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Wife hunting in Europe

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Australia Sucks

Since my thread about day gaming in the Balkans got shut down because we are not allowed to discuss dating if it doesn’t lead to marriage I thought I would start a more wholesome thread about which countries in Europe currently are the best places to look for a young, virgin traditional wife as I know it’s a topic many men on the forum are interested in and I feel it would be helpful if we all discuss the topic. The old RooshV forum had a very long thread about wife hunting abroad.
Since my thread about day gaming in the Balkans got shut down because we are not allowed to discuss dating if it doesn’t lead to marriage I thought I would start a more wholesome thread about which countries in Europe currently are the best places to look for a young, virgin traditional wife as I know it’s a topic many men on the forum are interested in and I feel it would be helpful if we all discuss the topic. The old RooshV forum had a very long thread about wife hunting abroad.

Why are you so obsessed with virgins ?
You already started a thread on this same topic here:

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Since the first thread was locked, we are supposed to believe that OP changed his mind within a few hours and is now looking for a wife instead of a girlfriend. Yes, I'm in.
I was originally open to both. Girlfriend in the case I met a non virgin (more likely) and a wife in the case that she is a virgin. But I thought it best to make a new thread which is purely about marriage so as to stay within the forum rules. Besides it’s not only about me the old RooshV forum had a thread more than 30 pages long about wife hunting abroad so I thought why shouldn’t we have a similar thread here?
Since the first thread was locked, we are supposed to believe that OP changed his mind within a few hours and is now looking for a wife instead of a girlfriend. Yes, I'm in.
What difference does it make if he wants to find a girlfriend right now instead of a wife? As long as the thread isn't about casual sex and FNLs (first-night lays), the purpose is the same: a long-term commitment that will hopefully lead to marriage.
Feel free to marry a whore if you want but don’t expect me to do it. Some of us have standards you know.

So every man here who didn't marry a virgin, has married a whore ??

There were no insults in my previous post.
You are starting multiple threads on very similar topics.
Technically there was no insult in your post but it’s a little bit snarky to say I am obsessed with virginity.

And yes it’s a similar topic to the other thread but it deserves its own thread.

Because the other thread was more about intellectual merits of marrying a virgin versus a virgin and why it matters or doesn’t matter. This thread is about actionable information for finding a virgin wife.

There is nothing wrong with having more than one thread on similar topics. For example there is multiple related threads about the war in Ukraine and Russias actions, etc
If you really want to pass on your germ I would recommend looking at sperm donation as a route to do that. If you're eligible that's where you'll have the most success. Sowing your wild oats the old fashioned way is not possible anymore due to birth control and abortion mainly. The third option is to maintain your soma and forget about passing on your germline, which is what I'm looking at doing.
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What difference does it make if he wants to find a girlfriend right now instead of a wife? As long as the thread isn't about casual sex and FNLs (first-night lays), the purpose is the same: a long-term commitment that will hopefully lead to marriage.

Exactly @Australia Sucks ignore the hypocritical gatekeepers on the forum and have a real discussion about your goals. How many guys have girlfriends, are not married, but then tell guys not to seek one cause it’s ‘fornication’?
No....everyone needs to be aware that you are spamming the forum with multiple threads on the same topic.
Also, we have a a thread on this SAME EXACT topic already started in 2023 by another member.
See here:

You are not a moderator so get off your high horse. If a moderator deems it to be spamming he can lock the thread if he wants to. Again the are many topics such as the Russia Ukraine war, Jews, muslims in Europe that have multiple similar/related threads so you are making a big deal about nothing.

Again if you don’t like the thread then just ignore it. Live and let live.
I was originally open to both. Girlfriend in the case I met a non virgin (more likely) and a wife in the case that she is a virgin. But I thought it best to make a new thread which is purely about marriage so as to stay within the forum rules. Besides it’s not only about me the old RooshV forum had a thread more than 30 pages long about wife hunting abroad so I thought why shouldn’t we have a similar thread here?
The whole no sex outside of marriage thing means you have to get married to have sex. Kind of a truism, really. There's no room in this for the virginity of a potential wife. It also makes no difference if you've previously had sex outside of marriage yourself. Therefore, it is irrelevant whether a potential wife has had sex before in terms of having premarital sex.

Yeah, it is nice to find a virgin bride, but they are rare, and frequently out of reach unless you have social proof within her community. So, rather than go without sex, and be alone, and have no children, it is reasonable to marry a non-virgin. I'm not saying to ignore the non-virginity. Obviously you have to vet a potential wife carefully before marrying her. However, refusing all non-virgin brides is like refusing warm water when you're dying of thirst in the desert. It's a known fact that some good wives were non virgins when they married.

Some would say obedience to God in this area is hard, and it's acceptable if you only screw non virgins. I don't think it works that way. I recognize this is very hard, but I think dems da rules.
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