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Conspiracy Theory Thread

LOVE Vai and Satch, especially Vai. (Did you see the video he made a while ago that was all just his left hand because his right hand was damaged that is STILL better than most guitar players can do with both hands?)

No, I didn't see that but it sounds like something Vai would do. He's just so incredible it's ridiculous.
If you'd asked me as a young man, I would have said that talent was all that was needed. A couple of decades later, I'd have added that you needed to have luck on your side. Now, I think that you really do need the stars to align. As has been mentioned, there are many great talents who are never recognised, and languish in obscurity.

As an example, look at this young man, performing a cover of Rainbow's Kill the King, originally played by Ritchie Blackmore:

Of course he is, Page and Van Halen are my favorite guitar players. Page's studio guitar layerings and songwriting abilities are second to none in the classic rock genre.

Unfortunately it's true, Page's lead playing could be quite sloppy live though his rhythm playing is almost always excellent. Just watched the live version of Since I've Been Loving You a few times recently and even though it's an inspired emotional performance, he is sloppy as heck. Eddie is much tighter live but then people like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani are basically flawless. So there's always room for improvement lol.
Youu've seen that video where Rick Beato quantized John Bonham to be perfectly on the beat? It's just not the same.

Getting a little off topic, so I will stop after this. A few years ago me and my buddy, the lead guitarist from my band at the time, were jamming on "Surfing with the Alien" by Satriani. Now, I'm a drummer, but I can play guitar good enough to handle the rhythm part. I went home, learned it properly(ish), and a week or two later we jammed on it again. It was the best guitar jam I have ever had. Oh man, it was rockin'!. I wanted to do it live at one of our shows. It felt so good, so tight. But the lead guitarist wouldn't have it.
"We can't cover a Satriani song unless it's perfect"
"But none of the punters will know...Our version rocks"
"Yeah, but I'll know, and one guy up the back, he'll know.... It's Satriani, it has to be perfect"
I have just seen this Tweet and it seems to contain the motherlode of conspiracy topics and thought I would paste them here. Most seem to relate to Israel (Mossad was Trending on Twitter, which is how I happened on the Tweet), but there are a few others, too. I thought they would perhaps interest folk on this thread and also Tweets have a habit of vanishing!

Google the following:
‘Irgun terrorism’
The Lavon affair’
‘Bombing of King David Hotel’
‘The USS Liberty sir American Ship’
‘The Dotan affair’
‘Steve Rosen Cocktail Napkin’
‘Fake control room Dimona’
‘The Apollo affair’
‘Mossad JFK Sandler’
‘Kosher Nostra’
‘Epstein Mossad’
‘Jonathan Pollard’
‘Dancing Israelis Urban Moving’
‘Israeli art students’
‘Project New American Century’
‘New Pearl Harbor’
‘Douglas Feith Doctored Intel’
‘Larry Franklin’
‘Weather Underground last names’
‘The Frankfurt School’
‘Magnus Hirschfeld’
‘Bolsheviks ethnicity’
‘Rosa Luxembourg’
‘Trotsky real last name’
‘Bernadine Dohrn real last name’
‘Weather underground white children’
‘Rothschilds Balfour Declaration’
‘Ben Freedman 1961 speech’
‘Israel Pegasus’
‘Spy devices DC Israel’
‘Leo Frank ADL Guilty’
‘The Romance of a People video’
‘New Pearl Harbor’
‘Daily Veracity books burned’
‘Marching to Zion’
@BarrontheTigerCat what are you saying, it wasn't just an accident with an iceberg?
The Movie Back to the Future where the jews Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis seeded in all those references to the "Tower being hit"? Seeding in all the 9-11 numerology - 1:16 , 1:19 9:11 and all the scenes about the saving the Tower having freemason pyramids on the wall in the background.
Step forward the novel "Futility or the Wreck of the Titan" a novel published in 1898 about a record attempting giant ocean liner crossing the Atlantic and.. hitting an Iceberg on its maiden voyage. 14 years before the real thing happened.

That caused some consternation with the public at the time but, as ever, the jewish elites were able to contain any public outcry.

The jews killed the Titanic passengers in order to enable their plans for the federal reserve and WWI (the monster from Jekyll Island - the federal Reserve was planned at a meeting on Jekyll Island in 1870. Without the Federal Reserve the jews' long-planned "coming European War" could not have happened.
The dates are important as that period in April seems to be a special week for the jews and freemasons and their human sacrifices - see also the Waco massacre, the Hillsborough disaster (another human sacrifice planned by jews) and the murder of anti-banker Abrham Lincoln by the jew John Wilkes Booth.
JP Morgan was a crypto-jew.
Thanks to the Diversity Hire sub accident the same cabal who were in control in 1912 and in 2001 and who are still in control now .. will henceforth be nixing any undersea access to the evidence.
The name of that mini-sub? The Titan. The Wreck of the Titan.

Thanks to the fact that it is so long ago and considered such a quack theory you can still see videos like this on jew tube. Similar videos on 9-11 being committed by jews and freemason servants tend to get shadow banned or taken down. Im not sure I subscribe to the "Insurance swap" idea with the substitution of the Olympia.
Note what this guy says, words to the effect of - "well, how ELSE are you supposed to control a planet with 7 billion people on it, without orchestrating events like this?" This is the philosophy of the jews and their freemason worker bees who control Asia and Latin America just as much as they control the west and the Anglo-sphere.

Am I the only one here who does not know what this is -
the 9-11 numerology - 1:16 , 1:19 9:11 and all the scenes about the saving the Tower having freemason pyramids on the wall in the background
..or be inclined to believe in it?
The jews killed the Titanic passengers in order to enable their plans for the federal reserve and WWI
Thanks for the explanation, I know I asked.. Just could barely believe that there was a developed conspiracy theory about this.

I was listening to a bit of Red Ice Radio today and they played a bit of some Israeli who was going on about babies being beheaded or put in ovens and in the mean time other Israeli newspapers had attacked that guy saying the truth is bad enough please don't "embelish" it does not need it it makes everything less credible. Whatever side one is on it is good to not go beyond the truth, but hey this is the conspiracy theory head so hey some flexibility ;)

I'm guessing in that 1hr38min video it says somewhere that they found an iceberg and aimed at it. Will try to watch some time. This is the first I've heard of Titanic being a conspiracy.
The Movie Back to the Future where the jews Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis seeded in all those references to the "Tower being hit"? Seeding in all the 9-11 numerology - 1:16 , 1:19 9:11 and all the scenes about the saving the Tower having freemason pyramids on the wall in the background.
Step forward the novel "Futility or the Wreck of the Titan" a novel published in 1898 about a record attempting giant ocean liner crossing the Atlantic and.. hitting an Iceberg on its maiden voyage. 14 years before the real thing happened.

These sort of things indicate the have the power (only partially) to see into the future.
Perhaps with the help of demons, like those things people see (and talk to) when taking the drugs DMT or Ayahuasca.
I know Spielberg definitely took Ayahuasca is the 1960s or early 70s.
By now I'm sure they have easier and more direct ways of communicating with the demon world.
The clock tower hit by lightning
The world trade centre towers hit by aircraft
Took me a moment to see the link.. Still could not imagine how that film could be linked to the later attacks, but is a theory

There more than that.
See here:

There more than that.
See here:

9-11 wasn't committed by Israel - 9-11 was committed by World Jewry in its entirety. The same World Jewry who killed Kennedy.
Spielberg and Larry Silverstein weren't so much Israel dwellers as fellow jews...
They didn't need Ayahuasca or to be "pre-cogs" - they just needed to be in on the plans.
Notice, if you research it, all the jewish pyramid freemason symbols in Back t the Future.
Spielberg et al are revealing their plans 'in Plain sight' and to this day, no one even talks about it.
See also the 1970s "illuminati card game" which predicted the Canadian Trucker Strike, Covid and had images of the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked.
Lightning. The "Tower" is an Occult Tarot card of a Tower being struck by lightning. Look it up. It has Occult and jewish symbolism relating to 9-11.
There is a definite correlation that Spielberg and Zemeckis want us to see, if we look, between the coup where the jews killed Kennedy and the coup where the jews slaughtered Americans on 9-11.
The town square in Back to the Future is even modelled on Dealey Plaza.

This forum needs a separate 9-11 thread and a Freemasonry thread.
Its not just (insert laugh emoji) "conspiracy theories". I hope people can begin to see that.

9-11 wasn't committed by Israel - 9-11 was committed by World Jewry in its entirety. The same World Jewry who killed Kennedy.
Spielberg and Larry Silverstein weren't so much Israel dwellers as fellow jews...
They didn't need Ayahuasca or to be "pre-cogs" - they just needed to be in on the plans.
Notice, if you research it, all the jewish pyramid freemason symbols in Back t the Future.
Spielberg et al are revealing their plans 'in Plain sight' and to this day, no one even talks about it.
See also the 1970s "illuminati card game" which predicted the Canadian Trucker Strike, Covid and had images of the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked.
Lightning. The "Tower" is an Occult Tarot card of a Tower being struck by lightning. Look it up. It has Occult and jewish symbolism relating to 9-11.
There is a definite correlation that Spielberg and Zemeckis want us to see, if we look, between the coup where the jews killed Kennedy and the coup where the jews slaughtered Americans on 9-11.
The town square in Back to the Future is even modelled on Dealey Plaza.

This forum needs a separate 9-11 thread and a Freemasonry thread.
Its not just (insert laugh emoji) "conspiracy theories". I hope people can begin to see that.

I honestly cant see that.

Are you trying to say that Spielberg and Zemeckis sat down and wrote a film and made sure to cram it full of references to things that will happen in the future, that they have knowledge of, because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world, and like to make fun of the crap they will pull 20 or 30 years in the future, in a way that only they will get at the time?

Nope, that's coincidence and autists making connections where there are none.

And the idea that everything we do is controlled and predetermined is anathema to a lot (not all) Christians.

One final point, when you talk about so many subjects being linked and feeding your conclusion, and I see one point that I am definitely more knowledgeable about than you, and that point is completely wrong, I'm not going to believe any of the rest of the things you say.
Nope, that's coincidence and autists making connections where there are none.

I agree.

The big problem with these sort of things is that you can starting seeing and making obscure connections with anything and everything.
There is even a medical term for people who do this to unhealthy extremes called "Apophenia"

This is the exact thing that the people who ran the fake but very effective Q-anon psyop, exploited to extremes during Trump's last 2 years as president. People who went down that path backed themselves into a ridiculous dark corner, chief among which was blogger "Vox Day."

If you notice a self tendency to do this way too often (endless correlations and deeper meaning of very unrelated things) , its important to try and catch yourself and take a step back and keep these sort of thoughts in check.

Otherwise it can make you appear very unhinged and crazy to others, and also leads one down endless rabbit holes that produce nothing of value except endless paranoia about the world.
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I agree.

The big problem with these sort of things is that you can starting seeing and making obscure connections with anything and everything.
There is even a medical term for people who do this to unhealthy extremes called "Apophenia"

This is the exact thing that the people who ran the fake but very effective Q-anon psyop, exploited to extremes during Trump's last 2 years as president. People who went down that path backed themselves into a ridiculous dark corner, chief among which was blogger "Vox Day."

If you notice a self tendency to do this way too often (endless correlations and deeper meaning of very unrelated things) , its important to try and catch yourself and take a step back and keep these sort of thoughts in check.

Otherwise it can make you appear very unhinged and crazy to others, and also leads one down endless rabbit holes that produce nothing of value except endless paranoia about the world.
I have always thought that the best "gatekeepers" are people like this. People whose conspiracy theories are so out there and unbelievable that they turn normal reasonable people away from the actual truth.

Tell someone that the covid vaccine is made by a company with an awful track record, and that it is actually gene therapy, and back that up with evidence and they might start to question the narrative.

Tell someone the covid vaccine is made by a company with an awful track record, and that it is actually gene therapy, and that the whole covid scenario is dreamed up by the freemason jews that control us all and the proof is in the hidden references in this film from the 1980s and they will have you in a padded room as soon as they can. And will never ever question the covid vaccine again.
The big problem with these sort of things is that you can starting seeing and making obscure connections with anything and everything.
There is even a medical term for people who do this to unhealthy extremes called "Apophenia"

I wanted to say Please, please, please I hope somebody comes into this "Conspiracy Theory Thread" and argues with links to prove that "Apophenia" was ackshully a term coined by the CIA and Jewish doctors in order to legally institutionalize those who discovered the truth.

But it turns out to have been coined by Klaus Conrad, who was LITERALLY A NAZI! :LOL:
I wanted to say Please, please, please I hope somebody comes into this "Conspiracy Theory Thread" and argues with links to prove that "Apophenia" was ackshully a term coined by the CIA and Jewish doctors in order to legally institutionalize those who discovered the truth.

But it turns out to have been coined by Klaus Conrad, who was LITERALLY A NAZI! :LOL:
I have it on good authority that the Nazi's were actually crypto-freemason jews!

[Actually there were Jewish Nazis!]