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Search results

  1. Nacho

    Nikki Haley

  2. Nacho

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Damn the chews are taking a shallacking on CiK today and I'm loving every minute of it! 😂
  3. Nacho

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Globohomo never sleeps fren. These (((people))) are vile and disgusting in how they operate. The manipulation tactics they use to fool good men to risk their lives in useless neocon wars is sick. It's good to see even normies waking up and questioning propaganda for what it is.
  4. Nacho

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Big Don talks a good game but he was woefully inept to handle everything the deep state and radical left threw his way. It also didn't help he surrounded himself with some of the biggest buffoons like his son in law (((Kushner.))) When he got rid of Bannon and the deep state took out Flynn it...
  5. Nacho

    Should I buy a new car?

    Save your money and keep what you have. If you have to upgrade, let someone else take the depreciation hit and buy something 7 years old. New vehicles are running over $40,000 for something decent. Also something to consider on a new car, insurance rates may be double compared to a 7+ year old...
  6. Nacho

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    The riddler has been really good at noticing patterns and giving us vital piecies of the puzzle to put together. He's really not that bad of a guy as of late when he's dropping based riddles to warn us about (((them.))) So here it goes and if anyone is good at making memes unlike myself I would...
  7. Nacho

    Deacon Ananias Vs. Matt Slick: Sola Scriptura

    What about the 1500 years before that? How did sola scriptura work as a practical matter if there were no bibles except for the scant few held in churches?
  8. Nacho

    Deacon Ananias Vs. Matt Slick: Sola Scriptura

    It's funny how protestants ignore the elephant in the room that until the invention of the printing press nobody was walking around with a bible. Even local churches were lucky to have a copy. Sola scriptura is just a ridiculous premise that has no basis in reality or church history in how the...
  9. Nacho

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    I wish more people were like your mum. I frequent a cigar lounge where a good amount of time the tv is on either sports or Fox News. The subject of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict came up with some of the regulars and I knew they would be more than likely shilling for the chews. Good thing I...