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Latest German Lunacy

I was reluctant to put this post in this German lunacy thread as the following seems to be more planned than due to merely the irrational result of demons and the moon.


It is almost like this was tried before during the Weimar Republic period and was put on hold owing to the unintended consequences.
People from all over Europe literally go to Turkey for vacation, so why are they "refugees"? There is no war going on there. Actually, there is no war in 95% of Syria and none in Afghanistan, yet they keep coming in. How many kebab shops does Germany need, realistically, because the Turkish guest-workers have been coming to Germany since the 60s and what do they honestly contribute? What will ANY of these "refugees" contribute?
I was reluctant to put this post in this German lunacy thread as the following seems to be more planned than due to merely the irrational result of demons and the moon.


It is almost like this was tried before during the Weimar Republic period and was put on hold owing to the unintended consequences.

When they tell you about how the Nazis burned piles of books they never tell you WHICH books they were burning. Take a wild guess...
I was reluctant to put this post in this German lunacy thread as the following seems to be more planned than due to merely the irrational result of demons and the moon.


It is almost like this was tried before during the Weimar Republic period and was put on hold owing to the unintended consequences.
Europe wants Christian comforts without the Christianity.

The sexual exploitation of children was commonplace in every pagan society, not to mention the absence of marriage as we know it. That's what Europe is heading towards if Christians don't step up and accept that it's okay to be hated by an evil society.
Wow, this thread gets action almost every day now...

The real story of what happened to the German people during World War II continues to be erased. In Dresden, a memorial inscription about the bombing of the city by the American and British Air Forces in February 1945 was removed. The firebombing of Dresden was the real holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were "burnt whole."

Remember, no one is allowed to be a victim except (((the self-chosen))).

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Wow, this thread gets action almost every day now...

The real story of what happened to the German people during World War II continues to be erased. In Dresden, a memorial inscription about the bombing of the city by the American and British Air Forces in February 1945 was removed. The firebombing of Dresden was the real holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were "burnt whole."

Remember, no one is allowed to be a victim except (((the self-chosen))).

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Hopefully, the AFD will name and shame - let's face it, those responsible will be on the far left.
Hopefully, the AFD will name and shame - let's face it, those responsible will be on the far left.

LOL. It was placed there by communists in the first place...

It was removed on behalf of the usual suspects. The ones you fought a war against and lost. The ones who decide everything of importance in Germany. The ones who bombed Dresden.

Germany isn't a real country.
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LOL. It was placed there by communists in the first place...

It was removed on behalf of the usual suspects. The ones you fought a war against and lost. The ones who decide everything of importance in Germany. The ones who bombed Dresden.

Germany isn't a real country.
It hasn't been since 1945.
Wow, this thread gets action almost every day now...

The real story of what happened to the German people during World War II continues to be erased. In Dresden, a memorial inscription about the bombing of the city by the American and British Air Forces in February 1945 was removed. The firebombing of Dresden was the real holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were "burnt whole."

Remember, no one is allowed to be a victim except (((the self-chosen))).

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The victors write and now seemingly erase historical records also.

This is actually a funny thing to point out. Only Germany has overt pro-government "protests". It really is weird. Like, setting up a protest WHILE you are in power instead of just speaking through press conferences or the state media that gives you all the time you want.

People go to these events because it's fun to get drunk there and immigrants can hope for some bobs & vagene while not going to work.

This is actually a funny thing to point out. Only Germany has overt pro-government "protests". It really is weird. Like, setting up a protest WHILE you are in power instead of just speaking through press conferences or the state media that gives you all the time you want.

People go to these events because it's fun to get drunk there and immigrants can hope for some bobs & vagene while not going to work.
Astroturfing "protests". There must be a good term for that. AFAIK, the illegal migrants to Germany are not allowed to work, so long as they hold refugee status. So they just loaf about, getting into gangs, organised crime, drugs, and r̶a̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ enriching the native women and children.
Astroturfing "protests". There must be a good term for that. AFAIK, the illegal migrants to Germany are not allowed to work, so long as they hold refugee status. So they just loaf about, getting into gangs, organised crime, drugs, and r̶a̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ enriching the native women and children.
There have actually been numerous attempts at getting refugees, Afghans in particular, into some sort of training, precisely so that they wouldn't start developing a fungus on their behinds and perhaps prove to be valuable members of society.

A lot of them flat out refused to learn certain types of trades because they felt it was below the honor of their tribe to work for quffar with their bare hands. Skip to 8 years later, around 70% of the 180k Afghan arrivals since 2014/15 are still unemployed.

It's not like they don't theoretically have anything else to do, they just don't want to.

But to be honest, I don't make a strict distinction between those with refugee/asylum status and the ones who had their passport handed out somehow. It's the same social group.
This is actually a funny thing to point out. Only Germany has overt pro-government "protests". It really is weird. Like, setting up a protest WHILE you are in power instead of just speaking through press conferences or the state media that gives you all the time you want.
We had the same here in 2021 when an astroturfed party of Harvard rejects suddenly appeared out of nowhere and won all the gullible young voters and aspiring business folks. Few months into their coalition with the old school communist left they started holding "protests" in their favor while in power because the courts caught them breaking some constitutional rules. It was just like a communist procession. : )
Germans often cry about "far left" and blame them for the situation they are in. That is the opposite of the truth.

I sometimes think that Germany would have been better off if East Germany took over West Germany, rather than the other way around.

Why? Because East Germany had something West Germany never had: A sense of purpose and pride in themselves. In East Germany they tried to build national pride and move on from the past. In West Germany they destroyed all sense of national pride, and cultivated a sense of eternal shame and self-hatred.

That said, East Germany was extremely flawed and needed large democratic reforms if it was ever to function. Maybe Germany simply was to broken to ever function as a country after WW2 in any shape or form.

Now it's just a client state of the US, left only with superficial autonomy in irrelevant internal matters. Why would any Germans fight for that?
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That said, East Germany was extremely flawed and needed large democratic reforms if it was ever to function. Maybe Germany simply was to broken to ever function as a country after WW2 in any shape or form.
It actually didn't need a democratic reform. Single party systems are fine. They just had to get rid of Marxism, because it Marxism is insane and Marxists can never admit when their progressive nonsense didn't work.
The form of government is almost irrelevant as long as it's not liberal democracy. It's a system that favors almost exclusively the most subversive groups.
China basically proved that if you do Perestroika right, there is no need for Glasnost. Also, West Germany was never meant to be anything but a strong satellite state. Whatever Germany's system is doesn't really matter, because functionally, it's a US outpost with some minor privileges in domestic policy. Very minor.

People tend to overemphasize the form of politics relative to its content. You can have a king, a lifetime president/phancellor, and it can all go well if they are Christians or at least traditional nationalists, and it all goes in the toilet if there are shidlibs in those positions.

Parliamentary democracy is really the only exception because it's the only system that makes an ideological crisis the default state of society, which is ridiculous. You cannot have parliamentary democracy without paying people for being useless interlopers.

I think you are correct about Eastern Germany having more national pride, but I think that's mainly because Stalin, for all his faults, was a sort of ethno-pluralist and removed Trotzkyite/Talmudic influence from the major power nodes. Those people then went into the West and that's how the role switch happened.