2024 Election Lounge

I can answer this to be honest. What’s basically happened is America has a lot more rich people too. If you get a husband and a wife (Albeit one who behaves herself and won’t get sad her husbands making the same as her) both making 90k a year that’s a 180k household income. Plus they’re filing taxes jointly. I know people like this, high earning couples with advanced degrees who are doing great in this economy. I’ve heard them called super millennials and super zoomers before. People like this typically lean left because they feel their excess money should go to higher taxes to help the poors, single moms, Haitian workers etc. they’re so well off higher taxes are no skin off their back. In the past, 10% of households were VERY well off. Now it’s probably 25%. However a good chunk of households have also joined the poors. I think the future of the American economy will be to focus on the top 25% earners as consumers while the bottom 75% will be well… consolidated.
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I can answer this to be honest. What’s basically happened is America has a lot more rich people too. If you get a husband and a wife (Albeit one who behaves herself and won’t get sad her husbands making the same as her) both making 90k a year that’s a 180k household income. Plus they’re filing taxes jointly. I know people like this, high earning couples with advanced degrees who are doing great in this economy. I’ve heard them called super millennials and super zoomers before. People like this typically lean left because they feel their excess money should go to higher taxes to help the poors, single moms, Haitian workers etc. they’re so well off higher taxes are no skin off their back. In the past, 10% of households were VERY well off. Now it’s probably 25%. However a good chunk of households have also joined the poors. I think the future of the American economy will be to focus on the top 25% earners as consumers while the bottom 75% will be well… consolidated.
This seems to be true. I have a fair amount of millennial coworkers who are married, anti-natalist, and seem to be constantly vacationing in Europe or buying boats and things like that. When the subject of children comes up they seem bewildered because why would anyone want to blow money on kids instead of expensive toys and maybe dogs.
I can answer this to be honest. What’s basically happened is America has a lot more rich people too. If you get a husband and a wife (Albeit one who behaves herself and won’t get sad her husbands making the same as her) both making 90k a year that’s a 180k household income. Plus they’re filing taxes jointly. I know people like this, high earning couples with advanced degrees who are doing great in this economy. I’ve heard them called super millennials and super zoomers before. People like this typically lean left because they feel their excess money should go to higher taxes to help the poors, single moms, Haitian workers etc. they’re so well off higher taxes are no skin off their back. In the past, 10% of households were VERY well off. Now it’s probably 25%. However a good chunk of households have also joined the poors. I think the future of the American economy will be to focus on the top 25% earners as consumers while the bottom 75% will be well… consolidated.

In the entirety of my life I have not met one person who thinks they should pay higher taxes, for any reason.
In the entirety of my life I have not met one person who thinks they should pay higher taxes, for any reason.

I have. I used to live in a very liberal wealthy neighborhood. This particular slice of people are very deluded in general. Claiming they would like to pay even higher taxes is just another form of virtue signaling for them.
I think the future of the American economy will be to focus on the top 25% earners as consumers while the bottom 75% will be well… consolidated.
It's already lower than that. The real question is how dangerous the lower 80% will be, or how sedated the government can somehow get them.
When the subject of children comes up they seem bewildered because why would anyone want to blow money on kids instead of expensive toys and maybe dogs.
We lost all sense of identity long ago. If you don't realize that multiculturalism is a failure, and most don't, it doesn't matter (in my view) if you have kids or not. One thing about LatAm that's interesting if you pull back the layers, is that they still have social strata that recognizes that Europeans run the show. It's a sad truth that giving the underclasses more just emboldens them, as we've seen in the USA. What did that do? It hurt the country, respect for culture and civilization, and destroyed families. For example, the average black person in America in 1960 was measures higher in quality than in any subsequent decade, and yet the modern individual complains more than ever. Pretty funny if it doesn't make you cry.
This particular slice of people are very deluded in general. Claiming they would like to pay even higher taxes is just another form of virtue signaling for them.
Ultimately what you need to do is get the lefty races, jews and welfare mongers to all "enjoy one another" in a particular region or state, and watch it crumble, like in Portland or big west coast cities.
True. It's more likely that said affluent, liberal millennials think that OTHER people should pay higher taxes to fund various virtuous government projects.
It really has become the "rise of the midwits". You have a lot of 105-115 IQ young people who are smart and competent enough to work upper middle-class jobs. Middle management. If they kiss enough ass and repeat the DEI lines hard enough, they get promoted to the C-level eventually. At the same time, they are not smart enough to think outside the box or run their own business, so they just plod along, believing they are doing great by spending their entire paycheck on childish endeavors, such as concerts, vacations, new cars, and cosmopolitan living in luxury condos.

They are not smart enough to realize the point of life isn't to spend your entire paycheck for comfort. It is to build and grow so the next generation can build and grow and remember you fondly, and that passes on perpetually. But they are smart enough to work in higher paid professional fields, most of which are just busy work such as marketing or management of "how do I harass the White and Asian men to do all the work and promote the non-White and Non-Asian men".

So, they will happily pay more in taxes if that means that they get abortion rights, and they believe they are "doing the right thing" by listening to the mainstream media and repeating their talking points. These numbers are boosted with legal immigration, because many legal immigrants fit into this stream of life. I see a lot of Indians and Chinese, who love the consumerist life-style. They don't understand the point of our people fighting so hard for this land, was so they could actually own land and pass on wealth. These people will never own land, just make mortgage payments, car payments, and then die and if they have kids leave them little to nothing.
It really has become the "rise of the midwits". You have a lot of 105-115 IQ young people who are smart and competent enough to work upper middle-class jobs. Middle management. If they kiss enough ass and repeat the DEI lines hard enough, they get promoted to the C-level eventually. At the same time, they are not smart enough to think outside the box or run their own business, so they just plod along, believing they are doing great by spending their entire paycheck on childish endeavors, such as concerts, vacations, new cars, and cosmopolitan living in luxury condos.
Yes, but population will decrease over time and it won't matter. The welfare state is running out sooner than any old age of our lifetime, _Time
These numbers are boosted with legal immigration, because many legal immigrants fit into this stream of life. I see a lot of Indians and Chinese, who love the consumerist life-style.
Indians tend to be the classic rule follower, silly anti violence, and sympathy for communism types. Also high materialists, with insecurities based on a lot of things, but in general colonialism and anti european bias. There are exceptions, but they are like the chews, with 95% commie sellouts or tribal nonsense purveyors.
Yes, but population will decrease over time and it won't matter. The welfare state is running out sooner than any old age of our lifetime, _Time

Indians tend to be the classic rule follower, silly anti violence, and sympathy for communism types. Also high materialists, with insecurities based on a lot of things, but in general colonialism and anti european bias. There are exceptions, but they are like the chews, with 95% commie sellouts or tribal nonsense purveyors.
Like I have I said a few times before...

Either Whites reestablish their own home nations and rule the world again, with a very kind hand but this time an understanding we shouldn't be importing non-Whites into White nations.


Whites die out, and the Chinese take over the globe. And I don't think they will be kindhearted. I have a hard time believing they will allow many other races to exist, outside of some zoo-type exhibit. Which some theorize is why they built a to-scale replica of Paris, in China, and have so far left it mostly empty.

I could explain this point to most high IQ and below average IQ Whites and I could see their eyes light up with "oh hell, that is the only two courses" but if I were to explain this to the mid-wits, they would react with whatever the mainstream media tells them to do, which would be the term "racist". Because for the midwits, it is worse to be a racist than to be so wrong your family gets exterminated.
Well...expect to see more seething and anger over the next several weeks - i.e., see James Carville angry rant.


Warning: Language.
Because for the midwits, it is worse to be a racist than to be so wrong your family gets exterminated.
Yes, it's amazing. Shows you how powerful psych ops and modernity, with material comfort, is though.

The part we all have to get over is that the population boom and sustenance was never really all that "real" and even though theoretically possibly to maintain, it's not due to many problems with humanity as a fallen creature.
That piece of crap deserves every bit of self imposed psychosis he is going to go through. He's had an easy life and he's a traitor, yet calls others the same. The sooner he gets a literal or figurative punch in the face from someone, the better.
For an angry old diehard Liberal, he has a lot of loose screws going on. Like this second clip.

One thing about LatAm that's interesting if you pull back the layers, is that they still have social strata that recognizes that Europeans run the show. It's a sad truth that giving the underclasses more just emboldens them, as we've seen in the USA.
This answers a question that just won’t let me be. I always wondered why the US coddling its minority population results in more riots and racial malaise. You’d think there’d be some gratitude like a “thank you for not being like Brazil or Colombia” attitude. LatAm doesn’t coddle its minority underclass population. If BLM happened in Bogota or Rio, the cops would just open fire into the crowd and send the bill for the bullets to the families. There’s no section 8, only the Barrio and Favela. In fact, Brazil once used summary executions to deal with prison crowding. Yet somehow race relations seem better in LatAm than the US. Many black Americans like Brazil. Maybe being nice and trying to do the right thing just made everyone more bold. Perhaps this is because their ruling class is still of Spanish and Portuguese stock and to a lesser extent Italian and MENA. Vs we get powdered wig descendants and small hats as our ruling class.

Pretty funny if it doesn't make Ultimately what you need to do is get the lefty races, jews and welfare mongers to all "enjoy one another" in a particular region or state, and watch it crumble, like in Portland or big west coast cities.
Why I keep praying for year zero. Once those EBT cards swipe “declined” something beautiful, horrible but beautiful will happen. I hope to be fully transitioned to digital nomad remote by then. The outlying communities will be fine but even springfield has me questioning that. Yet I still feel like I’m on a clock to integrate into one or build one before “the clock strikes midnight.”
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Must be the Nordic genes. I once heard someone say that while traveling he had met a Swedish girl and this girl was took pride about paying high taxes back in her home country.
Nordic regions have very short growing seasons, and long winters. To survive in these regions, it took thousands of years of reproduction selectivity of people who are both very intelligent (to plan for a long winter) but also always willing to help their neighbors.

Evolutionary pressures resulting in different behavior traits and the races and there within the ethnicities is a very real thing. And these Nordics will soon go extinct if they are not protected and I don't know if they are willing to do it for themselves at a large enough number to do so.

As a result, places like Minnesota have been left leaning going back to the 1960's.
but if I were to explain this to the mid-wits, they would react with whatever the mainstream media tells them to do, which would be the term "racist". Because for the midwits, it is worse to be a racist than to be so wrong your family gets exterminated.
you need to understand the entire mid-wits existence hinges on not being seen as racist, regardless of if they are or not. Racism is one of those things that perception of others trumps your actual beliefs. If they are perceived as racist, they’re hosed. They lose their job and friend group, which leads to losing their house, divorce because their wife will get angry they’re a loner cos women care about that stuff, their car will get repo’d, and possibly even become the victim of a crime. Of course the mid-wit will tow the line. Knowing that those in charge are this shitty they’d hold this sword over your head makes me not want to conform. They won’t just shoot you for wrong think like the Soviets or re-educate you into a good little ideologue like the Chinese. They want to make you suffer.