancer tumor removed. A terrible experience, but if you do not you will die. The war will come on it's own accord, or God is just going to let us die because he has bigger plans and he wants us in Heaven instead. No one is waiting, but we are all relatively powerless, because it is always in God's hands and it always will be.

Again, the only thing that will create any sort of lasting success is if men return to the Church, support their Neighbors, support their local towns and cities (and this means local politics), so that God will have mercy on us and grant us freedom, just like he did to the Jews who were slaves under the Egyptians, just like he did with Americans from the British in 1776.

Nothing happens without the will of God... therefore the most powerful thing to do is pray and worship Him. He will take the rest if we do our part and follow Christ.