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Taylor Swift

So when is she going to come out and endorse Biden? Or is that too obvious an end result of this psyop?
This is why I don't worry too much about Taylor Swift. There's always some female pop singer in more or less the position she's in. Madonna, Britney Spears, probably a few I'm forgetting, now Taylor. On the one hand, supposedly 30% of all American women will vote as Taylor tells them too. On the other hand, out of the two choices we'll have this year there was never any doubt which she'll endorse and pretty much all women who will vote as she'll tell them to were going to vote that way anyway.
What's the connection other than the vague one about the album title? Levay's daughter is 60 year old. That family is a piece of work to say the least, but there aren't any strong connections with Swift other than the vague resemblance with Anton (Levi) Levay's daughter.
What's the connection other than the vague one about the album title? Levay's daughter is 60 year old. That family is a piece of work to say the least, but there aren't any strong connections with Swift other than the vague resemblance with Anton (Levi) Levay's daughter.
I'd say it's more than vague, but I guess that's a personal thing.

Also if you're on the page that the Hollywood/Music industry is nothing more than a satanic pile of glop it's not that far of a reach.
What's the connection other than the vague one about the album title? Levay's daughter is 60 year old. That family is a piece of work to say the least, but there aren't any strong connections with Swift other than the vague resemblance with Anton (Levi) Levay's daughter.
I think we're supposed to believe that they're the same person, recycled after 40 years of adrenochrome and satanic rituals. Or something.

There's plenty of credible evidence that the entertainment industry is a satanic operation already.