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2024 Election Lounge

Trump is strongest talking about how much money we're giving to Ukraine and how many unnecessary deaths that war has caused. I don't know if he really believes the promise he made that he'll end the war before he takes office.

It sounded like a maybe when asked about an independent Palestinian state.

Biden looks horrible but he's coherent for the most part.
My tin foil response? ((( They )))are planning on suiciding Biden this evening and want to make it look like natural causes, and probably have footage ready to air.
This makes sense if they also frame Trump and say he killed Biden. I'm sure they'd be willing to do it if they thought it could work.

Edit: After I posted this I say the later posts saying Biden blew it bad, and tomorrow will be "Replace Biden Day".

Interesting times. Will they make Kameltoe president now, or try to keep Biden in office until January in spite of tonight, and only remove him from the ticket?
This makes sense if they also frame Trump and say he killed Biden. I'm sure they'd be willing to do it if they thought it could work.
Here's my tinfoil. I could see them staging a false flag during the next debate, declaring war with [pick a country], and shuttering the election until "it all gets straightened out."