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LGBT Agenda

Based Peru.
Update: from based to soycuck.
This theory is often repeated, but was never true historically, and there is little evidence to support it today.
Historically, in times of heirarchy and authority, the culture clearly eminated from the leadership. Indeed, even the arts and culture were typically sanctioned by the elite class or the government itself.

In a modern democracy, perhaps things have reversed. Still, I tend to the viewpoint that culture is downstream from politics.
Remember, we only got gay marriage because it was politically forced on us. Supposedly "superliberal" California rejected it. "Liberal" Barack Hussein Obama opposed it. Then it was forced politically and it has spread culturally like wildfire. Is that not culture following politics?

The same was true of course with forced integration, miscegenation, "civil rights", tranny bathrooms, etc. In fact, I struggle to see examples of the Andrew Breitbart claim of politics being downstream from the culture.

This is not the best article, but just one of the more mainstream articles google was willing to serve up on a quick search.

Again, this wasn't even true in "liberal" California, whose residents banned gay people from marrying until the political system reversed the will of the people.

If the majority accept LGBT today, it is precisely because of the political actions condoning such actions first.

If you still think politics trickles down from culture, look into Weimer Germany and how just a few years later, the most degenerate people in Europe did an about face and were doing this:

Death penalty for faggotry is one of the toughest pills for Christians to swallow. Too many Christians have a soft spot for fags since “it’s two men doing a private act, I’ve fornicated myself who am I to judge” 🤦‍♂️

It’s the main reason people hate Steven Anderson, even though he speaks the truth.
Death penalty for faggotry is one of the toughest pills for Christians to swallow. Too many Christians have a soft spot for fags since “it’s two men doing a private act, I’ve fornicated myself who am I to judge” 🤦‍♂️

It’s the main reason people hate Steven Anderson, even though he speaks the truth.
The death penalty is not something I'd accept for just homosexuality.

Pedophilia... absolutely.

But homos can still repent and change their actions.
The death penalty is not something I'd accept for just homosexuality.

Pedophilia... absolutely.

But homos can still repent and change their actions.
There isn’t anywhere in the Bible that says the death penalty exists for pedophilia.

Some say Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Offend in this biblical context means “cause to sin”, how can a 6 year old sin when they’re being molested? Unless you’re implying god holds them responsible (which of course is nonsense).

Also it says “believe in me”, so atheist little ones wouldn’t apply here.

Anyway lastly I’ll point out how Romans 1 calls them “reprobates”, meaning beyond the hope of salvation. There isn’t a single example of sodomites in the Bible being saved. While King David was a murderer was saved and Rahab was a prostitute was saved.
There isn’t a single example of sodomites in the Bible being saved.
There is.

1 Corinthians 6. Some of the believers who have been washed, sanctified, and justified were former homosexuals.

Not only can homosexuality be repented of, it must be repented of.

The Church is in the repentance business, not the death-penalty business. Hence, I can endorse the state's right to enact the death penalty on homosexuality, pedophilia, rape, and all other perversion because the state is not the Church at the end of the day, nor is it meant to be.
There is.

1 Corinthians 6. Some of the believers who have been washed, sanctified, and justified were former homosexuals.

Not only can homosexuality be repented of, it must be repented of.

The Church is in the repentance business, not the death-penalty business. Hence, I can endorse the state's right to enact the death penalty on homosexuality, pedophilia, rape, and all other perversion because the state is not the Church at the end of the day, nor is it meant to be.
Which Bible version and verse is this?
Which Bible version and verse is this?
1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Pick any translation you like, the Koine Greek remains the same. What the KJV renders as "abusers of themselves with mankind" in verse 9, most other translations will render as "homosexuals", which is what arsenokoitai means.

Paul then describes this sin, along with other sins, as formerly characterizing some of the believers in Corinth in verse 11. Such were some of them. But they were washed, sanctified, justified.

Homosexuals can and must repent.
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