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Search results

  1. T

    Latest Canadian Lunacy

    And the huge cheer they get from the crowd at the end says it all. The great majority of White Canadians could care less that they're being replaced and genocided, as long as they get to keep their overpriced houses and SUVS and, of course, their hockey.
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    Elon Musk Thread

    I happened to run across some clips today of Elon firing some people from Twitter/X which were kind of enjoyable to watch. The best one was when he fired his brown censorship woman live on Rogan. She says something about how they failed in a couple of ways and Elon says, "Failure comes with a...
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    Learning (Acoustic) Guitar

    So do pretty much all the Ramones albums. Lol! But seriously, they're great to learn from because they are also easy enough that once you learn how a power chord works, you can pretty much learn them by ear, which is great training and super important for moving forward. ("Gabba gabba we...
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    Irish Politics Thread

    Well, come on, bigots! She's lived there for almost two decades! Where I live, all three levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal) are occupied by people of foreign origin who, suffice to say, are not too keen on white people. I firmly believe that one thing Western nations...
  5. T

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    I agree with this completely, and would add that guys like Spielberg definitely have long-term agendas they push from film to film. For example, he has been instrumental in pushing the Holocaust narrative. In addition to "Schindler's List" (chock full of historical inaccuracies and basically a...
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    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Actually, Mike Williams just reposted a great podcast on the Stones and his theory is that they were another manufactured group. Basically, the podcast talks about a documentary where they claim they went into the Muscle Shoals studio and knocked off three tunes in three days. Not only that...
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    Smartphone acceptance starting in 2012 supercharged cultural decline

    I agree 100% with this, and would only add that not only are they not ergonomic to use as a phone but are also incredibly dangerous, as they are electromagnetic devices that shouldn't be held near your head/brain for even short periods of time. Pretty much any time I use my smart "phone" as a...
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    Learning (Acoustic) Guitar

    At its core, all guitar really is, is touching a string or strings to a metal bar (the fret) to shorten or lengthen it and then moving the string or strings with the right hand to start it vibrating and create the sound. One thing beginners struggle with at the beginning is properly pressing...
  9. T

    Irish Politics Thread

    It's kind of funny and sad at the same time that White European nations need to "explicitly define themselves" like this. I would think with names like "England" (land of the English) and "Ireland" (land of the Irish) it would be pretty self-explanatory.
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    60th Anniversary of The Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    I did not know about that movie! Thanks so much, I'll check it out. ☺. I did know about Garrison/Clay Shaw, through the Oliver Stone movie. (Garrison even has a cameo in it playing Earl Warren.). Stone's movie also goes into how the witnesses were dealt with. Well, I guess I can say if it...
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    60th Anniversary of The Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    The JFK assassination actually started me on the road for the truth. I happened upon Mark Lane's book "Rush to Judgment" in my early teens. He was a lawyer who had been hired by the Oswald family and the book tore the official explanation of the event to shreds. Even as a twelve year old, I...
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    60th Anniversary of The Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    Agree 1000%. For example, the Jewish-led Soviet army committed horrible atrocities during World War Two, most notably against the Poles and the Germans. I am always careful to refer to them as such when I talk about this because there was a huge difference between the Communist Jews and the...
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    Irish Politics Thread

    Another reminder that, no matter how much you might dislike the mainstream media, it's nowhere near enough.
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    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Shouldn't they all be holding hands and singing "Don't Look Back In Anger?"
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    Irish Politics Thread

    Wish something like that would happen here. (The immigration protests, not the stabbing.). One in four "Canadians" weren't born here at this point.
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    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Whammy bar dives and everything.
  17. T

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Yup, connections and also image/looks. Sad but true, at least with mainstream corporate music.
  18. T

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    LOVE Vai and Satch, especially Vai. (Did you see the video he made a while ago that was all just his left hand because his right hand was damaged that is STILL better than most guitar players can do with both hands?) But, Eddie is in a completely different category. For a lot of the heavy...
  19. T

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Totally right. They generally give you a small taste of fame then see what you're willing to do to keep and grow it. Those that aren't willing to "go the distance", if you will, get dropped. Also, connections are super important, like how pretty much everyone in the hippie rock movement was...
  20. T

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Indeed. All these guys had a lot of help behind the scenes. Going back to the Beatles, George Martin said on a few occasions that he didn't think they were very good when he first heard them. In fact, he tried to pass on them and was told by a higher up to sign them, then tried to pass them...