2024 Election Lounge

Trump defending that he didn't lose the 2020 election good answer also.

We need walls, borders, and good elections.

Hammering on immigration is great.

Solid Trump.

These moderators are sooooo fucking bad, there helping him in their false fact checking.

Great pivot by Trump.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that Kamala is winning, but I'd say she is outperforming expectations, and that at best Trump is performing as expected. Trump desperately needs better messaging discipline. His rambling has gotten really bad as of late. Kamala has so many vulnerabilities he should be hammering relentlessly but his responses are so unfocused.
She will be lauded as performing well.

We all know that.

She's not getting new support, only wino cat ladies are buying it.

What's important is that he doesn't have any gaffs .

The media will still build her up as impressive but he's hitting all the significant notes.

Botched Afghanistan.
Botched border.
Shit economy.