2024 Election Lounge

Is Pope bashing allowed on this forum
Yes. For example, he said in the video, "...expelling migrants is a sin...".


What kind of messaging does "...expelling migrants is a sin..." does that send to his audience? Are we now the baddies for wanting to expel illegal migrants from our countries for incompatible Christian values and country's laws, customs, language, etc.? There is a difference between "illegal migrant" and "legal migrant". Sin is when an illegal migrant rape, kill, steal, break the law, etc.


What's the difference if we allow this?
I can go on and on with this shady Pope Francis' immigration agenda.


Pope Francis is clearly a Globalist. He shouldn't lecture us on "grave sin" when we want illegal migrants to be deported from our countries.
Is saying anything critical about the pope whatsoever pope bashing? Is there anything he can say or do that can be criticized? This has come up several times before, and the consensus has been that he is not beyond all criticism.
He claims that the US is obligated to let migrants in when the Catholic Church says counties have the right to set up borders and enforce them.
Personally, I think he is wrong in advocating for Harris, and it is reasonable to criticize his position.
He said pick the lesser of two evils. Where did he advocate for Harris?
He claims that the US is obligated to let migrants in when the Catholic Church says counties have the right to set up borders and enforce them.

He said pick the lesser of two evils. Where did he advocate for Harris?
He said to pick the lesser of two evils between Harris and Trump. This is not some abstract saying. He means that one of them, Harris or Trump, is the one he is saying to pick. Did you think he meant to pick Trump?
He said to pick the lesser of two evils between Harris and Trump. This is not some abstract saying. He means that one of them, Harris or Trump, is the one he is saying to pick. Did you think he meant to pick Trump?
He pointed out both “flaws” of candidates, (immigration policy for Trump, abortion for Harris) and then said people should use their conscience.
Your language doesn't solidify your point. It only weakens it.
Keep crying for me. You also dodged the point about Protestant churches not being united.

The pope is abusing his power by defending sodomites and illegal aliens. There’s no excuse for this and Catholics like you who don’t call this out are letting the pope get away with facilitating the destruction of western societies.
The idea that, people flown and bussed over by NGO's by the millions is the same thing as the "stranger" Jesus was talking about is clearly absurd. We're not talking about people making a journey on their own violation, who pay with their own money. We're talking about Talmudic Jews using our own taxpayer money to fund an invasion. Talmuds entice 3rd-worlders to come here, using billions of tax dollars, and the Pope is unable to make this distinction. He has no idea what's going on and should not be commenting on these matters.

Furthermore, the idea that Christians are to treat strangers the same as their Neighbors is also contradicted by scripture in many places. Otherwise why would Paul talk about excommunication? Why would Jesus distinguish between the Pharisee who walks by while you are bleeding out, versus the Samaritan who helps you? Which one is the Neighbor?

None of these illegals come across as Neighbors, only taking, taking, taking. They give nothing in return, and would not care at all if I went homeless tomorrow. They are literally the warning Christ gave, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

Our country used to be a holy place, and we've given it away to undeserving and horrible people, and it's being destroyed in front of our very eyes.
We're talking about Talmudic Jews using our own taxpayer money to fund an invasion. Talmuds entice 3rd-worlders to come here, using billions of tax dollars, and the Pope is unable to make this distinction.
The Pope and other "leaders" should not only be encouraging, but demanding that all the men in these 3rd world countries stay home and fight the good fight to clean up these sh*tholes. How can Haiti ever be cleaned up and straightened out if all the men of fighting age are allowed to "escape" to Springfield, Ohio?
He pointed out both “flaws” of candidates, (immigration policy for Trump, abortion for Harris) and then said people should use their conscience.

Keep crying for me. You also dodged the point about Protestant churches not being united.

The pope is abusing his power by defending sodomites and illegal aliens. There’s no excuse for this and Catholics like you who don’t call this out are letting the pope get away with facilitating the destruction of western societies.
Nah I'm just not responding to your foulness. Wouldn't likely converse with you in real life so why should I here.
Protestants are so unhinged when it comes to the Pope. Almost insecure about it. Interesting.
Nah I'm just not responding to your foulness.
My “foulness” was the one thing you did respond to, it was essentially used as a crutch by you in order to evade the rest of my post.

“I don’t know how to respond to this criticism of my post and the pope, but an f-bomb was used, so I’ll just pounce on that so I can feel like I ‘won’ and had a good response”-seekingtruth
Wouldn't likely converse with you in real life so why should I here.
Yet here you are, crying about it and asking if it’s a rules violations in hopes of shutting people up for talking bad about some man you worship. (And yes, Catholics basically worship the pope, similar to worshipping Mary)
Protestants are so unhinged when it comes to the Pope. Almost insecure about it. Interesting.
Lmao if you think I’m insecure about it. The pope is a fag enabler who tries to intervene in politics by criticizing governments who ban sodomy or migrants but when it comes to abortion he claims it’s murder but doesn’t criticize governments for legalizing it.
Wow. Not holding anything back there.

Trump should definitely keep pushing this. Bringing in Haitians for illegal votes in a key swing state is going to backfire on the Democrats. More blue voters in Ohio will switch to red, and I doubt these Haitians will even know which way to hold a pencil if/when they vote.

The Democrats really misjudged the situation, and it's going to cost them the election.
As far as i'm aware on this forum The Pope is not exempt from criticism, especially when it's a public comment on US politics.

If you think that's "Pope bashing" that seems a little overly sensitive.

Francis is a communist. What he advocates destroys communities.

He says migration is a right.

So by implication I should take food away from my children and give to a stranger. That's total bullshit and the sort of thing a totally disconnected person says.

Any Catholic who's defending his comments needs to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why?
Francis is a communist. What he advocates destroys communities.

He says migration is a right.

So by implication I should take food away from my children and give to a stranger. That's total bullshit and the sort of thing a totally disconnected person says.

Any Catholic who's defending his comments needs to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why?

Samseau made the point well. This is forced migration and planned destruction. No way around it.

Ultimately The Pope is either incredibly ignorant of world affairs (which seems unlikely given how many migrants have continued to land on the coast of Italy since 2015) - despite "Godly" council...... or he's incredibly aware of the global plan and chooses not to speak out.

And if he chooses to be somewhere in between then he is certainly not an authority figure worth following, let alone speak on Church matters.
My protestant church has a list of their core values and one of them is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Consider yourself lucky because Solo Scriptura is a lot more finicky than any statements the Pope has made. I've seen enough rainbow flags hanging off local Protestant churches to be alarmed.
Consider yourself lucky because Solo Scriptura is a lot more finicky than any statements the Pope has made. I've seen enough rainbow flags hanging off local Protestant churches to be alarmed.

First of all this is an ORTHODOX forum...not Protestant or Catholic.
Second of all, apart from you I don't think there is a single forum member here who likes the current pope.

Since he took power on 13/3/2013 (funny date eh ?) all he has done is say endless blasphemies and heresies. He is 100% globohomo controlled.
Also, if you want to get technical, he took over many years before his predecessor died, and therefore is illegitimate as well, as there can't be 2 living popes at the same time, even if the previous one "resigns" gets shoved out of office.
First of all this is an ORTHODOX forum...not Protestant or Catholic.
Second of all, apart from you I don't think there is a single forum member here who likes the current pope.

Since he took power on 13/3/2013 (funny date eh ?) all he has done is say endless blasphemies and heresies. He is 100% globohomo controlled.
Also, if you want to get technical, he took over many years before his predecessor died, and therefore is illegitimate as well, as there can't be 2 living popes at the same time, even if the previous one "resigns" gets shoved out of office.

And if someone does like the Pope I'm pretty sure they have learned NOT to say anything on this forum.

The original poster was obviously completely biased as the Pope made a lot of good statements on abortion.
Although not an "orthodox forum", whatever that exactly means since it's politics, you're only seeing posts from Protestants interestingly enough.

And here come some more random conspiracies from you. Funny.
And if someone does like the Pope I'm pretty sure they have learned NOT to say anything on this forum.

The original poster was obviously completely biased as the Pope made a lot of good statements on abortion.
Although not an "orthodox forum", whatever that exactly means since it's politics, you're only seeing posts from Protestants interestingly enough.

And here come some more random conspiracies from you. Funny.
I'll just ask again, why defend this Pope?

He's been a subverter whose pushed communist ideology and promoted the notion that all religions lead to heaven.

That's heresy. Period.