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Nikki Haley

In case you remember, Trump has had affairs and still became President. Nikki’s real problem is not many like her much outside of donors and democrats

I’m not sure she had any real chance in 2024 unless Trump is killed or cancelled
There are different standards for men and women for cheating in society whether one likes it or not. Also, Trump was a known cheater and America elected him as an outsider regardless of his flaws; Haley is running as a "moral" establishment candidate so the standard is different from that standpoint as well.
extra extra. Establishment corporate politician is committing adultery. Tell us something new.

Anyway if he filed maybe he’d get to collect given her high status.

Would he potentially get half of her campaign money? That would be hilarious . I guess the money probably belongs to her campaign not her. Her campaign war chest is huge
Would he potentially get half of her campaign money? That would be hilarious . I guess the money probably belongs to her campaign not her. Her campaign war chest is huge
It's not surprising a dependapotamus would cheat on her husband while deployed.

Dunno if that's what happened here... But yes there are different standards.... And everyone knows it.

A guy who's infidelities are brought to light are criticized but often overlooked on the whole. A woman whom is caught cheating is always a whore.

Not surprised here though. Apparently it was pretty common knowledge (just like McCarthy's infidelity)
It's not just that, Nimarata Randhawa is posing as a cleaner saner anti-Trump that boomercons and center-right soccer moms can identify with, so this is going to hurt her.
There are different standards for men and women for cheating in society whether one likes it or not. Also, Trump was a known cheater and America elected him as an outsider regardless of his flaws; Haley is running as a "moral" establishment candidate so the standard is different from that standpoint as well.

There’s a certain respect people have for authenticity and coming clean of any kind. It’s mainly the hypocrisy leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth and that’s why Haley is despised. Except of course from her neocon Fox News supporters propping her up.

Like him or not Trump is authentic to himself. He was a philanderer and owned it. You’re correct that Haley is trying to be this fake moral character.
If Nikki gets destroyed in NH and drops out of the race, who is left to go against Trump? Anyone? Will they even hold the other primaries, if Trump is all by himself?