Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Prove that bringing in more middle-class people, increases COL, decreases wages, and which then causes more stress, more resentment and eventually more violence?

52% of legal immigrant households use welfare. So, we bring them here, destroy our civilization in the process, then our taxes go to pay them to exist while our roads and bridges go unmaintained and elderly people have to choose between electricity and doctor visits on their fixed income.

It's because so many illegal immigrants, who started off on welfare, have been legalized over the past 20 years and are still on welfare.

If there was an actual process that only allowed immigration through a means-tested process, such as college education or other measures, then there wouldn't be so many "legal" immigrants on welfare.

Everyone knows that legal immigration, which America had in the 1900-1930's, did not result in an explosion of welfare. These people paid their taxes and became loyal citizens.

Illegal immigration has completely poisoned the well, and should not distract from the policy of merely trying to reset the immigration system back to what it used to be.

The best solution is the one that will never happen in the current political climate, which is a total shutdown of immigration (except through marriage), so even an attempt to go back to the 1930's style immigration is a major improvement.
I don't like this backpedaling on legal immigration that I'm seeing on here. I don't think you guys would've been making this argument 8 years ago. You might say, "well that was then but this is now." Sure, but take a minute to recognize that you are being pulled to the left anytime you capitulate like this. It's not just with legal immigration, but I've also seen it with abortion. What's next? 4 years from now, are we going to start capitulating on the queer agenda? Not me, no thanks.

Take a look at how much criticism the rabid, purple-haired leftists have for Biden. Is Biden not a leftist? Of course he is, albeit a neocon, but his handlers push a leftist agenda through him anyway. So what is the leftist's problem with Biden? It's that he isn't left enough. No one is ever communist enough for the democrats. That's why they are able to keeping shifting the Overton window to the left, they do not capitulate like republicans do. The republicans need to adopt the same mentality. They need to quit punching at their opponents and start punching through them instead. Quit capitulating and start holding your ground.
I don't like this backpedaling on legal immigration that I'm seeing on here. I don't think you guys would've been making this argument 8 years ago. You might say, "well that was then but this is now." Sure, but take a minute to recognize that you are being pulled to the left anytime you capitulate like this. It's not just with legal immigration, but I've also seen it with abortion. What's next? 4 years from now, are we going to start capitulating on the queer agenda? Not me, no thanks.

Take a look at how much criticism the rabid, purple-haired leftists have for Biden. Is Biden not a leftist? Of course he is, albeit a neocon, but his handlers push a leftist agenda through him anyway. So what is the leftist's problem with Biden? It's that he isn't left enough. No one is ever communist enough for the democrats. That's why they are able to keeping shifting the Overton window to the left, they do not capitulate like republicans do. The republicans need to adopt the same mentality. They need to quit punching at their opponents and start punching through them instead. Quit capitulating and start holding your ground.
I don't want more legal immigration.

Shut the whole thing down and close it and ship out the illegals and stop handing out green cards to people form shit hole countries.

That said.

The illegals and the border is absolutely a bigger issue than legal immigration... And politically, many still support some legal immigration.

Most are not as xenophobic as we are here unfortunately.

I disagree with the staple a green card Koch sucker commentary and Trump's gotten some shit advice if he follows that.
I don't like this backpedaling on legal immigration that I'm seeing on here. I don't think you guys would've been making this argument 8 years ago. You might say, "well that was then but this is now." Sure, but take a minute to recognize that you are being pulled to the left anytime you capitulate like this. It's not just with legal immigration, but I've also seen it with abortion. What's next? 4 years from now, are we going to start capitulating on the queer agenda? Not me, no thanks.

Take a look at how much criticism the rabid, purple-haired leftists have for Biden. Is Biden not a leftist? Of course he is, albeit a neocon, but his handlers push a leftist agenda through him anyway. So what is the leftist's problem with Biden? It's that he isn't left enough. No one is ever communist enough for the democrats. That's why they are able to keeping shifting the Overton window to the left, they do not capitulate like republicans do. The republicans need to adopt the same mentality. They need to quit punching at their opponents and start punching through them instead. Quit capitulating and start holding your ground.

There is no capitulation, because no one here is deluded enough to believe we can save this country. There is only a cold sober reality, where the smartest of us understand we can, at best, amputate some limbs to save the rest of the body, for a little while longer.

It is 100% impossible to halt immigration, unless we have a civil war and institute a new country with a new set of laws. At least half of the country is brainwashed beyond repair, and it is foolhardy to believe it can be saved. At most it is salvageable, which is what Trump's proposals represent.
Do not post pornographic images
10K Likes in less than a day on a small dissident account. Can Trump hold this rainbow coalition together while the economy melts down and Israel gets exposed as evil and then rightfully punched back?

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10K Likes in less than a day on a small dissident account. Can Trump hold this rainbow coalition together while the economy melts down and Israel gets exposed as evil and then rightfully punched back?

Him and most Republicans are such a joke at this point. A few months back big bad tough border Texan Greg Abbott posted something on Twitter about Texas and India being United in business forever or something retarded to that effect. He has no idea what the best and brightest means. That wouldn’t be that bad if it was true, but like DEI the rules are used to game the system. Then you just continue to import a replacement middle class, which is mostly polytheistic, materialistic, and will work for less. It’s a CEOs dream and has the added effect of making Christians more of a minority.
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Him and most Republicans are such a joke at this point. A few months back big bad tough border Texan Greg Abbott posted something on Twitter about Texas and India being United in business forever or something retarded to that effect. He has no idea what the best and brightest means. That wouldn’t be that bad if it was true, but like DEI the rules are used to game the system. Then you just continue to import a replacement middle class, which is mostly polytheistic, materialistic, and will work for less. It’s a CEOs dream and has the added effect of making Christians even more of a minority.
There are countless complaints by businesses and HR managers and IT professionals about Indians using nepotism, fake resumes, fake college achievements, and causing massive turmoil in the IT field. Former talented White workers were walked out and replaced with lower pay Indian workers and now our technology is falling behind the rest of the civilized world.

There is an entire twitter account that keeps track of these serious issues in tech that is causing the collapse of our society. Having illegal immigrants is a huge problem, but there is a case to be made that legal immigration will cause more damage due to them having more power/rights/privileges and absolutely no care or connection at all.

There are countless complaints by businesses and HR managers and IT professionals about Indians using nepotism, fake resumes, fake college achievements, and causing massive turmoil in the IT field. Former talented White workers were walked out and replaced with lower pay Indian workers and now our technology is falling behind the rest of the civilized world.

There is an entire twitter account that keeps track of these serious issues in tech that is causing the collapse of our society. Having illegal immigrants is a huge problem, but there is a case to be made that legal immigration will cause more damage due to them having more power/rights/privileges and absolutely no care or connection at all.

A while back in my career I had an Indian colleague who suddenly put PhD behind his name in his email. To my knowledge he had been working full time at my company, and I knew a PhD while working full time was not possible in my field.

I asked him and he told me he got it at an Indian University and then added that he could talk to guy for me too. I said sure to see what the proposal was. The guy at that University asked for $5000 and to publish a few things that I could complete in 6 months and he would also grant me a PhD. He then half-jokingly said if I bought that guy a car I could get multiple PhDs. 😂

All Trump is trying to say to these Talmuds is that, if there isn't a better deal for Americans, then someday, later this century after the nuclear wars, the survivors will put the remaining Talmuds in pograms and lead the Talmuds to the gas chambers again. Trump is trying to be their friend and prevent that, and have them spend their trillions on him, but of course it will fall on deaf ears.
- Trump wants to increase legal immigration. Legal immigration is a much bigger threat to the middle class and destructive of the nation that illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is bad, but they do keep low skill labor affordable, keeping small businesses alive, and they can be removed easily when needed. Legal immigrants come here and day 1 start to steal from you and your family and destroy the middle class. Illegal immigrants also help give immigration a bad name and gets color-blind Whites to realize that they are only 9% of the world's population and their homelands are being destroyed. Legal immigration causes Whites to say, "they are all just like me" and welcome more to feel good about themselves.
Reminds me of this:

Replace “unarmed invader” with “legal immigrant”, and it makes perfect sense.
Reminds me of this:
View attachment 9714

Replace “unarmed invader” with “legal immigrant”, and it makes perfect sense.

Agreed, there has been back and forth here, and I still state that legal immigrants cause more damage than illegal immigrants.

How? The gaslighting of people into saying "as long as they come legally" as if it matters. They are coming, they are destroying your country, your children's future, the entire west and wiping out the European people, and if some blackmailed politician makes a law saying they can come, then this makes it okay? It destroys people's abilities to understand what nation is, and why recreating the tower or Babel is satanic at its very core. And no, some magical place on the map, whether the USA, Canada, or wherever else was not set aside to be a great place to test the process of recreating the tower of Babel.

These people come right in, legally, vote extreme left wing in a 90% clip, and take the resources set aside for you and your family if hard times come to you. And when someone else in the community has hard times, now you are raising money to help them, because the 40% you pay in taxes goes to pay the invaders to spit out 5 kids. 5 kids who will massively hate your own children, and thus undercut and backstab them at any opportunity.

Illegals deep down realize they don't belong and if things get tough, they will pack up and leave. Legal immigrants think they were just as important in building this country as Davey Crockett and yet funny enough, they probably both don't know who he is nor do they care. Just some old White racist.

Also, legal immigrants use extreme nepotism, to the point it is destroying our technology abilities, to undercut western workers. They make the absolute perfect puppets for the satanic elites. They don't care if a bunch of White people die in a war or get paid so little they kill themselves with drug abuse, it isn't their family or friends. So, now you have all these badly run Fortune 500 companies being run by children of legal immigrants and making work conditions beyond miserable.

The tower of Babel was one of the most important lessons in the Bible. And it is for good reason, we evolved in different climates, with different mating pressures, to create very different people who simply were not made to live side by side. And only one of two things can happen...

1) White men get cornered enough they fight back and take their countries back and kick the invaders out.

2) China eventually comes in and gets rid of all the people in west and takes the land to feed their people. China will be so much more dominant than the west, without White men running things, that they will easily be able to take all the land and do whatever they want with who inhabits it at that time.

Right now, more than ever, young White men realize all this and Trump's 2018 talking points will fall very flat with the biggest demographic he needs and one he obviously is taking for granted.
Agreed, there has been back and forth here, and I still state that legal immigrants cause more damage than illegal immigrants.

These people come right in, legally, vote extreme left wing in a 90% clip, and take the resources set aside for you and your family if hard times come to you. And when someone else in the community has hard times, now you are raising money to help them, because the 40% you pay in taxes goes to pay the invaders to spit out 5 kids. 5 kids who will massively hate your own children, and thus undercut and backstab them at any opportunity.

Illegals deep down realize they don't belong and if things get tough, they will pack up and leave. Legal immigrants think they were just as important in building this country as Davey Crockett and yet funny enough, they probably both don't know who he is nor do they care. Just some old White racist.

Also, legal immigrants use extreme nepotism, to the point it is destroying our technology abilities, to undercut western workers. They make the absolute perfect puppets for the satanic elites. They don't care if a bunch of White people die in a war or get paid so little they kill themselves with drug abuse, it isn't their family or friends.

I couldn’t find anything incorrect in what you said. The extreme nepotism and taking over entire departments I’ve seen first hand. First one comes, then another, before you know it they are all working together and the lone white guy on the team is getting screwed out of promotions and pay. Soon he’s the problem and will be gone and replaced. Upper management is too stupid to see what’s going on or simply doesn’t care. It’s funny when I walk into a place, the manager is Chinese or Indian, all his team is Chinese or Indian, and there’s the token white guy and usually the lowest level of them all. I’m thinking to myself how is this not obvious?

It’s never happened to me because they sense I’m a bit of a crazy mofo and savvy in that if I’m fucked with I will fight back. It’s like yes, you can gang up and take away my ability to earn an income, but then two anecdotes from Putin and Dave Chappelle come to mind. Putin talks about backing a rat or dog into a corner, it’s going to bite you. Chappelle talks about one time calling out a drug dealer stupidly when he was younger. He says when you take away a man’s job, you aren’t just killing his job, you’re killing him. Of course I’m politically savvy enough to avoid all this.
America First is starting to fracture from the Trump cult of personality. If they withhold their vote, will it be enough to push whomever the DNC runs over the finish line? Trump lost about 5% of the White male vote from 2016 to 2020, not that they voted Biden, just many didn't vote again.

“The reason he disavowed was because the media attacked it.”

Yeah, probably. Trump is such an egotistical simpleton that I’m surprised that the media hasn’t changed strategies of just attacking things indirectly they don’t want him to support and praising him and his ‘genius’ on issues they want him to support.

I can see it now, “wow the NYT actually said a nice thing about my green card plan, yes I’ll increase the numbers, how’s 10 million more sound?”

You're average white man in the street is clueless on both these issues imo
The number of young White men who are aware continues to grow every day. The more young White men who are exposed to diversity or have their lives destroyed due to diversity, the more that realize that without their own racial homelands they will cease to exist.

White men over 40 don't matter, unless they want to help support the younger guys. The younger guys are the future, they are already dealing with this disaster, and the polling/comments shows they are becoming very aware of the dire situation they face. What they are able to do with this knowledge, remains to be seen. If they cannot do anything with it, and the west becomes one giant Brazil, then China will be forced to take the land to feed their own people. And take it they will.

Could Trump shilling a neo-con/GOPe campaign lose the election by taking young White men's votes for granted? I don't know, I doubt it, simply because enough young White men hope Trump will do something to help them. We will find out in under 5 months.
1) White men get cornered enough they fight back and take their countries back and kick the invaders out.

This is important..... BUT

You're average white man in the street is clueless on both these issues imo

This is the reality!

The number of young White men who are aware continues to grow every day. The more young White men who are exposed to diversity or have their lives destroyed due to diversity, the more that realize that without their own racial homelands they will cease to exist.

White men over 40 don't matter, unless they want to help support the younger guys. The younger guys are the future, they are already dealing with this disaster, and the polling/comments shows they are becoming very aware of the dire situation they face. What they are able to do with this knowledge, remains to be seen. If they cannot do anything with it, and the west becomes one giant Brazil, then China will be forced to take the land to feed their own people. And take it they will.

Could Trump shilling a neo-con/GOPe campaign lose the election by taking young White men's votes for granted? I don't know, I doubt it, simply because enough young White men hope Trump will do something to help them. We will find out in under 5 months.

Here is the problem. America is a VERY liberal country as compared to other countries in the East, culturally speaking. We have not only anointed women with more and more rights, we have also pedestalized them to the point of almost no return. We have also done that with incompetent minorities. This is bad for all groups, actually, because the competent ones don't get any prominence. That's a topic for another day.

The point is that American white men are enamoured by this liberalism. It's in their face and competing for attention aggressively. The promise of casual sex and fame intoxicates most white urban men. It's almost an impossible cycle to get out of. Believe me, the elites know that if white men can be controlled like this through cultural suppression, they don't need to worry about a revolution. They control the revolution before it even happens (e.g. BLM, Antifa).

In the suburban areas, there are plenty of white men that are at least becoming more aware, but they generally lack the courage to fight for themselves in an open forum, publicly. Don't get me wrong. Many of them do great privately, but they don't participate in politics, or just choose the left for that aspect of their lives. I have friends at top positions in large corporations that bought into the "fine people hoax" and still do. They have been gas lit.

I'm very much involved locally, but I swear if I could find one or two white men that truly understand all of this and want to help their own cause, I would truly spend as much time I need to help them. It hasn't happened yet.