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Conspiracy Theory Thread

Hello everyone, sorry for the derail. I just wanted to apologize to @BarrontheTigerCat for speaking ill of him. I posted a critique of his person and I have no right to do so. If I could delete the post I would.

This is just a public request that he stick around. I think he adds value to the forum and I think his posts are unique and interesting (even though i disagree with some aspects of them). I'd also ask that @BarrontheTigerCat starts specific conspiracy theory threads on 911 and The Free Masons so people like myself can get a better handle on The Big Picture by focusing the conversation on one issue at a time.

Maybe this has already been discussed, but @Cynllo is there any way we can we get a separate Conspiracy Theories category on it's own and post individual conspiracy theory threads under that category?

Thanks again to everyone making this forum happen and helping it to move forward (posters, mods, admin, etc.).

God Bless

I think there can be a conspiracy sub in deep, but not much to go in it at the moment.

Which post do you want to delete?
You watched a mid 1930s cinema serial series' as a child ?
How old are you ??!! :LOL:
Not that old! The ones I mentioned were shown on BBC1 in the early 70's, along with several old European series, such as Robinson Crusoe and Belle and Sebastian. They soon gave way to more modern programmes, such as Desert Crusader and The Flashing Blade.

Even now, the theme of Robinson Crusoe, starring Euro favourite Robert Hoffman, will pop as as background music on documentaries:

Yes good post. Mike Williams' channel is excellent and goes over the entire situation for years with very long videos. Also, anyone interested in this conspiracy should pick up the book "Memoirs of Billy Shears" which many believe to be ghost written by the current Sir Paul aka William Shepperd aka Billy Shears. The official author is Thomas Uharriet and books can be ordered from his site.

Here is a short 5 minute interview with Bernard Purdie who drummed on 21 Beatles tracks. He was an incredible studio drummer and worked on many pop/rock songs from the 60s and 70s. Many studio musicians like him and Glen Campbell and Tommy Tedesco played on songs in this era for some of the most famous groups. The record companies couldn't waste time with inferior musicians laying down the solid tracks that studio people could do in their sleep. That's just the way it was in the 60s and 70s. Later on, some of the groups became better musicians or the studio musicians formed their own bands and then could obviously play on their own tracks. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin played on hundreds of British pop tracks throughout the 60s for example.

I knew an old guy who was a trombonist on Bozo's circus. He knew Jagger and the stones through music circles in London and LA, and he claimed that they couldn't play "Happy Birthday" if you asked them to. A lot of these musicians are just... fake, there's really nothing beyond it.

Part of me thinks its this "stars" cult obsession that gets people hyperfocused on people instead of God, another long con in the judeo-masonic playbook to sever a consciousness of a population from connection with God.
I honestly cant see that.

Are you trying to say that Spielberg and Zemeckis sat down and wrote a film and made sure to cram it full of references to things that will happen in the future, that they have knowledge of, because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world, and like to make fun of the crap they will pull 20 or 30 years in the future, in a way that only they will get at the time?

Nope, that's coincidence and autists making connections where there are none.

And the idea that everything we do is controlled and predetermined is anathema to a lot (not all) Christians.

One final point, when you talk about so many subjects being linked and feeding your conclusion, and I see one point that I am definitely more knowledgeable about than you, and that point is completely wrong, I'm not going to believe any of the rest of the things you say.
It's not pre-determined, its pre-envisioned, which if you can understand the enemy of Christ, these kabbalistic mystics, these judeo-masonics, you would understand that they are constantly attempting to force what we know as the "Hand of God" to materialize physical events in their dialectical favor. If the explosions didn't work correctly on 9/11, they would have done something more preposterous and insidious. They were ready to blow up important landmarks, like the white house and the pentagon, if their initial plan failed, hence why they only fired one missile at the pentagon and not multiple, and why they made a bunch of malarkey about the 4th plane crashing in a field that was prepared ahead of time. You have to study the enemy deeply and intrinsically to understand them, something they know many people, let alone many Christians will never undertake because it is a dangerous voyage.

With God protecting you and your faith, you can read an occult book to understand the enemy, but nothing more. You can witness occult ceremonies to know the rituals of the wicked, but nothing more. You don't have to do either of those two to make the connections that he has made. Pattern recognition is a valid thought process that God bestowed upon us because it is a real phenomena.

The symbols in the movies are not always even vetted by the directors alone, there are so many people involved that it may not have even been Spielberg and Zemeckis but a lowly occult cinematographer or devil-worshiping background artist. The likelihood is that most of the people in hollywood who put the premeditative symbolism into their movies were doing so because of a similar "tikkun olam" philosophy, (which is a complete inversion of what they say it means) that they are charging up the spell before it is cast. They were charging up the "spell" for 9/11 several decades before it happened, and long after the "spell" was cast over the American people on September 11th, 2001, the effects still linger.

They are sorcerers and blasphemers, just as the Christian kings and Emperors of old called them.
I knew an old guy who was a trombonist on Bozo's circus. He knew Jagger and the stones through music circles in London and LA, and he claimed that they couldn't play "Happy Birthday" if you asked them to. A lot of these musicians are just... fake, there's really nothing beyond it.

Part of me thinks its this "stars" cult obsession that gets people hyperfocused on people instead of God, another long con in the judeo-masonic playbook to sever a consciousness of a population from connection with God.
Actually, Mike Williams just reposted a great podcast on the Stones and his theory is that they were another manufactured group. Basically, the podcast talks about a documentary where they claim they went into the Muscle Shoals studio and knocked off three tunes in three days. Not only that, but two of them ("Brown Sugar" and " Wild Horses") were among their biggest hits ever AND when they went in, they only had a vague idea for a chorus for "Wild Horses" and nothing else. They claim it was more or less written on the spot by Keith in the bathroom while they were also drinking, smoking dope and partying the whole time. Mike makes many good points about how this looks/sounds fake, and one of the best is that nowhere in the documentary is there any actual footage of the Stones actually in the studio writing or recording the tunes. (This is the same with the Beatles: the "greatest rock band of all time", yet there is pretty much zero footage of them actually writing or recording any of their music). In fact, we never even see Bill Wyman or Mick Taylor at all - the majority of it is Mick and Keith listening to playback and one close up of Charlie Watts face only, so it's very doubtful he was there either. It's more probable that the whole thing was done by the Muscle Shoals guys and Mick and Keith just showed up to record the vocal tracks, much like how the Beatles most likely did a lot of their stuff with George Martin. You're absolutely right with your take on the great majority of these so-called "musicians": it's all fakery and a big part of the whole '60's rock phenomena was to destroy Christianity and morality, as well as push degeneracy and drug use.
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The symbols in the movies are not always even vetted by the directors alone, there are so many people involved that it may not have even been Spielberg and Zemeckis but a lowly occult cinematographer or devil-worshiping background artist.
I watched a documentary of Stallone doing the directors cut of Rocky 4 and he was shocked at how much content was added into the theatrical cut, even though he was the director. The final say lies with the (((producers))) and the studios.
It's not pre-determined, its pre-envisioned, which if you can understand the enemy of Christ, these kabbalistic mystics, these judeo-masonics, you would understand that they are constantly attempting to force what we know as the "Hand of God" to materialize physical events in their dialectical favor. If the explosions didn't work correctly on 9/11, they would have done something more preposterous and insidious. They were ready to blow up important landmarks, like the white house and the pentagon, if their initial plan failed, hence why they only fired one missile at the pentagon and not multiple, and why they made a bunch of malarkey about the 4th plane crashing in a field that was prepared ahead of time. You have to study the enemy deeply and intrinsically to understand them, something they know many people, let alone many Christians will never undertake because it is a dangerous voyage.

With God protecting you and your faith, you can read an occult book to understand the enemy, but nothing more. You can witness occult ceremonies to know the rituals of the wicked, but nothing more. You don't have to do either of those two to make the connections that he has made. Pattern recognition is a valid thought process that God bestowed upon us because it is a real phenomena.

The symbols in the movies are not always even vetted by the directors alone, there are so many people involved that it may not have even been Spielberg and Zemeckis but a lowly occult cinematographer or devil-worshiping background artist. The likelihood is that most of the people in hollywood who put the premeditative symbolism into their movies were doing so because of a similar "tikkun olam" philosophy, (which is a complete inversion of what they say it means) that they are charging up the spell before it is cast. They were charging up the "spell" for 9/11 several decades before it happened, and long after the "spell" was cast over the American people on September 11th, 2001, the effects still linger.

They are sorcerers and blasphemers, just as the Christian kings and Emperors of old called them.
I agree with this completely, and would add that guys like Spielberg definitely have long-term agendas they push from film to film. For example, he has been instrumental in pushing the Holocaust narrative. In addition to "Schindler's List" (chock full of historical inaccuracies and basically a work of fiction), he later made a "documentary" about an American Black regiment that supposedly liberated one of the camps that was absolute bunk. Like, according to their regiment's own official history, they were miles away on the day the camp was liberated and it was actually a British regiment that entered the camp. The entire thing was a complete fabrication and basically pushed the whole "Jews and Blacks are best buddies" thing (which is totally false, especially if you understand who really ran and profited from the Atlantic slave trade and owned many of the Black slaves in the pre-Civil War period) but to the great majority of the public, seeing IS believing. Hollywood and the entire entertainment apparatus are full of occultic symbolism and influence and they really do use these vehicles to cast spells on the public and brainwash people.
This piqued my interest. Reading the comments it would seem that type O blood group is thought to be alien. I don't believe that, however I wondered whether one's blood group might make one more likely to impervious to propaganda, or something, as implied. It seems nonsensical, but the world can be strange.

Interesting thread on James Yoo, the son of two high ranking glowies that allegedly blew his own house up in Virginia a couple of days ago. Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a"Head of Global Information and Physical Security" at Global Crossing.

At some point Yoo went rogue, and he left a trail online in which he explains how things work. Global Crossing was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

Global Crossing was a front company and a global spy network that focuses on tapping inter-continental fiber optics lines and intercepting communications both domestic and international between the US, Western Europe, Japan and Singapore.

The last tweet in the thread:

So what does all this mean?

It means the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraqs digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.

Suppressing energy tech, yeah sure.
Suppressing UFO tech? Bunk/disinfo.

This is a really great summary of the film (which is actually based on a book of the same name that came out in 2020)

Pat makes a great point about how nobody would care if Obama wasn't heavily involved in production. Along the same lines it's also interesting the cast isn't exactly a list of nobodies. I'm sure Obama had a large influence in casting too. Denzel Washington was originally cast but left the project.

A few things to add:

1. There's also the climate change push - "maybe the animals are warning us" , and the rant about paper straws and mass delusion, how awful Humans really are.

2. The continued woke push of a yet another weak "white man" played by Ethan Hawke, who has no plan and can't control his dominant wife - played by Julia Roberts vs the strong, sophisticated and mysterious black man (Mahershala Ali) who takes control of the situation - including taking control of Ethan's wife where she briefly finds the safety in his arms during a drunken slow dance.

3. I would guess the cash might not mean much theme has to do with CBDC being introduced after a major cyber attack.

4. The tagline of the film. "There's no going back to normal" is eerily similar to the WEF's push of The New Normal during the covid nonsense.

I had a good laugh at the "Nobody is pulling the strings" line. That's why the world leaders never get together in Davos or anything and weird how pretty much every country fell into line with Covid. I also think this line is a subtle dig at Americans and their belief in God.