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Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

I was surprised, I really thought Britain would be a haji, USA would be a Mexican and the European countries would be various types of Africans or Arabs. Nice job AI.

Quite interesting how most had either long hair or hair covered as tradition, almost conservative. AI not woke enough yet. I did have a good laugh at Samoa though. I think i'd prefer Sweden over Samoa but that's just me. :LOL:
Lol I didn’t read the article but he was arrested?For what, vandalism with the intent to confuse?

His intent was to teach single men what it is like to be married at 4pm on a Sunday after following their wife on a loop of whimsical searching for bedside table arrangements...

Get Out Magic GIF by A Discovery of Witches

The source material:

The event happened last Saturday at the multinational IKEA in Atlanta, when a salesman alerted the police that nobody left the building and he thought it was very strange. Police received dozens of calls from people reporting that they were locked in IKEA and they couldn’t get out.

Police and firemen department arrived at the scene and they entered by exit door. When they got in, observed the cashiers playing Candy Crush because there were no clients. Then they had initiated a recue protocol and quickly arrived at the carpet section, where they checked that all customers were walking in circles and chasing “fake arrows”.

“People made use the display toilets, a woman almost gave birth on a carpet, a man was sleeping on the couch and even some were using the technology devices. People were tied with ropes and were rescued, but they were so dazed, they couldn’t even remember their names” the fireman explained. The author voluntarily surrendered to police, assuming his guilt.

Very Funny Reaction GIF

What's even funnier is that there are MSM articles "fact-checking" this, with more than four words (this is a joke).

The fact-checkers at USA Today even got in touch with the Chicago Police Department to get confirmation this was a fake story. As the CPD pointed out, there’s actually no Ikea within the city limits. There is an Ikea in the suburb of Schaumburg, Illinois and another in Bolingbrook, Illinois, but each have their own police forces that would respond to any disturbances.

Fact-checkers did database searches and contacted police, but ignored the words in the original article.

This is unconventional albeit groundbreaking investigative journalism.

Animation Magnify GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

Imagine getting paid to write this:

Our rating: Satire

Our fact-check sources:
Thereisnews.com, accessed Feb. 11, Legal Warning
Thereisnews.com, Oct. 15, 2018, "Man arrested for putting fake arrow decals on the floor in IKEA and for creating a labyrinth with no exit"
Chicago Police Sgt. Rocco Alioto email to USA TODAY
Chicago Police Department, accessed Feb. 11, arrest records
The Conversation, Jan. 31, 2018, "How Ikea's shop layout influences what you buy"

Funny Face Lol GIF
This ones a little different

This one's pretty cryptic. The first panel is referencing this, which supposedly had too many words and was summarized by the one on the right

The second panel references this (click on the image to see the part that is cut off in the tweet)

Some argue the black squiggly thing represents a rapist, not feminism.

I'm not sure what the comic is actually trying to say. Maybe just juxtaposing two other controversial comics into one. Maybe saying that critics are like rapists?
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