2024 Election Lounge

When you contrast how well-spoken she came across at the debate with how incoherent she normally is when speaking off the cuff, it seems incredibly obvious that she was provided the questions in advance.
Anyone can remember a dozen or less 60 second speeches. She took a week to prep. Got the questions, her team wrote up responses, she practiced over and over for a week.

I could do that.
Things are about to get a whole lot more awkward for Tim Walz. If you don't know who Jeff is, he is Tim's brother. 👀 🍿


"I, I, I, I, I"... this narcissist can't even answer a basic question about others without referring to herself ad nasuem. We are being set up by the elite JQ for a Lucy pull the football away at the last second pratfall. What better way to demoralize and humiliate white heterosexual Christian men then to install an unqualified, low IQ, female, mulatto, homo-loving, atheist whore as their next fake President?

In addition, in a Wailing Wall Street, JQ pre-election fake deflation move, I just paid $2.64 a gallon for gasoline (the lowest I've paid in years). Kabbalah-Toe can't do anything about inflation and so the JQ are doing it for her to help push her over the finish line in what will surely be "the tightest election in US history," the results of which will no doubt take days, if not weeks to be announced.

Hold onto your hats gentlemen.