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Search results

  1. JCSteel

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  2. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    They talked about golf more than they did about Israel.
  3. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    Glenn Greenwald's analysis.
  4. JCSteel

    Nick Fuentes Thread

    What's the context of that exchange? Why did JP call Nick a rat?
  5. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    Biden is rambling about taxes and lead pipes for his closing statement.
  6. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    "He challenged me to a golf match- he can't hit a ball 50 yards." 😆 "We are very close to WW III and he's driving us there."👍
  7. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    Love how Trump answers a question about affordable child care by talking about all the people Biden should have fired.
  8. JCSteel

    2024 Election Lounge

    Trump is strongest talking about how much money we're giving to Ukraine and how many unnecessary deaths that war has caused. I don't know if he really believes the promise he made that he'll end the war before he takes office. It sounded like a maybe when asked about an independent Palestinian...
  9. JCSteel

    Is fast food as a business doing well or is fast food dying out, how about vs the chipotle model.

    The customer service at Chick-fil-a is excellent. I have respect for McDonalds employees because they juggle orders for drive thru, eat in, and delivery at the busiest times of day. They never messed up any of my door dash orders. The worst customer service is at Dunkin'. Even when there aren't...
  10. JCSteel

    Is fast food as a business doing well or is fast food dying out, how about vs the chipotle model.

    The only fast food I'll eat is breakfast egg sandwiches from McDonalds or Dunkin' because they are relatively healthier and cheaper than every other option. I like subway but with a bag a chips and a tip their sandwiches cost as much as a lunch special at an upscale sit down restaurant.
  11. JCSteel

    Julian Assange

    Krystal and Saagar said Biden didn't want a trial during the election.
  12. JCSteel

    What are you listening to?

  13. JCSteel

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Jesse on Jordan.
  14. JCSteel

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    For whatever it's worth I've observed that trans men(woman to man) have better energy than trans women(man to woman). To be honest, as a driver I'd take a quiet trans person over a "cis" 19 year old zoomer who can't stop scrolling on his tiktok.
  15. JCSteel

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Doing rideshare today I picked up an attractive redhead. At first I was bothered by her cool response to my greeting. Then I realized she was a transsexual, and I didn't care.
  16. JCSteel

    Favorite Bible verses

    Revelation verses: "As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent." -Rev. 3 "He that overcomes will I grant to sit on my throne, even as I overcame and am set on my Father's throne." -Rev. 3 "Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power: for thou...
  17. JCSteel

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    For the trekkies.
  18. JCSteel

    Child Broadcaster and Gatekeeper Ben Shapiro

    Jason Whitlock's beef with Ben.
  19. JCSteel

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    I think the staff at ICE and the CBP and citizens on the border would disagree with that. There's a difference between having some control over who comes in and having none. And one is a crime and the other isn't. But I agree that there needs to be an overhaul of legal immigration.