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The Climate Change Delusion Thread

In the next step they will tax our farts.

This of course means that we have to pay more for healthy foods like meat. Denmark recently decided to reduce it's farmland (which is substantial) in favour of returning it to nature reserves etc. There's definitely a war on traditional agriculture going on, and they plan to move food production to factories and labs. Very concerning!
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Venice was predicted to be basically underwater years or decades before today, but it's pretty much the exact same. It's absolutely comical.

Yes, I bring this up to people fooled by the global warming hoax all the time. Why aren't sea levels rising?

Turns out globohomo has an official explanation:

Global sea level trends and relative sea level trends are different measurements. Just as the surface of the Earth is not flat, the surface of the ocean is also not flat—in other words, the sea surface is not changing at the same rate globally. Sea level rise at specific locations may be more or less than the global average due to many local factors: subsidence, upstream flood control, erosion, regional ocean currents, variations in land height, and whether the land is still rebounding from the compressive weight of Ice Age glaciers.

You can see their big fancy charts of sea levels rising worldwide:

In some places, its as much as 1 foot per 100 years!!!!! Sound the alarms!!

Realistically, the sea level rise is so imperceptible and occurs over centuries, that we have to ask if this would have not happened without human intervention? 1 ft or even 3 ft per century is absolutely nothing, and is so slow it gives more than enough time for people to adapt. But this isn't good enough to fear monger the ban of all carbon based fuels.
Yes, I bring this up to people fooled by the global warming hoax all the time. Why aren't sea levels rising?

Turns out globohomo has an official explanation:

You can see their big fancy charts of sea levels rising worldwide:

In some places, its as much as 1 foot per 100 years!!!!! Sound the alarms!!

Realistically, the sea level rise is so imperceptible and occurs over centuries, that we have to ask if this would have not happened without human intervention? 1 ft or even 3 ft per century is absolutely nothing, and is so slow it gives more than enough time for people to adapt. But this isn't good enough to fear monger the ban of all carbon based fuels.
Psuedointellectual reddit-types will say something like "but this is averages, even 1' a century can be significant because it refers to the average global sea level, in some localized areas this can be devastating!

Even if it rose 1' a year in any local area, that would be more than ample time to prepare. Cmon people, use your heads, maybe we should stop living 5 ft from the coast in storm prone climates? We have Hurricane Katrina then two decades later the population is on track to fully return and everyone goes back to living like they always were - a sign of both humanities remarkable ability to recover, adapt, and preserve our way of life, and a sign of our stubbornness and flat out stupidity.

George Carlin fits in perfectly here:

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