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Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

He's been told, again. He's got children who he's not allowed to see if he doesn't abide. I bet you.

I believe the guy is genuine and trying to make things "work". The insanity of this world isn't only for us "lower" classes.

Kanye is a good guy in a terrible position, money definitely doesn't buy happiness.
Like most conversions, few make it past the 5-year mark. It was obvious Ye was being clawed back down into hell when he started taking his new "wife" (basically) nude everywhere.

What's hilarious though is how Ye can get away with his antics. A White guy would be in prison for the rest of his life in Ye's position. But instead (((Liberals))) dismiss it all like they did the BLM riots, the usual "What's the big deal about a chimpout?" that Talmuds always do when they defend destructive Black behavior. So Ye gets the chimpout pass and will grovel until he snaps again, perhaps repeating the cycle.

Even still, despite the absurdity of this situation, I'd like to point out that conversions always have a chance to become sincere, and it is the duty of every Christian to support those along the conversion process. Don't mock people if they've failed in the past, or if you feel like they aren't sincere. Always treat every conversion as legitimate so that the Lord may do his work. When people are mocked for failing, it just keeps that person further away from God. When you insult other's attempts, you do the work of demons.

Conversions really are the "frontline" of spiritual warfare. It is ugly, a world filled with sin, and yet it is a place where even men like Roosh can be saved. Never underestimate God and what he is capable of, so to earn honor in the Kingdom of heaven one must always fight on His side. Thus even for seriously flawed man to attempt a conversion, such as Ye, always keep an open mind, avoid making judgements and see if the hand of God is at work or not.

I usually pray at least once a week so that others may remember the Lord, and find their way back to Him. Conversions are the only way out of this broken fallen world. When people convert, they bring heaven into their lives. Eventually they will make all of their surroundings holy. This is why Christian societies are always superior to all others, presently and historically.

So when it comes to conversions, try to help the birth process along, don't get in the way.
Like most conversions, few make it past the 5-year mark. It was obvious Ye was being clawed back down into hell when he started taking his new "wife" (basically) nude everywhere.

What's hilarious though is how Ye can get away with his antics. A White guy would be in prison for the rest of his life in Ye's position. But instead (((Liberals))) dismiss it all like they did the BLM riots, the usual "What's the big deal about a chimpout?" that Talmuds always do when they defend destructive Black behavior. So Ye gets the chimpout pass and will grovel until he snaps again, perhaps repeating the cycle.

Even still, despite the absurdity of this situation, I'd like to point out that conversions always have a chance to become sincere, and it is the duty of every Christian to support those along the conversion process. Don't mock people if they've failed in the past, or if you feel like they aren't sincere. Always treat every conversion as legitimate so that the Lord may do his work. When people are mocked for failing, it just keeps that person further away from God. When you insult other's attempts, you do the work of demons.

Conversions really are the "frontline" of spiritual warfare. It is ugly, a world filled with sin, and yet it is a place where even men like Roosh can be saved. Never underestimate God and what he is capable of, so to earn honor in the Kingdom of heaven one must always fight on His side. Thus even for seriously flawed man to attempt a conversion, such as Ye, always keep an open mind, avoid making judgements and see if the hand of God is at work or not.

I usually pray at least once a week so that others may remember the Lord, and find their way back to Him. Conversions are the only way out of this broken fallen world. When people convert, they bring heaven into their lives. Eventually they will make all of their surroundings holy. This is why Christian societies are always superior to all others, presently and historically.

So when it comes to conversions, try to help the birth process along, don't get in the way.

He's not getting away with it.
The tribe tried cancelling him or worse (maybe threatened his kids)

He knew stores like target would drop his merchandise to make room for tranny clothes for kids . I can’t even get upset because he must have been under all sorts of pressure to not bash jews, to sell more albums, more merch, I mean he is an entrepreneur
I use to live in LA and it's amazing how accessible most celebrities are (even with security).

if you really wanted to hurt America, then disappearing their celebrities would be a good place to start.
The reality is these people are not really that special or valuable. You'll even hear many of them admit this regularly. Bill Maher (he is getting more intolerable with the Israeli-Hamas conflict but I still enjoy his podcast) will often say he got where he was with luck and could just as easily still be working as a restaurant waiter today making $20 an hour.

I've performed as an amateur musician before, and I have met people in my area with far greater musical talent than most of the big name bands (Adele has a great voice but most famous singers are honestly not that impressive)--it's just that some "make it" and get well known and some don't. I met a super talented singer songwriter in Nashville who performed live for years with one of THE biggest musical names of the past 40 years, and he put out a great couple of albums a few years ago but it went nowhere and I don't even know if he still performs today. The conspiracy minded would say perhaps he wasn't morally compromised or didn't agree to do the gay sex ritual, and perhaps that's true (listen to Owen Benjamin talk about this).

But what you see with the small fraction of them like Mel Gibson or Kanye occasionally popping up with some truth is just a reflection of what we have in the greater society: The vast majority believe what they are told but every now and then you get someone asking questions or (((noticing))) and then you have a problem.

But the reality is society would not be noticably different with or without any of these people. I mean if it gets to an extreme case like with Michael Hastings, then yeah, you have an "accident" but that's just not needed as you can threaten to take away their fake millions that they don't really hold, and they will basically all back down.

Anyway, the only one I can think of who made a difference in my lifetime was George Carlin. Now that was a truly subversive voice.
He's fallen right off the deep end:

Just like Christ says about conversions:

Matt 12

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.”
He's fallen right off the deep end:

Just like Christ says about conversions:

Matt 12

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.”
“They” must have some serious dirt on that guy for him to have done such a huge 180.
He's fallen right off the deep end:

Just like Christ says about conversions:

Matt 12

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.”
We should pray for him. I do not know where he is with God. His anti-jew talk, as spot on as it was, is not necessarily a testament of his faith. I would rather see more pro-Jesus talk. Even Michael Jackson bemoaned the power that Jews held over his career, it doesn't take a Christian to do so.

I think the worst thing for his soul is to remain in the limelight.
He's fallen right off the deep end:

Just like Christ says about conversions:

Matt 12

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.”

It's really sad. The guy seems completely mindf***ed, every time I hear one of his songs these days I feel a bit ill. Seems that after he was going off about Jews and Christ they managed to get him pumped full of drugs and paired off with a succubus and that's his story. May he find his right mind again someday.
Is it even the same guy?

And no I'm not going all Paternos (has he been replaced?) here but what did they do to him / threaten him with? Don't wanna know tbh.

Just before you come in, I'm not defending him, his story just seems totally odd to begin with.
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His story just seems totally odd to begin with.
100% agree. His whole "Jesus is my Saviour," to "jews are handling P Diddy," to porn producer arc is more than just "mental illness."

And the guy is definitely a homo too (Milo claimed Kanye tried to coerce him into falling of the hetero-wagon). Hollywood jews love the homo-humiliation ritual. They love to take heterosexual men and "force" them into "bisexuality" in order to get record deals and movie and TV roles. Kat Williams goes into this and I also have friends in the entertainment industry who have stated similar things. I wouldn't be surprised if elite jews made Kanye go into porn as part of his humiliation-repentance ritual to atone for speaking ill of the tribe and for declaring that "Christ is King." jews are the primary source and producers of world faggotry. For example, that rabbi Shmuley guy who was on Infowars doing promos for his daughter's "butt plug" business is one of the biggest faggots I've ever seen. His speech, his mannerisms, everything about him is gay.
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His change to more evil behavior is quite simple. He succumbed to the temptations of his handlers, who in turn are being influenced by demons. End of story.
100% agree. His whole "Jesus is my Saviour," to "jews are handling P Diddy," to porn producer arc is more than just "mental illness."

And the guy is definitely a homo too (Milo claimed Kanye tried to coerce him into falling of the hetero-wagon). Hollywood jews love the homo-humiliation ritual. They love to take heterosexual men and "force" them into "bisexuality" in order to get record deals and movie and TV roles. Kat Williams goes into this and I also have friends in the entertainment industry who have stated similar things. I wouldn't be surprised if elite jews made Kanye go into porn as part of his humiliation-repentance ritual to atone for speaking ill of the tribe and for declaring that "Christ is King." jews are the primary source and producers of world faggotry. For example, that rabbi Shmuley guy who was on Infowars doing promos for his daughter's "butt plug" business is one of the biggest faggots I've ever seen. His speech, his mannerisms, everything about him is gay.

Yes, Ye could be a case study in what happens when prominent people who are compromised/'handled' attempt to go off the reservation. Which has happened multiple times with him, not only in this most recent case.

Let's not forget:


Most likely he sold his soul at some point to achieve megacelebrity and has since been trapped in a personal hell of fitfully attempting to break out of his gilded demonic cage and follow his conscience to repentance, followed by surrendering and allowing himself (or being forced) to be stuffed back in and doped up with drugs and whores. The Scripture quote Samseau posted sums it up perfectly. It is a grim fate indeed.