2024 Election Lounge

Is it just me or did Trump perform quite badly? I thought he talked around a lot of things, sounded very old fashioned. He's been kissing up to Israel for so long, that he just didn't seem to be speaking to the interests of the people who need him the most - working class whites. Just kept talking about other countries and America's global influence.

I could never stand listening to more than 17 seconds of Kamala previously- had never really heard her talk. I was kind of surprised at how prepared she was, and how unintimidated she was by Trump. She was quite composed.

I've moved on from politics in recent months, but that was just my observation watching it.

Just my thoughts at the end of the night:

While I wouldn’t say “badly” I would say that it’s “more of the same” so to speak. The one major thing VP Harris did wrong and I mentioned this previously, was glaring at him and otherwise giving weird looks when he was speaking. I was hoping that she’d lose her cool and interrupt him. She started to at one point-that was when he said “Quiet Please”. While it was nice for him in the moment, I was hoping he’d turn it around on her.

She was more ready than a lot of us were expecting, but she still had that weird “is she on something” vibe. I’m surprised that the Dem’s haven’t said she’s on meds. In this day and age she’d be celebrated for being “brave” enough to publicly acknowledge it. The fact that she isn’t proudly owning it tends to make me wonder what’s really going on…
Just my thoughts at the end of the night:

While I wouldn’t say “badly” I would say that it’s “more of the same” so to speak. The one major thing VP Harris did wrong and I mentioned this previously, was glaring at him and otherwise giving weird looks when he was speaking. I was hoping that she’d lose her cool and interrupt him. She started to at one point-that was when he said “Quiet Please”. While it was nice for him in the moment, I was hoping he’d turn it around on her.

She was more ready than a lot of us were expecting, but she still had that weird “is she on something” vibe. I’m surprised that the Dem’s haven’t said she’s on meds. In this day and age she’d be celebrated for being “brave” enough to publicly acknowledge it. The fact that she isn’t proudly owning it tends to make me wonder what’s really going on…
Good summation.

Yeah she was almost too confident, come to think of it. Just overly smug and assured. I could see Trump's anxiety, he seemed much less sure than he has in the past - hence he kept going back to the 'more of the same' talking points.
I got some Hillary flashbacks in the debate. Smug, pantsuit making stupid faces at him while he was talking, knowing that the cameras will eat it up, like some middle wage supervisor. Even Trump's talking point, "she's been there all this time, why hasn't she done anything yet?" was from the Killary days. It's a good point, and dumbed down enough for the average voter to chew on.
I understand that these events are only really there to sway low-IQ voters, but listening to this one later on, I'm realizing how low candidates have to go in order to "win" the debate.

Kamala Harris is only able to sound so confident and to appear so brash because she sticks to easily exploitable, firmly in the Overton window talking points ("Trump doesn't like the New York 6", "Trump did Chaarlottesvielle", "Trump made me scared on the ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY on Jan 6", "Trump has no joy in his heart", "I talk to our greatest ally Zelensky and he says Trump is stupid", "Trump loves dictators and Orban and he banned gay books in the kids section of Libri" "I will give $6000 so you can by a crib")

I don't know how you respond to such screeching.

Sure, she can "win" on these points, but what new voters does she get out of this stuff that has already been repeated thousands of times? Haven't they all heard these things countless times before (besides, maybe the money for luxury crib comment)?

Why is she allowed to take credit for all of the "good" things from the Biden administration so far, but none of the numerous bad things are her fault? It was very obvious to me that she really wanted to tout victories but deny all negatives.

Also for the dooming.
You're delusional if you really think 92% of viewers thought Trump won that debate. Not sure if that poll is just wildly skewed or if it's just a blatantly doctored pic. But that's laughable based on demographics alone. The reality is that Trump underperformed and Kamala overperformed. It wasn't a total disaster for Trump, but he definitely bungled it and Kamala came across better than anyone expected. It's why the Dems are already pushing for a second debate.
I was hoping Trump would shed light to the manufactured immigration of Haitians to Springfield as new info to the normies, which he did. Unfortunately the mainstream media was already out in front of this and dismissed all of the animal eating rumors (may or may not be true who really knows at this point). But Trump talking about the dog and cat eating was not the place to go and I can’t believe Tulsi coached him to go there last night. David Muir was already prepared to call that out if Trump was stupid enough to bring it up, and now it’s making Trump looking like a nut job to a lot of the US and world population as their replay that snippet from the debate all week and more In sure. Even if the pet eating in Springfield gets revealed as 100% true at a later time to flip the claims of mainstream media that it’s false, it won’t get to the visibility of the normies to move the needle on undecided voters.
I was hoping Trump would shed light to the manufactured immigration of Haitians to Springfield as new info to the normies, which he did. Unfortunately the mainstream media was already out in front of this and dismissed all of the animal eating rumors (may or may not be true who really knows at this point). But Trump talking about the dog and cat eating was not the place to go and I can’t believe Tulsi coached him to go there last night. David Muir was already prepared to call that out if Trump was stupid enough to bring it up, and now it’s making Trump looking like a nut job to a lot of the US and world population as their replay that snippet from the debate all week and more In sure. Even if the pet eating in Springfield gets revealed as 100% true at a later time to flip the claims of mainstream media that it’s false, it won’t get to the visibility of the normies to move the needle on undecided voters.
It was true and there's been police videos and recordings covering it. Here's Tulsi and her take.

You're delusional if you really think 92% of viewers thought Trump won that debate. Not sure if that poll is just wildly skewed or if it's just a blatantly doctored pic. But that's laughable based on demographics alone. The reality is that Trump underperformed and Kamala overperformed. It wasn't a total disaster for Trump, but he definitely bungled it and Kamala came across better than anyone expected. It's why the Dems are already pushing for a second debate.

No I don't believe 92 percent won. But the point is that the response bias shows Trump fans were the ones that actually watched the debate. Meaning it's one sided energy and that's a good thing for turn out.

You're correct as I've said that Donald missed a couple of instances to crush her and she did better by hitting her rehearsed points and lies.

There are no more potential swing voters left. These debates are for the base at this point.

Trump should agree to do another debate with moderators that aren't going to skew the questions. I'm doubtful that Kamala will agree to that however.
I thought Trump comported himself well but, unfortunately for him, Kamala comported herself well too and that's all the Dems needed from her. No cackling, no being all sauced up. While neither had great talking points, Trump sounded as mentally with it as he's ever been, he's far more competent than Biden when it comes to that. He seemed to deflect attacks well, I don't recall Kamala impaling him over anything, even though she used all the usual Democrat gotchas. Trump seemed to defend against the criminal accusations well, especially because Kamala tried to get him on that right after he talked about criminals in the US. Trump needs to throw in some statistics when he says stuff like 'criminal activity is down across the world but up in America'. He repeated that point a few times, but it sounded dumb. The normies love statistics because someone who talks a little math = genius. Talking about the student loan forgiveness being a big tease was a good point Kamala had no answer for. Also, when she talked about people who said bad things about Trump, Trump missed an opportunity to bring up the high turnover rate of Kamala's staffers.

I'm glad Trump talked about Biden's incompetency and how they threw him out like a dog. But I have to say, I am very tempted to vote for Kamala when Trump said Israel would disappear, be wiped off the map, in 2 years if she gained office. It's hard to not love a candidate so bad Israel wouldn't have a chance at survival.
I thought Trump comported himself well but, unfortunately for him, Kamala comported herself well too and that's all the Dems needed from her. No cackling, no being all sauced up. While neither had great talking points, Trump sounded as mentally with it as he's ever been, he's far more competent than Biden when it comes to that. He seemed to deflect attacks well, I don't recall Kamala impaling him over anything, even though she used all the usual Democrat gotchas. Trump seemed to defend against the criminal accusations well, especially because Kamala tried to get him on that right after he talked about criminals in the US. Trump needs to throw in some statistics when he says stuff like 'criminal activity is down across the world but up in America'. He repeated that point a few times, but it sounded dumb. The normies love statistics because someone who talks a little math = genius. Talking about the student loan forgiveness being a big tease was a good point Kamala had no answer for. Also, when she talked about people who said bad things about Trump, Trump missed an opportunity to bring up the high turnover rate of Kamala's staffers.

I'm glad Trump talked about Biden's incompetency and how they threw him out like a dog. But I have to say, I am very tempted to vote for Kamala when Trump said Israel would disappear, be wiped off the map, in 2 years if she gained office. It's hard to not love a candidate so bad Israel wouldn't have a chance at survival.
Good points. In summary I have 3 main “screw ups” by Trump last night:
1) they are eating dogs and cats
2) crime is down everywhere else in the world (Western Europe / ie same exact situation as US???)
3) states with laws killing babies after birth
I want to give my opinion of the debate, as someone who has a long reputation of attacking Trump on this forum.

I think Trump won pretty easily. Not because Trump was great, but Trump was good. But because Kamala was so bad. You have to be low IQ or just completely hate Whites/Christians to buy Kamala's vibe. Kamala is terrible. I can understand people falling for Hillary or even Biden in their debates, Kamala was just terrible. I wonder how many times Kamala said "turn the page" or "protect our democracy"? Probably 20 times each. It was a painful experience. Add to her tone of voice sounds like a drunk kindergarten teacher who is phoning it in for the last month of the school year. Kamala didn't pick up any "undecided voters" last night.

Trump rambled too much, he wasn't prepared or went off script too much, and he didn't sound organized. But he was funny and his roasting another disgusting sellout insider was good comedy. I think Trump picked up some undecided voters with his performance. Mostly because people realize this govt. isn't going to help them, so might as well have someone funny in office. Trump had me laughing a few times, made me how much I miss the 2016 Trump and how good those times were. Trump needs to bring that energy back more, go off script, and just go with his gut instinct for 2 more months.

The moderators were embarrassingly bad and should be ashamed of themselves. But they will not be ashamed because they have sold their soul for their position in our disgusting system.

If anyone has any connections to the Trump campaign, I have two pieces of advice...

1) Stop saying "Black and Hispanic jobs". Just stop this nonsense. It isn't winning any voters over, it sounds corny, and at worst it is losing you White voters who will just stay home. Just simply say "American jobs". It sounds way better, doesn't piss anyone off, and is much harder to push against.

2) Stop pushing the Israel nonsense. Just pretend Israel doesn't exist for two months. Unless someone asks about it specifically don't bring up Israel at all. Israel is a losing issue all around and is only costing votes and wasting time to be funny/charismatic.
Good points. In summary I have 3 main “screw ups” by Trump last night:
1) they are eating dogs and cats
I get your point that this makes him sound crazy I liberals, but most Americans otherwise like this story because it feeds into their anti immigration stance.

My 72 year old dad, a who doesn't tweet, knows all about the Haitian duck snatching.

2) crime is down everywhere else in the world (Western Europe / ie same exact situation as US???)
Americans don't care about what is or isn't going on in Europe and outside this forum no one really knows about it.

To Americans, crime is up regardless of the story the media tells you.

3) states with laws killing babies after birth

That isn't a lie or a mistake. People know it and they remember Gov Terry McAuliffe from Virginia literally saying it.

Regarding the debate last night: I didn't think Trump dominated like he could have if he had defined Kamala's policy positions. However, what a lot of people are not talking about this morning is one underlying fact here: Voters do not like Kamala Harris. She is intrinsically unlikable. This was true back in 2020 when her own party rejected her. People just don't like childless smirking hoes who are only where they are because they had to sleep their way to the top. And that holds true for Kamala Harris and she is such a bad politician she can't hide any of this.

Thus, the debate was a win for Trump. People actually saw Kamala Harris live again and remembered why they don't like her. And Trump made no serious blunder. Plus, the moderators were so obviously against Trump, any "win" Kamala Harris may have had will be hard to take seriously by anybody who watched that last night. Again, the main thing here is that people got to watch Kamala Harris talk (she's been running a hide-in-the-basement campaign until now) and realize again how awful she is.

I don't spend a lot of time on X, but look at every poll on there. People all unanimously think Trump won. They are probably saying that because they hated how smirk an annoying that woman is. Not because they agreed with everything Trump said. Oh and one more thing: Black people HATE Kamala Harris. Per usual, Trump's political instincts were correct when he called her out on this one. Black women feel inferior and threatened by her, and black men in general think she's a hoe: Go read any twitter comment section and you'll see that.

My thoughts on last night.
I get your point that this makes him sound crazy I liberals, but most Americans otherwise like this story because it feeds into their anti immigration stance.

My 72 year old dad, a who doesn't tweet, knows all about the Haitian duck snatching.

Americans don't care about what is or isn't going on in Europe and outside this forum no one really knows about it.

To Americans, crime is up regardless of the story the media tells you.

That isn't a lie or a mistake. People know it and they remember Gov Terry McAuliffe from Virginia literally saying it.

This is disgusting. Who are the doctors or nurses that would just let a newborn child die?