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The Destruction of Modern Women

I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world

Being funny is overrated but you would think it's the most important quality going by social media and dating apps. I love funny people but I'm not going to waste my energy developing superficial qualities to impress people online. And yes, it's obvious to anyone honest that men are funnier in general than women.

I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world

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I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world

I cannot believe I'm reading this

Reproductive Rights Feminist GIF by INTO ACTION

[Language warning]

"Give her another special, she gets it!"
Paramount Network Lol GIF by Yellowstone

As for the modern woman and dating scene, this dude gets it:

And I'm glad to be retired when I remember these days:

More comedy from Jeff Dye here:
I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world
Even on deaths door, The narcissistic modern day women have convinced themselves they're "hilarious".

I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world

To be honest, most aren't funny and of the few ones I've really liked over the years, they have tended to be bright with a bit of personality that makes them endearing and funny in a unique way, but this seems to be a characteristic of the dynamic between us rather than something that is universal.

As for profiles, if there's nothing to get a good foot hold (a significant number of them, particularly if they're 8+) I know it's only going to be one or two word responses containing one syllable.

PS:- Any tips of what I could do to meet attractive women, 30-40 with no kids online, for a guy in his late forties who's in good shape and who found it easy to meet women in bars? Women under 42 won't give me the time of day even though I've been told I look 40....if I could produce a profile where age isn't a factor.
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My Asian girlfriend would make me laugh a lot because she couldn't speak English properly or would just do seemingly pointless womanly things.

I remember one time I went into a fit of laughter because she had an angry face, was frantically sweeping the floor as if it was such a big deal, huffing and puffing, and moaning about food saying "today we eat not good".

I didn't care at all about what she was going on about or doing, but it's moments like this that just filled me with joy and love for her.

Language/cultural barriers give rise to constant comedy. Also just anytime a woman in general is being dramatically whiney in an endearingly wholesome way.

I find it funny when typically feminine traits become exaggerated in a non serious, lighthearted manner.
Everyone is so unhappy you're going to see the tide finally turn to where a lot of old women finally are honest about how ridiculous women are in general. The problem is that this of course comes far too late to help anyone out, which is sort of the point with women.
What do you mean by “old women”? What age group, even if they’re not currently old?

A tide turning would suggest you mean in the future, so maybe the younger section of Generation X? Millennials and then Generation Z further off?

I just do not see many or most of these women acknowledging their own mistakes and how ridiculous women are in general.

Particularly if a woman either blew up a stable relationship or refused to really partake in any meaningful ones for years (or until it was too late for kids etc), I just don’t see it.

Many of the women in generations older than Millennials and Generation Z started precursors of the trends we see today in 2024.

The bottom/younger half of Boomer women were frequently the divorce crazies of the late 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. Of course, younger men failed and still fail to learn the lessons their fathers endured through “family” court systems and other mechanisms, but problems with certain, rising percentages of women have been known for decades.

Many Gen X women almost try to outdo the liberal feminism of Millennials and Generation Z by being unsettled “wine aunts” who double or triple their contemporary depravity to compensate for having comparatively milder teenage and 20s/30s lifestyles around the late 1980s/1990s/2000s/early 2010s.

The best I forecast (prior to any civilizational implosion) is a number of women falsely recasting themselves as demure, semi-conservative or conservative women throughout their younger years, somehow making them ToTaLlY unlucky victims in the sense that their relationships with a husband and children (born or unborn) just failed or never materialized at all through some magical happenstance outside their control.
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The best I forecast (prior to any civilizational implosion) is a number of women falsely recasting themselves as demure,
Yes, you are largely correct in your assessment. This too is going on. I must say that we look for things changing and can see it changing, but we see a LOT of things in the modern day that others don't. And you're right that most city or lefty leaning (most people) types are clueless. Gays are clueless as to how bad women are as partners, most women are clueless, most older men are clueless, etc.
This is going around. Are there comments on it?

Max Remington recently had a very long article on Substack regarding this phenomenon.

Even as men and women have held differing political persuasions throughout history, we’ve never seen an instance where the two sexes have diverged so wildly. At a time when women are more often than not the driving force in socio-political trends, there’s no way this isn’t going to have revolutionary implications for society moving forward,

He talks about how men are increasingly falling behind and how society is more apt to view men and masculinity in a negative manner. However, like a lot of mainstream writers he's quick to insist that women have it just as bad and tempers any hint of criticism directed towards women with assurances that men are equally to blame. I've never seen a mainstream writer point out the fact that women, not men, were the first ones to abandon and rebel against traditional gender roles and if they don't like the current status quo then they can be the first ones to go back to them.

Anyway, he thinks, based on historical statistics, that if the ideological political gap between men and women is to be closed it will be because men will become more liberal until they are closer in their beliefs to women. He thinks that because that's what has been happening thus far. I think he's wrong on that count.

If you look at the last 60 years of our cultures, it's true that men have indeed been becoming more liberal on gender roles. However, I don't think that will continue. I think what's changed is that a lot of men are realizing it didn't result in some idealized notion of fairness between the sexes despite what feminists insist.

Instead, we've ended up with a society where marriage and family formation is plummeting and where women, despite getting the things they claimed to want (careers, easy divorce, Sex in the City lifestyle, etc.) are more miserable and medicated than they were under the patriarchy. In short, men are realizing that it isn't working and are correcting course. Pandering to women is making things worse, not better, so I don't expect men to become even more liberal going forward. Women on the other hand appear to be doubling down on their woke beliefs.

I do agree with his final point though -

If men and women are in constant conflict, then they’re going to have difficulty coming together to form unquestionably the foundation of any civilization: families Without families, there’s no reproduction. Without reproduction, there’s no continuity. We’ve become too decadent, too nihilistic to care at this point, so if nothing else, Americans should care because this state of affairs will create conflict and tumult that’ll shake the foundations of our order.

I think a lot of what we're seeing going on in the West is the culmination of the Battle of the Sexes and we have two fundamental paradigms, the masculine vs feminine models of morality, clashing.
Anyway, he thinks, based on historical statistics, that if the ideological political gap between men and women is to be closed it will be because men will become more liberal until they are closer in their beliefs to women. He thinks that because that's what has been happening thus far. I think he's wrong on that count.
He will be wrong, you are correct. The only way you could have his position is if you think that the current economy or debt State lasts. It can clearly last longer than we think, but when the people who actually create any real advances in society or preserve it (men) check out, it crumbles.
Pandering to women is making things worse,
This is part of my post on population boom and behavioral sink. I didn't mention in my start on that thread that the large population boom necessitated alternate strategies by the average or lower than average men, to attempt to get social status and thus sex, which is what pandering is.
Women on the other hand appear to be doubling down on their woke beliefs.
DEI shows you this and it is a fact of life that when less powerful and less competent people start to fail, they act out even further in attempts to reverse what is being lost. It also never works.

Also, in the Great Divergence article, a commentor called letsgetshioverwith (that guy must be from here) says

Aside from their roles as mothers and wives, are women necessary to the function of a society? Can you answer this in public?
The answer is from another commenter's post about Glubb and when women are ascendant in societies.

The biggest issue going is like the guesses of the economy and one must know that all of these are tied together, they are not separate: the collapse is coming, but like the Soviet Union, it can take decades. That's my fear. At least for now, I can get to other countries, in theory.
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Sitting down waiting at bank and in comes this boisterous, 400 lb 'plus sized' black woman with a black dress covered in white polka dots, high heels, shiny curled hair she done just had did, and a luxurious golden clock purse.

She may have been 500 lbs + but was hard to tell because the dress was more of a cloak. As a well-known Mt Athos elder says for the men alone, "FAT PRIEST NO PRIEST."

She was telling an older black woman in line, a family friend sucking on a lolly pop wearing a raggedy ole' rain jacket, that she was a female 'pastor' at the local church. The 'large and in charge' female 'pastor' was explaining how many folks "had done been gone past away".

The older woman seemed a little perplexed. Times they are a changing. Oh yes they are. I'm sure the black churches of the 50s or whenever didn't have gigantic gorillas giving sermons...

I wonder what her sermons are like. "How to become a strong independent woman" "How to make that bread" "How to get that all-you-can-eat welfare buffet". A nation of gluttonous women are lined up to devour this materialistic prosperity gospel.

Giiiirl shoot. You know she fitna preach! Fellas, this is where white lady land whales in America are headed. They are queued up for this madness.

💰 🍔 🪙 🍕
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