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Search results

  1. A

    Taylor Swift

    I'd say it's more than vague, but I guess that's a personal thing. Also if you're on the page that the Hollywood/Music industry is nothing more than a satanic pile of glop it's not that far of a reach.
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    The Rest In Peace (RIP) Thread

    Had to put one more Red Pill out there for those who don't understand how much the Red Shields have controlled our perception of the world. In the late 1930, the National Socialist Party of Germany kicked the Rothschilds out of Germany after the Hebrews declared war on them. That was the true...
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    The Rest In Peace (RIP) Thread

    This entire forum exists because of the existing Rothschild Matrix. If that didn't exist then we wouldn't need this place. They control almost all the worlds currencies and by fiat almost all world governments, established Israel (through the Balfour declaration), stole England in the 1800's by...
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    Taylor Swift

    Church of Satan's founder Anton (((Levays))) Daughter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeena_Schreck There are no coincidences when it comes to the global psychopaths. Also oddly...this photo was taken in 1989...the name of Ms. Swifts most popular album.
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    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Didn't know where to post this, but apparently someone is using AI to clothe e-thots. Did my best to blur things out. Best use of AI ever:
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    Taylor Swift

    Great article. Ms. Swift has so clearly sold her soul (if she ever had one) to the Luciferian global cult. It's interesting to note that the author of this piece believes that Swifts music is free from profanity. Her latest album has numerous F-bombs and swears and I think parents have fallen...
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    Career And Job Advice Q&A

    If you are a white male in corporate America be prepared to make changes. Either start larping as a tranny or a refugee or just get out ASAP. A close friend of mine just recently survived a round of layoffs in corporate America. They disclosed that the list was VERY heavy on the white male...
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    Taylor Swift

    I guess I should retract my initial post. Ben Shapiro's Goy slave, Matt Walsh, says we shouldn't hate on poor Tay-tay. Matt Walsh19 hours ago If I were to make a list of the most degenerate and objectionable pop stars who have done the most harm to our culture and the most damage to young...
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    Taylor Swift

    It becomes clearer by the day that the innocent Ms. Taylor is actually yet another psy-op geared towards mind manipulating young women into becoming lonely cat ladies. Now amazingly the Chiefs have made it to the Taylor Bowl where her 'Boyfriend' will be able to keep shilling for the jab...
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    Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

    Wow. I enjoyed his 'Coach Red Pill' stuff on YT. He seemed pretentious but very based. Really sad news. RIP.
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    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    Above post continued.... Ok I wonder if there should be another thread for the 'Darkening'. So I was at a Target today and they had a new very confusing line of funko pops with Iconic characters from movies....but instead of white skin they are now 'brown'. Ok Jews....we get it 'Wy-Pipo Bad'...
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    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Below is a link to all folks still stuck in the 'Moon Landing is Real' Matrix. Read it with an open mind. After covid I began questioning everything and this was a great intro to NASA debunking. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/ It's always interesting to note that in all the...
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    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Cus...you know the ISS Phone app is like a source of Truth.
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    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    Went to 'Hobby Lobby' today and learned that Santa and his elves are now black.
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    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Phone service on the moon. Priceless!
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    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Mod Edit for those who are just seeing thread for first time: Go to the following link where I sum up thread to restart discussion. https://christisking.cc/threads/cosmology-debate-thread-space-is-fake.521/page-9#post-12389 ---- Maybe there is no thread for this since we all know NASA faked...
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    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    Oh....I like this. Generational female sl**t-shaming. Very hopeful.
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    Died Suddenly (SADS)

    Same vein as the old RVF SADS thread. Not the Vaxx. Heart attack in 23 year old. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12764717/Ana-Benevides-DIES-cardiac-arrest-attending-Taylor-Swift-concert-sweltering-stadium.html
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    Vaccination in The Sports World

    Not the vax. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-12752535/NFL-Devon-Wylie-dies-unknown-causes.html
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    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    Glad to see this revived. It's interesting to see how triggering this is for some folks especially after the covid hoax. I started the Nukes are fake thread on RooshV. I got nuked. Nukes are totally fake. Also dangers of radiation are way over rated. Trying to dig up an old bitchute video on...