Conservatives Are Losers



Conservatives Are Losers​


July 23, 2018 - Culture - Roosh

For the world to get to how it is today, with the nearly complete elimination of tradition in favor of a globohomo world where diddling little children is becoming normalized, conservatives have had to lose every meaningful cultural war in the history of man. When someone declares themselves a conservative, they’re in fact stating that they are a loser, someone who is meant to take the fall when the left comes attacking.

Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.


The enemy

Why are conservatives such losers? Because they desire to merely hold the line while their enemy rushes at them full speed. They don’t want to conquer new lands, kill their enemy, or inflict real harm. They want to maintain the status quo while the left froths at the mouth to win, energized with momentum and passion. The left is so dissatisfied at the state of the world because of their deep-seated inner dysfunction that they put their entire being into trying to make it better. They don’t know how to enjoy their lives so they have to attack the lives of others.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have no momentum or passion. They just want to be left alone, which makes them easy pickings for a collective that is hellbent on achieving their nightmare utopia. In the end, conservatives are the Spartans in 300 who have trained their entire lives to lose the battle, even if they are pound-for-pound stronger than their enemy.

Conservatives have also shown to be comically susceptible to leftist ideas when it’s presented as “human rights.” Two decades ago, the vast majority of conservatives would have stood against gay marriage, but a few years of cheesy “love is love” commercials was all it took for them to change their mind. Their motto of “live and let live” is only reasonable to hold if their enemy believed the same. They give the crying baby its bottle and from that milk it gets fat and strong and decides to kill the entire family. Conservatives don’t understand that giving an inch to the left eventually results in absolute defeat. They have to psychotically refuse to give any ground, even if practical logic or fairness is staring them in the face, but we know they won’t do that.


Conservative bird feeding his enemy

Another problem conservatives face is technology, which is not agnostic but rather liberating. It allows man to rely less on traditions, family, social bonds, and religion, all things that the left hates. The more technology you have, the more you can be an atomized unit in a little urbanized box, reliant only on your service job and digital device to keep you alive and somewhat sane while using Uber and Lyft to travel in and out of your self-imposed quarantine zone. Because of technology, the conservatism of today is merely the liberalism of twenty years ago. I challenge you to find a single attractive “conservative” girl who hasn’t tried Tinder or engaged in abundant pre-marital sex. Look at the life of any self-professed conservative and odds are you’ll find a rather cosmopolitan existence that is far removed from nature and rural living.

The biggest reason why conservatives will continue to lose is that they’re still not ready to kill the left even though the left is ready to kill them. Liberals have been getting conservatives fired on a daily basis while suing their businesses out of existence while the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose. If you’re not prepared to kill your enemy while your enemy is busy killing you, you will lose. It’s that simple. Some think that conservatives have to feel a sense of hopelessness to fight back, but by then there will be nothing left worth fighting for.


“Why would a liberal try to kill me because of my opinion? It must be some kind of a mistake!”

You don’t have to be a historian to know that conservatives will continue to lose. Simple take a look back 50, 100, or 500 years to see how much ground they’ve lost, and amplify that by a factor of ten thanks to technology if you want to imagine how much ground they will lose in the next 50, 100, or 500 years. They are such losers that if you see any sort of organized conservative “uprising” in the years to come, it will surely be a carefully managed scheme by the elites to usher in yet another monumental conservative defeat, just like we saw in the last few years with the alt right’s astonishing rise and then disastrous defeat in Charlottesville at the hands of their more capable enemies.

Since I know conservatives will not win, I do not identify as one, because I don’t see myself as a loser. I will stay under the radar and live with no label, and let the communists on the left defeat the losers on the right like they have been doing for centuries.
The politicians are certainly losers, or more accurately just worthless politicians, I'm not sure I would say that about common people. You may be fighting a losing battle but fighting for the right side honorably doesn't make you a loser. If your point is to simply call for more action, well yea sure but it starts on an individual level.

I hate that it's come to it but I've actually started going down this route myself, when some old boomer (as much as I hate the generational crap i can't deny it rings true on this one) tries to appeal to me because they are also "republican" I've started telling them I'm not a republican as they don't do anything but let the crazies break all the rules. They are not interested in doing anything but keeping their seat like every other politician.

This usually creates a malfunction in the persons brain as they thought it makes them tough and cool to be "republican" when it reality it just makes them a sucker.

I've started moving more towards telling them that we need to return to Christ and bring our morals back, no politician will do that for us.
They're usually the hardcore Christian conservatives (at least in the US) that the left hates. The people that don't cuck on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, diversity, etc. Not many of them in the US anymore, unfortunately. Even more rare, people that don't cuck for Israel. I think of someone from North Idaho or something.

Just some examples
They're usually the hardcore Christian conservatives (at least in the US) that the left hates. The people that don't cuck on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, diversity, etc. Not many of them in the US anymore, unfortunately. Even more rare, people that don't cuck for Israel. I think of someone from North Idaho or something.

Just some examples

This is my culture, we get away with it because we're not "white". If we were European white we would be ostracized to hell and back for fellow whites. It's a delicate situation all around right now, I'm not sure how it changes for European whites. Although on the bright side I do see it being recognized and some have rebelled against it.
The people that don't cuck on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, diversity, etc.
But do these people repel their enemies?

Just look at the wording used in this forum.


"Gender" is a leftist term, gender can be fluid according to their definition.
Does such a term belong here?
We used to use the accurate word 'sex' back in the day.
So let's talk about 'sex & sexuality' and get rid of this awful term 'gender'.
But of course that's not going to change anytime soon.

Way back, in like 2017 or so, I heard a podcast that recommended you read/listen to Mein Kampf. Not a hard core Nazi podcast, just a right wing political podcast. They talked about some of the book on the show and it intrigued me. It intrigued me because what they said was in the book related so much to today's political climate and my own experiences growing up in the USA in the 1980's and 90's. How is this possible? I guess history does repeat itself, maybe so.

So, I found it on Youtube, 20 hours long. Yea right, well, I'll give it a whirl. Part of it was boring, part of it seemed way too drawn out, but part of it was mind blowing/life altering fascinating. So, I kept going and finished the 20 hours over the course of a few weeks. The two parts I found mind blowing was...

1) Hitler grew up in a very rural community and only on rare/special occasions he would travel to the bigger cities and be in wonder and ahh of all the lights, and sounds, and the moving and going. It seemed like people there had such better lives than they had in the middle of no where Austria. Then, after both his parents died, he moved to the city to chase these dreams. And he found himself stunned at how poor, depraved, and hopeless everyone was that lived in the same city he dreamed of. It was all fake and now he saw behind the curtain and realized his country was in far more trouble than he realized. This happened exactly to me as well.

2) Hitler attended the Austrian capital debates. In those days you could just walk in and listen to the representatives debate on the floor. He soon realized it was all fake theatre. That the "conservatives" would have the upper hand each time but still manage to lose to the Liberals. Almost like they were being paid to lose. And he realized how fake it all was and how a new way had to be built. Sound familiar?

If you study fascist theory at all, conservatives have to lose. They are not "conservatives" they are in reality "reactionaries", meaning they wait for the revolutionaries to push society to the left, and then after the fact they react. You can never win if you wait for your opponent to make a move and then later react to it. The only way to defeat the revolutionaries, who attempt to overthrow peaceful society with Marxism is by a counter revolutionary movement. One that sets its limits in place first and defends any deviation from them. This is how fascism was born. Fascism was created to replace the reactionaries (conservatives) with counter revolutionaries.

One small note is that in Mein Kampf Hitler kept repeating "to earn my daily bread". I must have repeated this phrase a few thousand times in Protestant church services growing up. And not once did it dawn on me what this actually meant. Before the advent of modern farming, pesticides, GMO's, super production, etc. just earning your daily bread was a struggle. How much we take for granted today. And it made me realize how desperate times where back in those days. Things are just going to have to get a lot worse before you see any real pushback.
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What is the real right-wing?
Do they fight the left, and if so, how?
There are a lot of people out there who hold views like we tend to have here. I see them all the time on Twitter, and many of those tweets get posted here. They also have talking head videos, podcasts, blog posts and such. Basically these are anti-woke, Christian traditionalist, JQ-aware influencers.

I doubt they are doing anything more than being influencers. There are some people who talk about taking up arms, but I think most consider that something that might be required in the future. Anyone going out today and pulling a trigger is considered a nut job.
There are a lot of people out there who hold views like we tend to have here. I see them all the time on Twitter, and many of those tweets get posted here. They also have talking head videos, podcasts, blog posts and such. Basically these are anti-woke, Christian traditionalist, JQ-aware influencers.

the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose.
Way back, in like 2017 or so, I heard a podcast that recommended you read/listen to Mein Kampf. Not a hard core Nazi podcast, just a right wing political podcast. They talked about some of the book on the show and it intrigued me. It intrigued me because what they said was in the book related so much to today's political climate and my own experiences growing up in the USA in the 1980's and 90's. How is this possible? I guess history does repeat itself, maybe so.

So, I found it on Youtube, 20 hours long. Yea right, well, I'll give it a whirl. Part of it was boring, part of it seemed way too drawn out, but part of it was mind blowing/life altering fascinating. So, I kept going and finished the 20 hours over the course of a few weeks. The two parts I found mind blowing was...

1) Hitler grew up in a very rural community and only on rare/special occasions he would travel to the bigger cities and be in wonder and ahh of all the lights, and sounds, and the moving and going. It seemed like people there had such better lives than they had in the middle of no where Austria. Then, after both his parents died, he moved to the city to chase these dreams. And he found himself stunned at how poor, depraved, and hopeless everyone was that lived in the same city he dreamed of. It was all fake and now he saw behind the curtain and realized his country was in far more trouble than he realized. This happened exactly to me as well.

2) Hitler attended the Austrian capital debates. In those days you could just walk in and listen to the representatives debate on the floor. He soon realized it was all fake theatre. That the "conservatives" would have the upper hand each time but still manage to lose to the Liberals. Almost like they were being paid to lose. And he realized how fake it all was and how a new way had to be built. Sound familiar?

If you study fascist theory at all, conservatives have to lose. They are not "conservatives" they are in reality "reactionaries", meaning they wait for the revolutionaries to push society to the left, and then after the fact they react. You can never win if you wait for your opponent to make a move and then later react to it. The only way to defeat the revolutionaries, who attempt to overthrow peaceful society with Marxism is by a counter revolutionary movement. One that sets its limits in place first and defends any deviation from them. This is how fascism was born. Fascism was created to replace the reactionaries (conservatives) with counter revolutionaries.
I saw a post the other day asking: how come everyone is into fascism all of a sudden?

I just had to laugh. It's almost like people don't like having all their money extorted for gay, imaginary leftist causes that only serve to make the communist lowlifes at the top richer.
The biggest reason why conservatives will continue to lose is that they’re still not ready to kill the left even though the left is ready to kill them. Liberals have been getting conservatives fired on a daily basis while suing their businesses out of existence while the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose. If you’re not prepared to kill your enemy while your enemy is busy killing you, you will lose. It’s that simple. Some think that conservatives have to feel a sense of hopelessness to fight back, but by then there will be nothing left worth fighting for.
This is rich coming from Roosh.

He moderated @Samseau for claiming Anders Breivik “didn’t do anything wrong” on the old forum.

Most were all like “he murdered children”, when he murdered teens at a political summer camp. Meanwhile the average normie would claim they would kill Hitler as a baby.

But of course Christian’s can’t use violence, would be the response. Except some Christians claim self defense is the exception, and guess what, Anders Breivik claimed to be acting in self defense of his country.

No logic from Christians because too dumb to think long term. There is no way Roosh would openly praise a mass shooter against great replacement theory (Brenton Tarrant, Patrick Crusius), and he will still claim to suggest violence is the answer.
Guys, this was conclusively settled in 1897 by Robert Lewis Dabney:

"It may be inferred again that the present movement for women's rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent: Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. . . . Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always when about to enter a protest very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its bark is worse than its bite, and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance: The only practical purpose which it now serves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it in wind, and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy, from having nothing to whip. No doubt, after a few years, when women's suffrage shall have become an accomplished fact, conservatism will tacitly admit it into its creed, and thenceforward plume itself upon its wise firmness in opposing with similar weapons the extreme of baby suffrage; and when that too shall have been won, it will be heard declaring that the integrity of the American Constitution requires at least the refusal of suffrage to asses. There it will assume, with great dignity, its final position."
The resentful part of me absolutely loves this article, but the reality is both sides are losers. Leftists don’t actually win, they’re allowed to win by the powers that be. There’s always a hierarchy in human society and we see that with Israel. The lefties realized there won’t be any institutional support for their “poor oppressed browns in Gaza” so they don’t do anything. I have no idea what Anglin is seeing with the “hero college students”.

We have to understand that we’re Americanized. You’re Hollywooded your brain out as have I. This “freedom warrior” image of an American only existed because the powers that be allowed people to behave that way. It eroded once the government got subverted. Some of the good guy senators; deep down inside you know that they’re fish out of water.

When people talk about conservatism, what they really mean is tradition. Tradition is beliefs and customs passed on generation to generation through obligation.

Now ask yourself do you or the people around you want to live like that? You’re a Christian because your father was a Christian. You’re a fisherman’s son so you should fish. How about “technology is bad” because you’re Amish and that’s what we believe? Etc.

The answer is while it sounds nice in theory, people no longer want to live like that, especially with the advent of technology. People want to do what they want at all times. The issue is when you do what you want you don’t really have any principles. It goes against “logic”. Why would I die trying to protect some store from looters? I’ll be more useful alive and continuing to do what I want. This extends into all realms. Principles don’t make sense once your logic is confronted with a binary choice of put up or shut up. Principles only work when you love them more than yourself.

The only way to have the society you or we want is for it to be forced upon us. Men who feel strongly about the the things we believe have to do a coup and force it on the population. This Mickey Mouse “we’ll decide as a peoples how to live” is absurd. Any conservative who believes that is a moron. This is why everything is so terrible. That’s not how it used to be in the good ol’ days. There were no “choices” unless you were aristocracy and they were degenerates back then too.

A lot of people hate communism but it’s actually inspiring. Ideologues just forced a completely new form of government with a whole bunch of social engineering experiments. How crazy is that? Despite what you might want to believe their sins are forgiven by those populations. You think a chinaman is crying about tienman square as he rides a bullet train to go work in a new semiconductor facility? The only reason people hate communism is because they see Americans drinking pina coladas. For most people it’s not because Christianity was suppressed or my uncle went to the gulag. We see it with the European Union. A bunch of proud nationalists wanting to be part of a “union”. lol.

What principals are there to speak of when talking about people today?

That’s what we are, just stupid plebs. If the men you like are not forcing their will on you then men you don’t like are going to be doing it.
It's almost like since they started putting fluoride in the tap water (and then by proxy tranny hormones) people have gotten dumber.

Back on topic; Roosh was ahead of the curve but so are we. When they take away your right of self defense and bodily integrity (poke poke) they have pretty much won, conservative or not (whatever that even means by now) then the future looks bleak.

But! we have a future if we fight for it.
The resentful part of me absolutely loves this article, but the reality is both sides are losers. Leftists don’t actually win, they’re allowed to win by the powers that be. There’s always a hierarchy in human society and we see that with Israel. The lefties realized there won’t be any institutional support for their “poor oppressed browns in Gaza” so they don’t do anything. I have no idea what Anglin is seeing with the “hero college students”.

We have to understand that we’re Americanized. You’re Hollywooded your brain out as have I. This “freedom warrior” image of an American only existed because the powers that be allowed people to behave that way. It eroded once the government got subverted. Some of the good guy senators; deep down inside you know that they’re fish out of water.

When people talk about conservatism, what they really mean is tradition. Tradition is beliefs and customs passed on generation to generation through obligation.

Now ask yourself do you or the people around you want to live like that? You’re a Christian because your father was a Christian. You’re a fisherman’s son so you should fish. How about “technology is bad” because you’re Amish and that’s what we believe? Etc.

The answer is while it sounds nice in theory, people no longer want to live like that, especially with the advent of technology. People want to do what they want at all times. The issue is when you do what you want you don’t really have any principles. It goes against “logic”. Why would I die trying to protect some store from looters? I’ll be more useful alive and continuing to do what I want. This extends into all realms. Principles don’t make sense once your logic is confronted with a binary choice of put up or shut up. Principles only work when you love them more than yourself.

The only way to have the society you or we want is for it to be forced upon us. Men who feel strongly about the the things we believe have to do a coup and force it on the population. This Mickey Mouse “we’ll decide as a peoples how to live” is absurd. Any conservative who believes that is a moron. This is why everything is so terrible. That’s not how it used to be in the good ol’ days. There were no “choices” unless you were aristocracy and they were degenerates back then too.

A lot of people hate communism but it’s actually inspiring. Ideologues just forced a completely new form of government with a whole bunch of social engineering experiments. How crazy is that? Despite what you might want to believe their sins are forgiven by those populations. You think a chinaman is crying about tienman square as he rides a bullet train to go work in a new semiconductor facility? The only reason people hate communism is because they see Americans drinking pina coladas. For most people it’s not because Christianity was suppressed or my uncle went to the gulag. We see it with the European Union. A bunch of proud nationalists wanting to be part of a “union”. lol.

What principals are there to speak of when talking about people today?

That’s what we are, just stupid plebs. If the men you like are not forcing their will on you then men you don’t like are going to be doing it.

This is an excellent point, the crazies don't actually win they are destroying themselves and their lives they are just willingly fooled.
This is an excellent point, the crazies don't actually win they are destroying themselves and their lives they are just willingly fooled.
This is why I don't despair over the state of the world. There's a lot of evil but that doesn't mean you have to partake. That's what so much of the New Testament is about. It's not about taking over the government. It's about keeping yourself pure in this evil age.

All antichrist philosophies will run their course but they will all fail. God is "putting all His enemies under His feet."
It is a prescient article, there was one from much earlier, circa 2012-2013, perhaps even 2014, on the old website called "The Republican Party needs to go away." The writer had some interesting musings but I remember talking about it with other guys at the time, the idea that without this hopium party, the radical left would destroy themselves in their power-grab to reshape the world in their delusions and it would essentially free everyone who was stronger, a "might is right" accelerationist perspective. I think there is a much more better reason why these "parties" need to go away, and not just the right, but the left, the center, all of them.

More and more people are coming to terms with the fact that both "sides" are losers. Their division is designed along binary modes of living, and dichotic schools of thought (think tanks) imposing their vision for how life should be. The lack of homofaggotry, abortion, and secular atheism on the right wing is more of a historical phenomena than a contemporary mirror. It comes down now to two ways people think they can vote with their money, only nothing lasting ever blossoms from these votes.

The western nations are the plutocratic states, and the eastern ones are either marxist or spawned by marxism and its jewey fabric is still weaved into their national ethos even if there are little jews there. The two monetary forms of control sought after by the left wing and the right wing all lead to the same destination: lining the pockets of the controllers and preventing the people from having manifest destiny.

Looking at modern politics in the USA and Europe, we can see that the conservative parties are basically the buffer of controlled-opposition in a very literal fashion. Ardent populist figures rile up the angered voices of the people who are being displaced, replaced, and disgraced, only to give them half-measures at best if they are "selected" into office. Italy's first cunt is a primary example of this. America needs no explanation, the goobercons are jew-boys through and through, which is why they never hold the line on abortion, faggotry, illegal invasions, the obscene amount of race-mixing propaganda, and the causal misdirection of people's natural spiritual energy into empty belief systems like secularism, humanism, or corrupted ones like "judeo-Christianity."

Third position is the natural reaction to the sharpened soul forging its own way out of this mess. The gripe some free-thinkers have with Fascism, even though they have no love for the so-called democratic countries, is the refusal of an authoritarian government where a personality is in charge. They don't understand leadership, and the nature of the sheep dog who protects the lambs from the wolves and the carrion. If you do not have a strong personality running your country, a strong leader, who has practically dictatorial powers, in today's arena, then the international hyenas, under the guise of capitalism or communism or any of their various proxies, will plunder your people until someone steps up and fights them off.

The parasite reality is something conservatives will never have the brain power to comprehend. Authoritarian leaders prevent these crimes from the international syndicate of jewry and their various shabbos spawns. I put aside my own individualism for the desire to make posterity better for my people, not worse. If every race and nation has an authoritarian leader from among the people as well as chosen by them, then there are no need for "political parties," just a way of life respective of that people in the land they occupy.

@It_Is_My_Time Yes his book can be cumbersome to read, but I would recommend the Stalag edition which is the only definitive English translation that is not altered for any other historian's agenda. Also remember the seemingly boring parts, the breakdown of philosophies and the political analyses were intended for contemporary National Socialists of 1920s Germany. The first five chapters on his childhood, pre-war Vienna, Munich, and the War itself tell a thousand tales in their own brisk pages. The Austro-Hungarian Habsburgs dictating policies that detriment the Germans to the benefit of the Poles, Slavs, and other non-Germans, the massive unrest of the workers, the starvation and homelessness of the cities, the jewish problem, the late 1800s and early 1900s were rife with many problems that we take for granted today, especially not dying of hunger or living in transience. No doubt many nobility in high places were upset with Bismarck and some of the changes he made from the first to the second Reich, similarly other German aristocratic sellouts who wanted their 30 pieces behaved like uncouth saboteurs during NSDAP rule, especially in wartime, because they couldn't stand a people being united across all sectarian lines if it meant they had to put their titles and legacies on the backburner.

The failure of conservatism should be included in the historical memoirs in the same work of the failure of liberalism. The entire jewish dichotomy is a massive siphoning scheme that never allows anything advanced to develop or cultivate. It is these same conservative think tanks with backers like JP Morgan, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller that halted all the massive technological benefits of the 1880s-1910s which would have seen a very different world where there were far fewer social ills, disease, and wars, and much greater national, spiritual, and natural development that far better aligns with why God wants us here.
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