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Taylor Swift

Andy Dufresne

Other Christian
It becomes clearer by the day that the innocent Ms. Taylor is actually yet another psy-op geared towards mind manipulating young women into becoming lonely cat ladies. Now amazingly the Chiefs have made it to the Taylor Bowl where her 'Boyfriend' will be able to keep shilling for the jab.

Hmmm...wonder who is going to win that game?

Yeah it seems she's propped up. All the pieces line up. These Taylor Swift fans are some of the most brainless, sheep-like people you'll ever meet. Women are bad in general, and then the under 30 Taylor Swift crowd is something else. If she told them to vote for Hitler, they would, so she's a pretty useful tool for the regime. Owen Benjamin went against his controllers, and they destroyed his career and million+ dollar book deal, and his net worth was probably not even 1% of Taylor Swift's. If it was that important for them to control a little pawn like Owen Benjamin, you can pretty much guarantee there's a concerted effort by ZOG to control Taylor Swift.
Taylor is actually yet another psy-op
swift gov psyop.jpeg

Yeah it seems she's propped up. All the pieces line up. These Taylor Swift fans are some of the most brainless, sheep-like people you'll ever meet. Women are bad in general, and then the under 30 Taylor Swift crowd is something else. If she told them to vote for Hitler, they would, so she's a pretty useful tool for the regime. Owen Benjamin went against his controllers, and they destroyed his career and million+ dollar book deal, and his net worth was probably not even 1% of Taylor Swift's. If it was that important for them to control a little pawn like Owen Benjamin, you can pretty much guarantee there's a concerted effort by ZOG to control Taylor Swift.

Of course she is a psyop. The Jews know that tyranny runs through young women, so it's essential to control them. Taylor Swift is their most powerful asset. It's no cohencidence she's been featured on every single national felon league broadcast this season.
I guess I should retract my initial post. Ben Shapiro's Goy slave, Matt Walsh, says we shouldn't hate on poor Tay-tay.

Matt Walsh
Matt Walsh19 hours ago
If I were to make a list of the most degenerate and objectionable pop stars who have done the most harm to our culture and the most damage to young minds, Taylor Swift wouldn't even make the top 50. Not sure why she has become the focus of our wrath.

I feel for conservatives who fall for the dailywire scam.
I just came across this piece:

The Taylor Swift Project: Sad White Female

Interesting read about the depths of Taylor-mania. It's lengthy but enlightening.

TL;DR: girlboss job single mom of 2 has younger daughter with TS obsession. Father is out of the picture (at least in mom's recounting). Mom's objections to Swift mania are primarily financial to begin with, but she begins to see the cult behavior. Seems like mom is almost at an awakening...

I also learned more than I ever knew about Taylor Swift, including the reason for the tour name "Eras". I suspected it was simply meant to resemble "Eros", given the costumes and posturing.
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I just came across this piece:

The Taylor Swift Project: Sad White Female

Interesting read about the depths of Taylor-mania. It's lengthy but enlightening.

TL;DR: girlboss job single mom of 2 has younger daughter with TS obsession. Father is out of the picture (at least in mom's recounting). Mom's objections to Swift mania are primarily financial to begin with, but she begins to see the cult behavior. Seems like mom is almost at an awakening...

I also learned more than I ever knew about Taylor Swift, including the reason for the tour name "Eras". I suspected it was simply meant to resemble "Eros", given the costumes and posturing.
Great article. Ms. Swift has so clearly sold her soul (if she ever had one) to the Luciferian global cult. It's interesting to note that the author of this piece believes that Swifts music is free from profanity. Her latest album has numerous F-bombs and swears and I think parents have fallen for this clean cut image this degenerate women presents.

Also interesting is that she believes that Taylor Swifts days are actually numbered.
I just came across this piece:

The Taylor Swift Project: Sad White Female

Interesting read about the depths of Taylor-mania. It's lengthy but enlightening.

TL;DR: girlboss job single mom of 2 has younger daughter with TS obsession. Father is out of the picture (at least in mom's recounting). Mom's objections to Swift mania are primarily financial to begin with, but she begins to see the cult behavior. Seems like mom is almost at an awakening...

I also learned more than I ever knew about Taylor Swift, including the reason for the tour name "Eras". I suspected it was simply meant to resemble "Eros", given the costumes and posturing.
Extremely interesting, thanks for sharing.

Funny because even as the author throws her own daughter under the bus, she fails to see that SOMEONE was supposed to be there to guide her daughter. Perhaps... the author herself (and the obviously absentee father)???

Some highlights:

- a 12 year old "guilts" her mom into buying a bunch of merch the mom insists she doesn't need (wow, the 12 year old sure holds power over her mom!)
- the 12 year old constructs bracelets that say F-U-C-K on them (again, couldn't possibly stop that, eh mom?)
- the 12 year old performs hexes in the kitchen like a literal witch