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Search results

  1. BitterEnd

    US Border Crisis

    Some foreign nation wants Europe and the US to save some Palestinian refugees. Imagine our shock.
  2. BitterEnd

    Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

    The way he defended his omni-naked new wife was also weird to say the least. We knew he was more talk than action but the meetings with Trump and the Alex Jones interview gave us hope.
  3. BitterEnd

    Relocating to Romania

    Baldie came around to look for his favourite (as a national I find it a bit lame) "soviet" monuments in Romania and BG.
  4. BitterEnd

    How would you live if you won the lottery?

    I will buy one nice tiny flat (big enough for a small family), get a dream car (which will not be more than 150k with parts and repairs). Help my extended family if they are not doing that well (making sure they use the money wisely). Will be interested in buying different businesses, would...
  5. BitterEnd

    Lifter's Lounge

    Agreed. I was thinking the same already for a good 5 years now. I joked that I unwillingly became a gynecologist while going to the gym during my time in Sweden. The biggest flaw in the thinking of the modern female is that really everybody enjoys seeing it while at the same time every man is...
  6. BitterEnd

    Cars You Guys Are Into

    You accidentally reminded how much I liked this design, even though I was never a fan of Mercedes. If I ever had spare money and all my family and local community were doing fine, I would have gotten this one:
  7. BitterEnd

    El Salvador and Nayib Bukele Thread

    He really seems like a genuine leader and a shining light on what a benevolent dictator should look like for all the normies that are afraid of that term. Let's hope more Latin American governments follow suit. The country always sounded like a Mad Max episode now suddenly is catching up with...
  8. BitterEnd

    Cars You Guys Are Into

    A lot of manufacturers are backtracking on their "electric" goals. I think the industry will soon clash head first with the (((policymakers))) when they realize that the market will not go where they are asking it to go. It was never about electric cars, it was about seizing the means of...
  9. BitterEnd

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Agreed. Do people not see the irony of someone who calls themselves "Vox Day" telling us off about who is narcissistic and who is not? He is not the most pleasant or interesting man either, nothing I would like to emulate personally.
  10. BitterEnd

    Latest German Lunacy

    Could be "Europeans" of Indian inbred descent.
  11. BitterEnd

    Relocating to Romania

    The laws in Bulgaria around covid were slightly negotiable just as the current smoking ban in restaurants, for example. The lockdowns were mostly indoors so people would just hang out in the cold next to the cafes. The total duration of the lockdowns was also comparatively short while the prime...
  12. BitterEnd

    Lifter's Lounge

    I recently got a new job but stuck to my routine. I have been doing a 2 day split for a decade now. Going heavy and then two days rest (or cardio in the summer). I started eating more, while in the past the budgeting was always in the back of my mind. I gained a few kilos and it seems to be of...
  13. BitterEnd

    Cars You Guys Are Into

    I knew a German guy that claimed that his Mercedes wagon from the late 70s (the diesel) could work with reused cooking oil. He had a friend that had a restaurant so he kept driving it on that type of fuel. Apparently it was possible before the common rail era. I am driving an Alfa Romeo GT and...
  14. BitterEnd

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    I also witnessed some neuroticism first hand. I was selling shoes as a student and one obviously Tractor guy showed up and while he started the conversation quietly he suddenly errupted because "one model of Nikes cost 85 euro while a similar one was 93". He made a big scene out of it. I also...
  15. BitterEnd

    Latest German Lunacy

    We had the same here in 2021 when an astroturfed party of Harvard rejects suddenly appeared out of nowhere and won all the gullible young voters and aspiring business folks. Few months into their coalition with the old school communist left they started holding "protests" in their favor while in...
  16. BitterEnd

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    From what I saw from my time in Seoul, there are plenty of Russians, some Mongols, a few Arabs, but also a lot of Europeans, as well as Anglo students. Still seemed much more selective about who is allowed to stay.
  17. BitterEnd

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    I think the gene pool remains rather clean because the vibrants are not really going to have a sense of belonging to these lands, while interracial marriages remain a fraction. It is more the Western women expiring because they don't marry or have kids. The Danes had to put a government advert...
  18. BitterEnd

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Why do the Austrians have female firefighters in first place?
  19. BitterEnd

    Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

    Very good point about not discussing the "market". Especially with naive folks that find the whole idea of a "sexual marketplace" repulsive while being told to wash the dishes by their fat unattractive wives. In same way I will not talk about the gym too much with people that are out of shape...
  20. BitterEnd

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    I always found Finland a bit more "real" than Sweden, they have arguably even worse weather. I assume their countryside should be fine for that reason. When I visited Lapland there was hardly any diversity. Additionally there were stories about actually sending some migrants back a few years...