Congress Critter Compendium

Wow, that's rough. No cause of death was given. This is very common, but it makes you wonder. If it was cancer or some other long term thing, that's usually known. Likewise a car wreck would likely be known.

I hope she wasn't whacked, but I'm afraid it's plausible. Thank God she was a Christian.
It's stuff like this that probably feeds the narrative that if you bless God's chosen, you will be blessed and if you curse them, you will be cursed. I wouldn't be surprised if they pull off these kind of stunts to keep that narrative going. A while back I had an argument with some Zionists about Christian tradition and the total inversion of tradition by modern day Zionists in America. The response was to give me this book:


I have not read it, but typical Boomervangelical Zionist viewpoint that if you go against Israel, God will send natural disasters your way.

Sympathy for Massie and his family. I hope he continues in his courage speaking against the AIPAC grip on American politics.
Wow!! If it wasn't for the blue checkmark I'd have trouble believing this is real!!!

Man's wife passes away and the first thing to come to someone's mind is their political agenda? Holy aliens batman, these people aren't even human!!!
If it comes out that this man's wife was whacked by the Ziomafia, he has nothing to lose and would probably go nuclear on the tribe.
This is why I'm going to have to hold my nose when I vote this year. I consider 99% of the Republicants to be ignorant slave traitors for jews. Meanwhile, 99% of Demonrats are immoral, Communist, screeching freaks who hate America. And most of them are slaves to the jews too. Who to vote for?

The only option I see is to hold our noses, vote for Trump, and once he's in office to push HARD against the zionist overlords and expose the traitors in Congress every chance we get. Basically, there is no silver bullet to stop the demonic zionist overlords. It's going to be a long process of constant pressure and exposure of their lies. Trump would be just step 2 (step 1 has already started with the awakening). Steps 3 --> ad infinitum will extend beyond our lifetimes.
This is why I'm going to have to hold my nose when I vote this year. I consider 99% of the Republicants to be ignorant slave traitors for jews. Meanwhile, 99% of Demonrats are immoral, Communist, screeching freaks who hate America. And most of them are slaves to the jews too. Who to vote for?

The only option I see is to hold our noses, vote for Trump, and once he's in office to push HARD against the zionist overlords and expose the traitors in Congress every chance we get. Basically, there is no silver bullet to stop the demonic zionist overlords. It's going to be a long process of constant pressure and exposure of their lies. Trump would be just step 2 (step 1 has already started with the awakening). Steps 3 --> ad infinitum will extend beyond our lifetimes.

In the short term, Trump is anti-war and is the only option we have to meaningfully stop WW3.

In the long term, the Church is the answer to Talmudism.
NSFW: Women should not be in politics

Austin Powers Laser GIF