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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

Who are you talking to? Do you mean anyone? Because I'm pretty sure half or more of the forum knows NASA is fake. What does NASA have to do with the question of outer space?
I corrected it, the question in that instance was geared towards the nature of the ISS. I know that most people can see that, I just felt some additional context was needed in the space station theatricalities for those who didn't.
If the people exposing lies and inconsistencies, even just in NASA alone, are part of controlled opposition, what is their end goal?
The goal is to make more people believe in ridiculous theories. This then makes people like us who question things seem crazy and detached from reality. We are guilty by association. So then the normies won't be willing to question due to self-doubt and the risk of social ostracism. That means that the things that really should be questioned, such as the six gorillion and those dying from the stabbies, won't be, except by those "crazy conspiracy theorists".

The fact people believe space is a vacuum is crazy, if it was it would suck all the positive pressure air out our world and into the vacuum, and if people want to get technical the higher pressure air of our planet would RUSH into the low pressure vacuum of space. Air pressure and a vacuum simply cannot exist next to one another unless there is a barrier between the two
Earth has gravity. It's the same thing that keeps you from floating away from the surface out into space. Air has mass just like your body, and all mass is subject to gravity. There is an upward force exerted by the collective buoyancy of all the air on Earth, I grant you that. But the gravitational pull is a stronger force and can overcome it, despite the absence of any barrier.

And in fact, you do notice that air density is highest at sea level, and decreases with altitude. That's consistent with the gravitational explanation because gravity causes the weight of all the air above to compress the air below. As you get higher, this compression lessens. Eventually the atmosphere fades to nothing towards the edge of space because the mass of air is finite.

@analyst_green Will you at least acknowledge that part of NASA's footage is fake? Because it is so obvious to the naked eye to see the cables, harnesses, and CGI bloopers. If all of their science is real, then why fake anything at all?
I can't answer that question without taking a good look at some more footage. You may be right.

Why do you think they would fake the ISS though? What benefit is there for the elites? They gain nothing from it.
^ MusicForThePiano also appears to believe gravity isn't real so I don't think he would accept that explanation. In his post on the last page he wrote

The moon not being a giant rock the quarter the size of earth, as they tell us, would certainly cause issues with gravity. Gravity is nothing but a theory. If gravity were real, the amount of gravity required to hold me down to earth and prevent me from floating into space, would crush a baby, would ground a butterfly into dust. Instead of gravity, we should be discussing density and buoyancy, and static electric aether.
I corrected it, the question in that instance was geared towards the nature of the ISS. I know that most people can see that, I just felt some additional context was needed in the space station theatricalities for those who didn't.
The cable wasn't completely convincing to me as though it disproves anything from one video.

I'm willing to entertain the moon landing...but I've met Aggie astronauts who've been to the ISS...didn't seem like propagandist BS to me.
What speed is that, the rotational speed at the equator?
^ MusicForThePiano also appears to believe gravity isn't real so I don't think he would accept that explanation. In his post on the last page he wrote

You can't make up grand theories about the physical world if you don't understand basic physics, which is the problem with most of MFTPs takes in this thread.

The ISS is real, I've seen it orbiting at night. I also believe the moon landings are fake, and that NASA lied about this and other space missions including the Challenger Space Shuttle, where they lied about the crew that actually flew it. the alleged 7 people that were in that mission are all very much alive.

The ISS is real, I've seen it orbiting at night. I also believe the moon landings are fake,
Same here. I have posted before on RVF about seeing it fly over. By chance, I checked the ISS phone app and saw that it was about to pass over. I rushed outside, it was clear night, and the ISS, bright as it reflected the set sun, went overhead at high speed on the exact trajectory that app showed. It was moving way too fast to be anything else.
Same here. I have posted before on RVF about seeing it fly over. By chance, I checked the ISS phone app and saw that it was about to pass over. I rushed outside, it was clear night, and the ISS, bright as it reflected the set sun, went overhead at high speed on the exact trajectory that app showed. It was moving way too fast to be anything else.

Even if the ISS is real, it doesn't mean there are people up there constantly.

The footage Music posted is great btw. Shows ISS guys with harnesses flying around lol.
Same here. I have posted before on RVF about seeing it fly over. By chance, I checked the ISS phone app and saw that it was about to pass over. I rushed outside, it was clear night, and the ISS, bright as it reflected the set sun, went overhead at high speed on the exact trajectory that app showed. It was moving way too fast to be anything else.

See a fast moving blurry luminous grey blob through a telescope does not mean it is a space station.
The ISS is real, I've seen it orbiting at night. I also believe the moon landings are fake, and that NASA lied about this and other space missions including the Challenger Space Shuttle, where they lied about the crew that actually flew it. the alleged 7 people that were in that mission are all very much alive.


They died in 1986. The Asian and the black guy they are using pictures of their siblings, but they don’t tell you that of course. The lady in the top right doesn’t really resemble the astronaut, and the others can be explained by doing an internet photo search for look alikes. You can do this yourself and find people who resemble you.

That also explains why it took so long to create this photo, because before the internet had lots of pictures of people online there was no way to do an efficient search for doppelgängers.
Please share some clear (in focus) high resolution pictures taken with YOUR telescope or camera in this thread...preferably ones that do not look like an indistinct blurry grey cross on fully black background.
The ISS is smaller than a football field and orbits at 250 miles above the Earth. That's the distance from Boston to Montreal, or London to the Scottish border.

Now to put things in perspective let's say you had the most powerful commercially available telescope and you could get high enough in a plane so the horizon was hundreds of miles away. If you were at the northern edge of England and looked to London through your telescope, you'd be lucky to see a football field there as little more than a green blur.
The ISS is smaller than a football field and orbits at 250 miles above the Earth. That's the distance from Boston to Montreal, or London to the Scottish border.

Now to put things in perspective let's say you had the most powerful commercially available telescope and you could get high enough in a plane so the horizon was hundreds of miles away. If you were at the northern edge of England and looked to London through your telescope, you'd be lucky to see a football field there as little more than a green blur.

Exactly !
Which means no one viewing it from earth can say with total certainty that it really is a space station, or something totally different.
There's obviously "something" there which is moving....but at this stage, I don't think we can even say it's a solid object.
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The ISS is very bright in the night sky under certain conditions, I believe before dawn or early night, but it moves too fast for a regular camera or telescope to be able to get a shot of it. You have to have the right gear and have a professional camera positioned in the path of the satellite in order to get a shot, and it would probably come up a bit blurry as it will be moving fast across the camera frame.

The other thing is that the ISS is an international venture, many countries will have to be in on it.
The other thing is that the ISS is an international venture, many countries will have to be in on it.

You mean like almost identical (simultaneously occurring) coronavirus lockdowns in hundreds of different countries, and later mass vaccination drives also at the exact same time ? Yeah, somehow I don't think that's too much of a problem for them to pull off.
The ISS is very bright in the night sky under certain conditions, I believe before dawn or early night, but it moves too fast for a regular camera or telescope to be able to get a shot of it. You have to have the right gear and have a professional camera positioned in the path of the satellite in order to get a shot, and it would probably come up a bit blurry as it will be moving fast across the camera frame.

Based on this, it is impossible for an observer, even with the best available technology, to prove the claim that what's moving across the sky at trackable intervals is a space station. What we are left with is the word of NASA and the governments involved.
See a fast moving blurry luminous grey blob through a telescope does not mean it is a space station.
I didn't need a telescope, it was large and bright, visible to the naked eye. It was moving too fast across the sky to be any other object. Too big to be a normal satellite, it was also clearly not a plane or a rocket. It correlated with the exact time and trajectory predicted on the ISS phone app. I have no doubt that it was the ISS.
I didn't need a telescope, it was large and bright, visible to the naked eye. It was moving too fast across the sky to be any other object. Too big to be a normal satellite, it was also clearly not a plane or a rocket. It correlated with the exact time and trajectory predicted on the ISS phone app. I have no doubt that it was the ISS.
Cus...you know the ISS Phone app is like a source of Truth.