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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

If AI starts replacing large numbers of workers in various segments of the economy like some people think will happen soon, it will accelerate the trend of depopulation. I happen to think depopulation in and of itself is a good thing as long as it's not accompanied by replacement immigration, but that's another issue. We might see some form of UBI in this scenario, but people will be stuck in poverty and will not be able to have kids, even more so than today.
We will largely be unable to stop anything ourselves anyway, so I'm more interested in what people think will happen, and if they think (you here Johnny, but could be others) I'm on the mark with my behavioral sink and population boom hypothesis, which enables an age of convenience, but sabotages women/family/relationships, etc. I think you agree with this, based on your comment.

What kind of population changes do you see, quality wise or % wise moving into the 2030s? What's clear for sure is that the middle classes of the world are going away (at least drastically reducing), regardless of population changes, which I foresee also happen.
Image generation requires an account / email address to use?
I've seen another (supposedly) unrestricted image generation site that is free to use (limited) that I can't find right now.

This one is free and does not require an account.

This one as well. It will create NSFW images, and the name makes me wonder if it's targeted to scam guys on dating sites and such. What a crazy world.
Fakes help the cause of normal people, so at this point, I'm all for them, to be honest. AI porno and web site nonsense will require people to rely on people for connections, meets, etc.
This one as well. It will create NSFW images, and the name makes me wonder if it's targeted to scam guys on dating sites and such. What a crazy world.
A lot of men do that for extra cash these days. Just make a fake woman with AI and make an Onlyfans where you pretend to be her. They promote their fake woman's OF with bots on social media.

I don't really see why any man would do something as degrading as pretending to be a whore online, especially since I highly doubt it makes them much money at all. Maybe if you cultivate that fake OF for months, you'll get like a hundred bucks a month out of it? In exchange for your eternal soul? If you need money that much, go get some kind of certificate so you can earn more money with actual honest work.
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We will largely be unable to stop anything ourselves anyway, so I'm more interested in what people think will happen, and if they think (you here Johnny, but could be others) I'm on the mark with my behavioral sink and population boom hypothesis, which enables an age of convenience, but sabotages women/family/relationships, etc. I think you agree with this, based on your comment.

What kind of population changes do you see, quality wise or % wise moving into the 2030s? What's clear for sure is that the middle classes of the world are going away (at least drastically reducing), regardless of population changes, which I foresee also happen.

2030's is too short of a time frame here. But I won't be surprised if the fertility rates in for example the euro-zone drops below 1 child per woman, even with non-western immigrants present. Although it's radical for some people I expect a much smaller global population eventually, probably less than one billion. But that's in 100's of years perspective. AI/technology of course plays a major role in that development.
A lot of men do that for extra cash these days. Just make a fake woman with AI and make an Onlyfans where you pretend to be her. They promote their fake woman's OF with bots on social media.

I don't really see why any man would do something as degrading as pretending to be a whore online, especially since I highly doubt it makes them much money at all. Maybe if you cultivate that fake OF for months, you'll get like a hundred bucks a month out of it? In exchange for your eternal soul? If you need money that much, go get some kind of certificate so you can earn more money with actual honest work.

I think guys destroying OF and cam-chats etc. is the lesser of two evils by far here. Men that consume that stuff will end up paying a fraction of what they did for essentially the same service, and women that exploit men have to find something else to do.
He's been whiffing a lot these days. I think the reason he won't listen to some of us, who actually are experts or closer to it in the topics of conversation, is because of age.
Wait, did you think he was referring to me in that post? Very bizarre.

I can't tell if you just have horrible reading comprehension (surely you can't seriously accuse me of supporting the vax, Ukraine, or literally anything else he mentioned) or if I've taken up residence rent-free in that head of yours due to my Bitcoin critiques.
Wait, did you think he was referring to me in that post? Very bizarre.

I can't tell if you just have horrible reading comprehension (surely you can't seriously accuse me of supporting the vax, Ukraine, or literally anything else he mentioned) or if I've taken up residence rent-free in that head of yours due to my Bitcoin critiques.
I haven't done anything of the sort. You jump to conclusions a lot about what I say, which I would find odd but in reality it's just you distracting from the actual conversations where I expose your bad logic or thinking (BTC best example, perhaps AI to a lesser degree). Because you can't see those areas for what they are, that doesn't mean you are wrong on other topics, by the way.
We will largely be unable to stop anything ourselves anyway, so I'm more interested in what people think will happen, and if they think (you here Johnny, but could be others) I'm on the mark with my behavioral sink and population boom hypothesis, which enables an age of convenience, but sabotages women/family/relationships, etc. I think you agree with this, based on your comment.

What kind of population changes do you see, quality wise or % wise moving into the 2030s? What's clear for sure is that the middle classes of the world are going away (at least drastically reducing), regardless of population changes, which I foresee also happen.
I'm not sure about drastic population changes. The population as I understanding it is already declining everywhere except Africa. I don't see that changing all that much into the 2030s, but what worries me as enhanced tech starts putting people out of work, is what do we do with them?

No government currently has the stomach to just let people starve, so what will they do when even larger amounts of people start to starve?

My opinion is that some sort of UBI is inevitable, then you choose to 'do what you want' with your life. If you like working, you carry on doing so. If you just want to go skiing every day, you can also do that.

That I guess would be another excellent way to neuter what remains of masculinity anywhere because the drive to succeed and win is largely taken away.

How governments would provide that UBI is another matter given that they don't own the tech and would get decreasing tax revenues from less people actually doing productive work.
My opinion is that some sort of UBI is inevitable, then you choose to 'do what you want' with your life. If you like working, you carry on doing so. If you just want to go skiing every day, you can also do that.
Ok, then perhaps more specifically (importantly?) what happens to male female dynamics and family formation (or not) in that scenario?
I'm not sure about drastic population changes. The population as I understanding it is already declining everywhere except Africa. I don't see that changing all that much into the 2030s, but what worries me as enhanced tech starts putting people out of work, is what do we do with them?

No government currently has the stomach to just let people starve, so what will they do when even larger amounts of people start to starve?

My opinion is that some sort of UBI is inevitable, then you choose to 'do what you want' with your life. If you like working, you carry on doing so. If you just want to go skiing every day, you can also do that.

That I guess would be another excellent way to neuter what remains of masculinity anywhere because the drive to succeed and win is largely taken away.

How governments would provide that UBI is another matter given that they don't own the tech and would get decreasing tax revenues from less people actually doing productive work.
I don't think they would do the UBI thing, though. Not without massive strings attached, at least. Think of how people would use all that free time if there were no strings attached. I mean, I personally (assuming that I'm not in jail for some kind of wrongthink by that time), if given UBI would just hole up in my room and play videogames and listen to racist podcasts all day every day, because I simply cannot stand "normal" people unless I'm getting paid to do so, but I think most people would just use that time for things like partying, outdoors activities and volunteering, which could lead to increased social cohesion and birth rates. Hardly the desired outcome.

In all honesty, I'm not convinced that they wouldn't simply let us all starve to death. What makes you so certain?
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I don't think they would do the UBI thing, though. Not without massive strings attached, at least. Think of how people would use all that free time if there were no strings attached. I mean, I personally (assuming that I'm not in jail for some kind of wrongthink by that time), if given UBI would just hole up in my room and play videogames and listen to racist podcasts all day every day, because I simply cannot stand "normal" people unless I'm getting paid to do so, but I think most people would just use that time for things like partying, outdoors activities and volunteering, which could lead to increased social cohesion and birth rates. Hardly the desired outcome.

In all honesty, I'm not convinced that they wouldn't simply let us all starve to death. What makes you so certain?
The prospect of the population turning against them. History shows us that this happens and that this is what they are afraid of.
Curious to hear your thoughts on how clients of any given small business would react if you made a commitment/statement that 'our business is AI free. You'll always deal with a real person.'

Was chatting this through with Mrs SkiPro the other day and I think in the future there will be perceived value in dealing with real humans the old fashioned way.
Curious to hear your thoughts on how clients of any given small business would react if you made a commitment/statement that 'our business is AI free. You'll always deal with a real person.'

Was chatting this through with Mrs SkiPro the other day and I think in the future there will be perceived value in dealing with real humans the old fashioned way.

Can be hard to tell the difference on online-chat, phone and cam-chat at least! (eventually) Of course there will always be a market for real physical human interactions, since that can't be emulated by machines.
Zach Vorhies was a Google Engineer for over 8 years before turning whistleblower, downloading 950 pages of internal documents that described a mass censorship regime at Google and delivering these documents to the Department of Justice (DOJ), later providing testimony under oath to the U.S Senate.

It is a very interesting clip that highlights the fears of AI and why the FBI is systematically going after electronic libraries such as zlibrary as it can be used to train AI. If that happens, Google et al will lose control of the narrative and AI is already showing resistance to propaganda such as the Holocaust etc.

He also discusses how Google is using their technology to manipulate search results and states that Elon Musk is controlled opposition.

I skipped around a bit, where does he talk about EM?


Interesting. He thinks one of the reasons Musk allowed pornography is to essentially help control the spread of news and information from getting outside to non-western countries. Threads with info intentionally gets spammed with pornbots and those nations end up auto-censoring based on porn filters that are in place
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I've noticed that AI fear mongering has replaced climate fear mongering, seemingly overnight.

If you're worried, don't be. The end result will be much lamer and gayer than promised. Many many VCs will be scammed, many investors duped, and once they start catching on, it'll be onto the next big thing.

Interesting. He thinks one of the reasons Musk allowed pornography is to essentially help control the spread of news and information from getting outside to non-western countries. Threads with info intentionally gets spammed with pornbots and those nations end up auto-censoring based on porn filters that are in place
I haven't seen this at all, and my Twitter feed is full of CiK style content. If normies were getting the kind of Twitter feed I get, their heads would explode. However, they don't because Twitter adapts itself to provide more of the content you click on and read.

Even though my feed is full of hard core Chrisitan, anti-globohomo, red pilled content, I don't get porn.
I've noticed that AI fear mongering has replaced climate fear mongering, seemingly overnight.

If you're worried, don't be. The end result will be much lamer and gayer than promised. Many many VCs will be scammed, many investors duped, and once they start catching on, it'll be onto the next big thing.

Haven't noticed that trend, maybe just a little bit? Wish you where right though!