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Elon Musk Thread

I happened to run across some clips today of Elon firing some people from Twitter/X which were kind of enjoyable to watch. The best one was when he fired his brown censorship woman live on Rogan. She says something about how they failed in a couple of ways and Elon says, "Failure comes with a penalty. You're fired.". She just sputters for a second and Tim Poole and Rogan look really, really uncomfortable. Priceless.
This whole "let's hold a poll" weak sauce is the antithesis of leadership.
Guess what? Society held a poll on your kids balls and decided he should become a tranny. You cool with that, Elon?

People's "thoughts" about words coming out of Alex Jones mouth are totally irrelevant. Twitter is LOADED with horrible people spewing insane things all the time, people I have very negative thoughts about. People willingly and knowingly lying. Subversive people causing war and death and suffering. They are all allowed, and none of them are banned, and no one is asking "our thoughts" about people like Bari Weiss, Victoria Nuland, BLM, atheists, trannies, jews, etc. Why the double standard? Why are only GOOD people subject to this trial by the crowd, while BAD people are never silenced?

It's not like Jones is going to say anything controversial after being fined a katrillion dollars for expressing some doubts over a highly suspicious media event anyway.
Another example of Elon doing what the entire GOP as a whole won’t do. Confronting Zelensky about the imprisonment of Gonzo Lira and helping bring attention to a situation very inconvenient for them after shipping billions over.

Whomever your favorite politician is. I’ll ask why they don’t have the balls to speak on subjects Tucker and Elon regularly do.

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Another example of Elon doing what the entire GOP as a whole won’t do. Confronting Zelensky about the imprisonment of Gonzo Lira and helping bring attention to a situation very inconvenient for them after shipping billions over.

Whomever your favorite politician is. I’ll ask why they don’t have the balls to speak on subjects Tucker and Elon regularly do.

Elon Musk proves that you don't have to be in office in order to be effective in politics.

Libs when they hear the three names of Musk x Jones x Tate

Oh My God Wow GIF by reactionseditor

I thought this may have been an AI fake at first, since the YT channel links to an AI site, but apparently not. According to the MSM:

Elon Musk Hosts Unhinged Panel With Alex Jones After Reinstating His X Account​

Yahoo News
Elon Musk Hosts Unhinged Panel With Alex Jones After Reinstating His X Account
Kelby Vera
Mon, December 11, 2023 at 9:57 AM GMT+10·2 min read

Just hours after reinstating his X account, Elon Musk joined Alex Jones for a deeply questionable conversation on X Spaces on Sunday.

The tech billionaire and InfoWars host were joined by Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, internet influencer and suspected human trafficker Andrew Tate, and an ensemble of other conservative personalities for a 3-hour audio stream, which was largely spent slathering Musk in praise.

“Elon Musk’s courage has broken the backs of the globalists,” Jones said of his return to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “They’ll never be able to turn this around again unless they have a nuclear war.”

Audio dropped in and out as they peddled conspiracy theories about government censorship, the World Economic forum, climate change and the fall of human civilization.

Musk also explained his decision to reinstate Jones, accusing X’s previous leadership of unfairly targeting the conspiracy theorist with the permanent ban.

Jones’ account was banned in 2018 for violating the site’s abusive behavior policy. For years, he promoted the idea that the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 was a hoax.

Elon Musk had a conversation with Alex Jones hours after lifting his 5-year ban from X.

Last year, Jones was ordered to pay families of the 26 victims more than $1 billion for making defamatory claims.

Musk also responded to claims that X’s old owners manipulated the news cycle through the Trending page, saying, “I’d say, as a general rule of thumb, whatever conspiracy theory you’ve got about Twitter is probably true, even more true than you think it is.”

Musk reinstated Jones’ account early Sunday, after taking the matter to a vote in an X post the morning prior.

Calling the decision a matter of principle the day prior, Musk told X followers, “I vehemently disagree with what he said about Sandy Hook, but are we a platform that believes in freedom of speech or are we not?”

“If the people vote him back on, this will be bad for X financially, but principles matter more than money,” he went on.

The CEO thumbed his nose at advertisers fleeing the platform during an interview at The New York Times DealBook Summit last month, where he said, “If somebody’s going to try and blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself. Go. Fuck. Yourself.”
Populism is the opposite of leadership.
It's literally the privation of leadership.

(Assuming Alex Jones is actually "popular")
I've looked into this question before. All the "right- thinking" people hate populism. Trump was "Populist". The scum!!

But wait, why is populism so bad? I've tried to find out why. Populism appeals to the interests of the broadest number of the population. Not surprising. Are the broadest numbers wrong? Don't their interests matter?

It's funny. When you try to find articles or historical/academic sources to address these questions, I think they tend to come down to the idea that what the populace wants is unrealistic, and it is unrealistic because it doesn't satisfy the needs of the rich.

You can say it a little more favorably from the rich point of view. You could say the nation needs the economy to flourish, and for the economy to flourish, there are certain unpopular regulatory conditions that need to be maintained for the greater good. What the "people" want will ultimately be bad for the nation, and therefore, will actually be bad for the people.

However, it is hard to find a good historic example of this. What you can find are cases where the rich, the entrenched interests, had enough power to hold onto their own perquisites, and the people were defeated, with the media writing about how wrong they were. However these cases don't hold up that well to scrutiny. I think in most cases, the "people" would have benefited more if their goals had been realized.

A good example is cutting off legal and illegal immigration to the US these past few decades. Would it have been better for the existing citizens of the USA to restrict immigration? Yes. Did the powers that be scorn it as populism to advocate a reduction in immigration? Yes. Were they right? Was immigration better after all?
