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America's Woke & Obese Military


Other Christian

Defense Department data shows that the obesity rate, calculated using a person’s age, height and weight, has more than doubled over the past decade, from 10% to roughly 21%. At the same time, more than half of young Americans now qualify as obese, and it’s the no. 1 disqualifier for recruiting prospects.

“The growing prevalence of obesity in service members reduces the readiness of the all-volunteer military, but it isn’t a moral failing; it’s a health crisis,” the report reads. “Framing obesity as an issue of insufficient willpower or discipline prevents soldiers from seeking and receiving treatment, makes commanders and healthcare workers less inclined to intervene, and worsens health outcomes across the services.”
I wouldn't be surprised if the British Army is just as bad.

I saw a Polynesian looking woman in uniform the other week (probably from Fiji) in KFC with her large family*. I found myself hoping that she is a member of the Royal Army Catering Corps and not part of the combat arms.

*her husband wasn't available to comment
This is the end result of the idea of equality. The belief that all people are effectively the same in all ways. This is the idea that got women put into combat arms. It wasn't because, all of a sudden, women magically "evolved" to be hardened warriors. No, it was purely due to ideology. You can't exclude women or any other sort of otherwise unqualified individual because if you do then it's discrimination. And there you have it.

This is why the US military is fat and soft.
"in my Army anyway"

As if army needed to be capitalised. And the speaker felt tempted to remind you that he's in possession of it.

They just can't help dripping arrogance. And this shows even in small things such as brief text messages

I believe the "recruiter" training pipeline is fairly strict in the Navy (at least used to be). They essentially have to train just like drill instructors given they represent their branch in locations where they may be the only representative, thereby making military bearing paramount.

Then again, who am I kidding? Military bearing in today's military seems far fetched from what I hear.
Globohomo never sleeps fren. These (((people))) are vile and disgusting in how they operate. The manipulation tactics they use to fool good men to risk their lives in useless neocon wars is sick. It's good to see even normies waking up and questioning propaganda for what it is.
My favorite comments:

As a white cis male descended from people who've fought in most conflicts this country has seen going back to the revolutionary war: I feel that joining up would be merely getting in the way of our BIPOC and LGBTQP2A+ troops, wasting valuable resources better spent on them, the true strength and future of this country.

'your greatest victories are never achieved alone' yes, that's why I always start my day with 'help us god'
Im not dying for Israel.

I wonder if the Army forces you to take a particular pandemic-related medical product?

Twenty years, Trillions of dollars, Thousands of lives lost, all so we could fly a rainbow flag from the Kabul embassy. Why would anyone want to sever in the Army?

Now that there is a possibility of war. Emma with two moms isn’t needed. How embarrassing

I wish all the LGBTQXYZ++ all the luck in the future battlefield, they will need it!

Wait, the cartoon about the girl with two mommies didn't achieve the recruiting goals you'd hoped for?

I am a heterosexual so I’m not enlisting to fight for the gay American empire

Where's all the diversity? Is the Army racist again? You'd be insane to join up now, they just want capable men they can use and discard in foreign wars.

I, for one, find the lack of diversity in that Chinook very disturbing. Has the army reintroduced segregation?
