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Latest Canadian Lunacy

It appears that the UK has competition on the trans front, as one of xir's number gets a medal for getting a rape crisis centre defunded:


Morgane has been a part of my neighborhood for ages and has been riding the current translove thing since media announced that trannies were going to be the new victim group to help speed up our societal demise. Morgane even ran for our socialist party (that currently dominates politics) but was beaten out by an actual woman, who may as well be just as useless for our riding. Any time something politic pops up that needs a victim face, its Morgane. I've spoken to him on multiple occasions and while I don't get the impression that he is mentally ill (besides the obvious) there is an evil narcissism that forces these people to do anything in their power to stay relevant. And for that, we all pay the price.

My riding, for all its love of these retarded politics, didn't pay this clown any attention. It just goes to show that once in a voter booth, no mentally sound person could honestly vote for someone who plays pretend with their genitals.
CSIS ( Canadas intelligence agency ) is monitoring the evolving 'Freedom Movement' in Canada... which they find very alarming and totally unjustified...

"The "Freedom" movement builds on the fundamental narratives of the anti-public health measures movement, including opposition to globalization and suspicion of pharmaceutical companies, with a heavy focus on alleged government infringement of personal liberties, the CSIS analysis says.

"While this perceived tyranny is widespread across the movement, other narratives are becoming increasingly common among adherents," the brief says, citing opposition to:

— the LGBTQ+ community, specifically drag story times and inclusion of material in public school curriculums;

— perceived increase in global control over Canada by international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum;

— Communism;

and the concept of "15-minute cities," on the basis that planning easily navigable communities is a plot to restrict mobility rights and create a mass-surveillance state."

In other and completely unrelated news... the Canadian government has announced that they will no longer be funding any new road construction in Canada. We have enough roads. People need to live closer together anyways so that they can use their electric vehicle, public transportation, walk or bike... In a Canadian winter...

"We can very well achieve our goals of economic, social and human development without more enlargement of the road network."

Guilbeault said the federal government is intent on moving people out of their cars and into public transportation, which the government has spent billions to build.

He said the federal government also wants to encourage "active transit," which means getting people to walk and cycle.

The minister said federal money that's been spent on asphalt and concrete for roads in the past is "better invested into projects that will help fight climate change and adapt to its impacts."

Here's another gem.
While enduring challenging economic times... and the fastest declining standard of living of all the first world countries... there's a glimmer of prosperity at the end of a dark mine shaft. Coal exports are booming.
Of course that could never stand. The only sensible thing to do is BAN it... This country is a sinking ship.



New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the UK have completely lost the plot and turned themselves into dystopian hellholes. The United States is not far behind, and will be completely converted if the next election once again is stolen by to the Marxists. I was watching Clarkson's Farm the other day and was flabbergasted at all the harebrained regulations he had to put up with just to put food on the table for his fellow Brits. Meanwhile illegal migrants are effectively subsidized by the state to roam free, are permitted to rape and pillage the place without a much as anyone batting an eye.

The entire West is lost, I don't think there's any bouncing back from this without a major uprising involving bloodshed. And frankly I'm too old to to care at this point, just want to live out my life in a secure and quiet place far away from all this craziness.

AKA satanism. The slippery slope has finally reached its conclusion. It all started with 'we only want to be free to do what we want behind closed doors'. Look now at where it brought us...