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Search results

  1. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Yeah, but I meant directly on the forum.
  2. Johnnyvee

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    The host here must be a relative of CR33's avatar...:ROFLMAO:
  3. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine Interesting new tool what allows you to create short text/image to video sequences. (You get 30 free goes) It's slow in free mode and their content policy is ridiculously PC. But I'm pretty impressed with the results! If this continues we can make full feature...
  4. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    That's true for many things, but it says little of the total prevalence. The point is that it's something you can do a lot to avoid, that much is definitely proven. People where fat here and there also before modernity, but not "50 percent" like today.
  5. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    There's a huge body of data tying dementia to things like glycation and insulin resistance. In other words the modern industrial diet and lifestyle. I thought that was common knowledge on the forum! You can find 1000's of studies on this; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7794665/
  6. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    It's not intelligent at all, it's just being totally stupid with an extreme amount of capacity. I have an analogy for this; imagine you're standing in front of a gigantic apartment building at night. You are given a simple task, to contact the only person that is home in the entire complex...
  7. Johnnyvee

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    Married couple argument in 2024...
  8. Johnnyvee

    Wife hunting in Europe

    If you really want to pass on your germ I would recommend looking at sperm donation as a route to do that. If you're eligible that's where you'll have the most success. Sowing your wild oats the old fashioned way is not possible anymore due to birth control and abortion mainly. The third option...
  9. Johnnyvee

    What are you listening to?

    Nice remix of Bai-Terek...
  10. Johnnyvee

    The Climate Change Delusion Thread

    This of course means that we have to pay more for healthy foods like meat. Denmark recently decided to reduce it's farmland (which is substantial) in favour of returning it to nature reserves etc. There's definitely a war on traditional agriculture going on, and they plan to move food production...
  11. Johnnyvee

    Forum Software Issues and Suggestions

    What's the max file upload size allowed on CIK again? I thought it was 10mb! (Getting the the too large message for 3.5mb files)
  12. Johnnyvee

    2024 Election Lounge

    Reminds me of this...
  13. Johnnyvee

    2024 Election Lounge

    We have to consider the option that too many voters don't care about who's President. They depend on the policies of the democrats, (like welfare etc.) and hence they could put any old fool in there. (like the current one) If the Dems have calculated this there's no reason to change anything. I...
  14. Johnnyvee

    2024 Election Lounge

    It does seem like a clear setup, which we've been on about for a while! But is it too late for the Dems to drop Biden? I'm not familiar with the details of the excessively complicated US election system.
  15. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Haven't noticed that trend, maybe just a little bit? Wish you where right though!
  16. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Can be hard to tell the difference on online-chat, phone and cam-chat at least! (eventually) Of course there will always be a market for real physical human interactions, since that can't be emulated by machines.
  17. Johnnyvee

    Electric Vehicles Thread (Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc.)

    I'm sceptical of shorts in general, they're more suitable for big-time investors. You're better of owning a few blue-chip stocks very long-term in huge corporations that pay dividends and that can adjust to market/world trends and events. (like big-energy companies for example) And also living...
  18. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    I think guys destroying OF and cam-chats etc. is the lesser of two evils by far here. Men that consume that stuff will end up paying a fraction of what they did for essentially the same service, and women that exploit men have to find something else to do.
  19. Johnnyvee

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    2030's is too short of a time frame here. But I won't be surprised if the fertility rates in for example the euro-zone drops below 1 child per woman, even with non-western immigrants present. Although it's radical for some people I expect a much smaller global population eventually, probably...