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Search results

  1. It_Is_My_Time

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Nick has destroyed the fraud Jordan Peterson himself today.
  2. It_Is_My_Time

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Agreed, there has been back and forth here, and I still state that legal immigrants cause more damage than illegal immigrants. How? The gaslighting of people into saying "as long as they come legally" as if it matters. They are coming, they are destroying your country, your children's future...
  3. It_Is_My_Time

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Seeing this fraud's daughter get absolutely crushed on Twitter today is inspirational.
  4. It_Is_My_Time

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    America First is starting to fracture from the Trump cult of personality. If they withhold their vote, will it be enough to push whomever the DNC runs over the finish line? Trump lost about 5% of the White male vote from 2016 to 2020, not that they voted Biden, just many didn't vote again.
  5. It_Is_My_Time

    Why Does a Feminist Society Accept/Promote Porn-slop?

    Because the same satanic elites who push feminism, own the porn industry. Most women, even feminists, one on one see porn as disgusting. Probably mostly because it is competition for male attention, but regardless it is not something they like. But the feminists have no power, their leaders...
  6. It_Is_My_Time

    Conservatives Are Losers

    Way back, in like 2017 or so, I heard a podcast that recommended you read/listen to Mein Kampf. Not a hard core Nazi podcast, just a right wing political podcast. They talked about some of the book on the show and it intrigued me. It intrigued me because what they said was in the book related...
  7. It_Is_My_Time

    Poland Politics Thread

  8. It_Is_My_Time

    4 July - Independence Day (USA)

    No, and there are 10's of millions of other young men across the west in similar or worse situations, so you can guess how this will play out. If you want to discuss it more, PM me, otherwise I am done responding to you here. My day tomorrow, the 4th, will be spent catching up on tons of...
  9. It_Is_My_Time

    4 July - Independence Day (USA)

    I need to find an escape from my terrible job, and I don't see a way out and haven't found one in 24 years. The immigrants keep coming and running our lives into the ground with no escaping it.
  10. It_Is_My_Time

    4 July - Independence Day (USA)

    We used to get a floating holiday around the 4th of July, if it fell on a Tuesday or Thursday. We no longer get this floating holiday because it is being used for Juneteenth. It was a great way to break up the middle of the year, and now it is gone. Due to this, I doubt I even stay up to...
  11. It_Is_My_Time

    Situation in the Red Sea

    I guess we will see how this plays out.
  12. It_Is_My_Time

    LGBT Agenda

    Putin: "The USA is run by a satanic elite." Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei: "The USA is the great satan." The USA...
  13. It_Is_My_Time

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Looks like Hezbollah is not going to let up.
  14. It_Is_My_Time

    2024 Election Lounge

    The satanic elites are running the country. The most powerful men, from what I can see, in the USA are... Larry Fink - CEO Blackrock Financial, now basically owns the treasury. Anthony Blinken - The man actually doing the physical job of the President and probably the top policy setter...
  15. It_Is_My_Time

    2024 Election Lounge

    Yes, I do predict this as well. If they don't remove Biden after that pitiful showing, and I don't think they will, it adds fuel to the fire that this is the correct conspiracy. If they don't remove Biden, they are not serious about beating Trump. It could be they are raising the white flag...