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Search results

  1. S

    Digital nomad jobs

    Interesting that those in the US want out when those of us in Australia like myself are making moves to leave and get into the US. There is a lesson here for all of us, I guess.
  2. S

    Making friends

    Funny you say this. There are small groups for men springing up here. Mostly of the 'Spiritual' kind, goofy stuff like yoga and breathing exercises, but there is clearly a demand for men to get together and be themselves. Perhaps I need to start my own or something...
  3. S

    Making friends

    Finding it hard to make like-minded friends, too - let alone those who are Christian.
  4. S

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    What a funny way of saying he did indeed mandate the shots...
  5. S

    Australian Government Has Gone Tyrannical

    This is not a good sign. Now, more then ever, it is vital like-minded people band together.
  6. S

    Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

    Good for him.
  7. S

    Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

    Okay, Stoic Reply Chatbot.
  8. S

    Protestant Podcast/Media recommendations

    Podcasts, YouTube, whatever it is. Post 'em. In particular I'm looking for podcasts.
  9. S

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    At least she didn't get covid;)
  10. S

    Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

    Read A Generation of Sociopaths.
  11. S

    Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

    All those benefits the boomers were able to have? They will be deemed as 'too expensive' and eventually cut. The pension will become a pittance and the retirement age raised.
  12. S

    Sometimes you just have to move on right?

    My mistake, but my point still stands. Dumb advice.
  13. S

    Sometimes you just have to move on right?

    Who told you this nonsense? Another Online Christian who seems to know it all when it comes to women. How many successful marriages have you had?
  14. S

    Preacher/Pastor Recommendations

    If you know any here then hmu.
  15. S

    Sometimes you just have to move on right?

    No. What he describes is a woman who may be on the Cluster B spectrum - think BPD or something. Notice her extreme reactions to perceived abandonment (not home on time, so he must be seeing another women) and her black and white thinking in many situations. Not everything is Bipolar, people need...
  16. S

    Preacher/Pastor Recommendations

    Even those who don't like him can't deny he's great at what he does. I really like the NIFB and their doctrine, it's very much aligned with my own worldview, but there aren't any fire breathing, hard preaching churches here in Australia (that I know of) due to our lack of free speech - in many...
  17. S

    Stew Peters Thread

    Watch The Water was a total shocker. Not good at all, sadly.
  18. S

    Positivity Lounge

    I put pink salt in my water for when I wake up. It's so good.
  19. S

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    Honestly, it should be a lot easier. Roosh is great and all, but his moderation towards the end was too inconsistent and weird. Some fresh blood will liven things up a bit.