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Jews' Own System Turning Against Them

Former PUA/Playboy Instagram hero is lighting up Donald Trump Jr and AIPAC in a twitter space.

Because jews pay them. They probably apply carrot and stick. Escobar plata o plomo. But if you don´t at least pay them. Out of a trillion dollar budget. You pay peanuts to politicians. And then youre surprised they work legally for other people? Why don´t people raise politicians salaries? Instead of being envious ungrateful brats. You think politicians live out of air? They don´t have bills?

You think it´s with her senator salary that Pelosi paid for her fridge?

Politicians don´t have loyalty to anyone. They are loyal to their interest. Gold rules. And who has the gold makes the rule.

Things have became so corrupt. That you don´t even care about politicians salary. Because you know they get their money from somewhere else. And they don´t care also. Rotten shit.
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